# A set of functions intended for creating images. THis is meant to be imported # for use in flake.nix and nowhere else. { inputs, lib }: let extendLib = self: super: import ./. { lib = super; } // import ./private.nix { lib = self; }; in { # A thin wrapper around the NixOS configuration function. mkHost = { extraModules ? [ ], nixpkgs-channel ? "nixpkgs" }: let nixpkgs = inputs.${nixpkgs-channel}; # Just to be sure, we'll use everything with the given nixpkgs' stdlib. lib' = nixpkgs.lib.extend extendLib; # A modified version of `nixosSystem` from nixpkgs flake. There is a # recent change at nixpkgs (at 039f73f134546e59ec6f1b56b4aff5b81d889f64) # that prevents setting our own custom functions so we'll have to # evaluate the NixOS system ourselves. nixosSystem = args: import "${nixpkgs}/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix" args; in (lib'.makeOverridable nixosSystem) { lib = lib'; modules = extraModules; }; # A thin wrapper around the home-manager configuration function. mkHome = { pkgs, extraModules ? [ ], home-manager-channel ? "home-manager" }: inputs.${home-manager-channel}.lib.homeManagerConfiguration { inherit pkgs; lib = pkgs.lib.extend extendLib; modules = extraModules; }; # A thin wrapper around the nixos-generators `nixosGenerate` function. mkImage = { pkgs ? null, extraModules ? [ ], format ? "iso" }: inputs.nixos-generators.nixosGenerate { inherit pkgs format; lib = pkgs.lib.extend extendLib; modules = extraModules; }; # A function to modify the given table of declarative setups (i.e., hosts, # users) to have its own system attribute and its name. # # If the given setup only has one system, its name will stay the same. # Otherwise, it will be appended with the system as part of the name (e.g., # `$NAME-$SYSTEM`). listImagesWithSystems = data: lib.foldlAttrs (acc: name: metadata: let name' = metadata.hostname or name; in if lib.length metadata.systems > 1 then acc // (lib.foldl (images: system: images // { "${name'}-${system}" = metadata // { _system = system; _name = name'; }; }) { } metadata.systems) else acc // { "${name'}" = metadata // { _system = lib.head metadata.systems; _name = name'; }; }) { } data; }