# As a design restriction, this flake shouldn't have any inputs whatsoever.
# We're already using the Nix projects through pinning with npins.
  description = "wrapper-manager-fds flake";
  outputs = { ... }: let
    sources = import ./npins;
    systems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ];
    eachSystem = systems: f:
        # Merge together the outputs for all systems.
        op = attrs: system:
            ret = f system;
            op = attrs: key: attrs //
                  ${key} = (attrs.${key} or { })
                    // { ${system} = ret.${key}; };
          builtins.foldl' op attrs (builtins.attrNames ret);
      builtins.foldl' op { }
         ++ # add the current system if --impure is used
            (if builtins?currentSystem then
               if builtins.elem builtins.currentSystem systems
               then []
               else [ builtins.currentSystem ]
  in import ./. { } // (eachSystem systems (system: let
    pkgs = import sources.nixos-unstable { inherit system; };
    tests = import ./tests { inherit pkgs; };
  in {
    devShells = {
      default = import ./shell.nix { inherit pkgs; };
      website = import ./docs/shell.nix { inherit pkgs; };

    packages.website = import ./docs { inherit pkgs; };

    checks.wrapperManagerLibrarySetPkg = tests.libTestPkg;