# All of the functions suitable only for NixOS.
{ pkgs, lib, self }:

  # Checks if the NixOS configuration is part of the nixos-generator build.
  # Typically, we just check if there's a certain attribute that is imported
  # from it.
  hasNixosFormat = config: lib.hasAttrByPath [ "formatAttr" ] config;

  # Checks if the NixOS config is being built for a particular format.
  isFormat = config: format: (config.formatAttr or "") == format;

  # Create a separate environment similar to NixOS `system.path`. This is
  # typically used to create isolated environments for custom desktop sessions
  # which makes it possible to have them installed side-by-side with their own
  # set of applications and everything (except for overlapping NixOS services
  # that will just add them into the NixOS environment itself).
  mkNixoslikeEnvironment = config: args:
    pkgs.buildEnv (args // {
      inherit (config.environment) pathsToLink extraOutputsToInstall;
      ignoreCollisions = true;
      postBuild = ''
        # Remove wrapped binaries, they shouldn't be accessible via PATH.
        find $out/bin -maxdepth 1 -name ".*-wrapped" -type l -delete

        if [ -x $out/bin/glib-compile-schemas -a -w $out/share/glib-2.0/schemas ]; then
            $out/bin/glib-compile-schemas $out/share/glib-2.0/schemas


  # Given an environment (built with `pkgs.buildEnv`), create a systemd
  # environment attrset meant to be used as part of the desktop service.
  mkSystemdDesktopEnvironment = env: {
    PATH = "${lib.getBin env}\${PATH:+:$PATH}";
    XDG_DATA_DIRS = "${env}/share\${XDG_DATA_DIRS:+:$XDG_DATA_DIRS}";

  # Create a range object (as [start, end) in notation) that is typically used
  # in module options that accept them.
  makeRange = start: range: {
    from = start;
    to = start + range;

  # Create a range object (as [start + 1, end + 1] in notation) that is typically used
  # in module options that accept them except that the starting port is included.
  makeRange' = start: range:
    let start' = start + 1;
    in {
      from = start';
      to = start' + range;

  # A specific function that checks if specific filesystem setups are set.
  isFilesystemSet = config: setupName:
    config.suites.filesystem.setups.${setupName}.enable or false;

  # Get the path from the state variable.
  getFilesystem = config: setupName: config.state.paths.${setupName};