# Declarative NixVim configurations because everything under the Nix ecosystem # must be so declarative so we're setting up declarative ways of declaring # those accursed setups to be exported in this flake. { inputs, lib, config, options , ... }: let partsConfig = config; cfg = config.setups.nixvim; nixvimModules = ../../nixvim; mkNixvimConfig = { system, pkgs, nixvimBranch ? "nixvim", modules ? [ ] , specialArgs ? { }, }: inputs.${nixvimBranch}.legacyPackages.${system}.makeNixvimWithModule { inherit pkgs; module = { imports = modules; }; extraSpecialArgs = specialArgs // { foodogsquaredModulesPath = builtins.toString nixvimModules; }; }; modulesOption = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; listOf deferredModule; default = [ ]; }; modulesOption' = configEnv: modulesOption // { description = '' A list of NixVim modules to be applied across all NixVim configurations when imported as part of ${configEnv}. ''; }; componentType = { lib, config, ... }: { imports = [ ./shared/nixpkgs-options.nix (lib.mkAliasOptionModule [ "overlays" ] [ "nixpkgs" "overlays" ]) ]; options = { nixvimBranch = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nonEmptyStr; default = "nixvim"; example = "nixvim-unstable"; description = '' The NixVim branch to be used for the NixVim configuration. It is recommend to match the NixVim branch with the nixpkgs branch. For example, a NixVim configuration of `nixos-24.05` should be paired with nixpkgs `nixos-24.05` branch. ::: {.note} This refers to your flake inputs so in order to support multiple NixVim branches, you need to import multiple NixVim branches as part of the `inputs` flake attribute. ::: ''; }; neovimPackage = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; functionTo package; default = pkgs: pkgs.neovim; defaultText = "pkgs: pkgs.neovim"; example = lib.literalExpression '' pkgs: pkgs.neovim-nightly ''; description = '' The package to be used for the NixVim configuration. Since this is used per-system, it has to be a function returning a package from the given nixpkgs instance. ''; }; }; config = { nixpkgs.config = cfg.sharedNixpkgsConfig; }; }; configType = { name, lib, config, ... }: { options = { components = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; listOf (submodule componentType); description = '' A list of specific components for the NixVim configuration to be built against. ''; example = [ { nixpkgsBranch = "nixos-unstable"; nixvimBranch = "nixvim-unstable"; } { nixpkgsBranch = "nixos-stable"; nixvimBranch = "nixvim-stable"; } { nixpkgsBranch = "nixos-stable"; nixvimBranch = "nixvim-stable"; neovimPackage = pkgs: pkgs.neovim-nightly; } ]; }; }; config = { modules = [ "${partsConfig.setups.configDir}/nixvim/${config.configName}" ]; specialArgs = cfg.sharedSpecialArgs; }; }; nixvimIntegrationModule = { name, config, lib, ... }: { options.nixvim = { instance = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; nullOr str; default = null; example = "fiesta"; description = '' The name of the NixVim configuration from {option}`setups.nixvim.configs.` to be included as part of the wider-scoped environment. ''; }; branch = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nonEmptyStr; default = "nixvim"; example = "nixvim-stable"; description = '' The branch of NixVim to be used for the module. ::: {.tip} A rule of thumb for properly setting up NixVim with the wider-scoped environment is it should match the nixpkgs version of it. For example, a NixOS system of `nixos-23.11` nixpkgs branch should be paired with a NixVim branch of `nixos-23.11`. ::: ''; }; additionalModules = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; listOf raw; default = [ ]; description = '' A list of additional NixVim modules to be included. ''; }; }; config = lib.mkIf (config.nixvim.instance != null) { modules = [ ({ lib, ... }: { programs.nixvim = { ... }: { enable = lib.mkDefault true; imports = partsConfig.setups.nixvim.configs.${config.nixvim.instance}.modules ++ partsConfig.setups.nixvim.sharedModules ++ config.nixvim.additionalModules; }; }) ]; }; }; in { options.setups.nixvim = { configs = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submodule [ (import ./shared/config-options.nix { inherit (config) systems; }) ./shared/special-args-options.nix configType ]); default = { }; description = '' A set of NixVim configurations to be integrated into the declarative setups configuration. Each of them will be available as part of `nixvimConfigurations`. ''; }; sharedModules = modulesOption // { description = '' A list of NixVim modules to be shared across all of the NixVim configurations. This is also to be shared among wider-scoped environments when NixVim-specific integrations has been enabled. ''; }; sharedSpecialArgs = options.setups.sharedSpecialArgs // { description = '' Shared set of module arguments as part of `_module.specialArgs` of the configuration. ''; }; standaloneConfigModules = modulesOption' "standalone configuration"; sharedNixpkgsConfig = options.setups.sharedNixpkgsConfig // { description = '' nixpkgs configuration to be shared among the declared NixVim instances. ''; }; }; options.setups.nixos.configs = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submodule [ nixvimIntegrationModule ({ config, lib, ... }: { config.modules = [ inputs.${config.nixvim.branch}.nixosModules.nixvim ]; }) ]); }; options.setups.home-manager.configs = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submodule [ nixvimIntegrationModule ({ config, lib, ... }: { config.modules = [ inputs.${config.nixvim.branch}.homeManagerModules.nixvim ]; }) ]); }; config = lib.mkIf (cfg.configs != { }) { setups.nixvim.sharedNixpkgsConfig = config.setups.sharedNixpkgsConfig; setups.nixvim.sharedModules = [ nixvimModules # Import our private modules. ../../nixvim/_private ]; perSystem = { system, config, lib, ... }: (let validConfigs = lib.filterAttrs (_: metadata: lib.elem system metadata.systems) cfg.configs; nixvimConfigurations = let generateNixvimConfigs = name: metadata: let mkNixvimConfig' = component: let pkgs = import inputs.${component.nixpkgsBranch} { inherit (component.nixpkgs) config overlays; inherit system; }; neovimPackage = component.neovimPackage pkgs; in lib.nameValuePair "${name}-${component.nixpkgsBranch}-${neovimPackage.pname}" (mkNixvimConfig { inherit system pkgs; inherit (component) nixvimBranch; modules = cfg.sharedModules ++ cfg.standaloneConfigModules ++ metadata.modules ++ [{ package = neovimPackage; }]; }); nixvimConfigs = builtins.map mkNixvimConfig' metadata.components; in lib.listToAttrs nixvimConfigs; in lib.concatMapAttrs generateNixvimConfigs validConfigs; in { # We'll reuse these. inherit nixvimConfigurations; checks = lib.mapAttrs' (name: nvim: lib.nameValuePair "nixvim-check-${name}" (inputs.nixvim.lib.${system}.check.mkTestDerivationFromNvim { inherit nvim; name = "${name} configuration"; })) nixvimConfigurations; }); }; }