{ config, lib, pkgs, options, ... }@attrs: let userCfg = config.users.foo-dogsquared; cfg = userCfg.setups.development; in { options.users.foo-dogsquared.setups.development = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "foo-dogsquared's software development setup"; creative-coding.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "foo-dogsquared's creative coding setup"; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [ { state.paths.ignoreDirectories = [ "node_modules" # For Node projects. "result" # For Nix builds. "target" # For Rust builds. ]; users.foo-dogsquared.programs = { shell.enable = true; nushell.enable = true; git = { enable = lib.mkDefault true; instaweb.enable = true; }; jujutsu.enable = lib.mkDefault true; keys.gpg.enable = true; keys.ssh.enable = true; terminal-multiplexer.enable = lib.mkDefault true; terminal-emulator.enable = lib.mkDefault true; }; suites.dev = { enable = true; extras.enable = true; coreutils-replacement.enable = true; shell.enable = true; servers.enable = true; }; # Rootless podman. services.podman = { enable = true; enableTypeChecks = false; autoUpdate = { enable = true; onCalendar = "weekly"; }; }; users.foo-dogsquared.programs.custom-homepage.sections.services.links = let hasCockpitEnabled = attrs.nixosConfig.services.cockpit.enable or false; in lib.optionals hasCockpitEnabled (lib.singleton { url = "http://localhost:${ builtins.toString attrs.nixosConfig.services.cockpit.port }"; text = "Cockpit WebUI"; }); systemd.user.sessionVariables = { MANPAGER = "nvim +Man!"; EDITOR = "nvim"; }; home.packages = with pkgs; [ cachix # Compile no more by using someone's binary cache! regex-cli # Save some face of confusion for yourself. #dt # Get that functional gawk. jq # Get that JSON querying tool. recode # Convert between different encodings. go-migrate # Go potential migraines. oils-for-unix # Rev them up, reverent admin. lnav # Navigate with some logs like what some pirates do. inotify-tools # I notify things with tools like these. watchman # He ain't a superhero though, he's a creeper (for your files that is). devbox # Create a Nix devshell without Nixlang. # Testing REST and all about backend development. httpie httpie-desktop hurl grpcurl steampipe # Testing out Kubernetes. kind # Testing out LLMs. plandex # Testing out your web app #532. dbeaver-bin ]; } (lib.mkIf (!config.programs.nixvim.enable or false) { programs.neovim = { enable = true; vimAlias = true; vimdiffAlias = true; withNodeJs = true; withPython3 = true; withRuby = true; }; }) (lib.mkIf userCfg.programs.browsers.firefox.enable { # home.packages = with pkgs; [ (lowPrio firefox-devedition) ]; }) (lib.mkIf userCfg.programs.git.enable { home.packages = with pkgs; [ diffoscope # An oversized caffeine grinder. meld # Make a terminal dweller melt. ]; programs.git.extraConfig = { difftool.prompt = false; diff.tool = "diffoscope"; diff.guitool = "meld"; # Yeah, let's use this oversized diff tool, shall we? # Also, this config is based from this tip. # https://lists.reproducible-builds.org/pipermail/diffoscope/2016-April/000193.html difftool."diffoscope".cmd = '' if [[ $LOCAL = /dev/null ]]; then diffoscope --new-file $REMOTE; else diffoscope $LOCAL $REMOTE; fi ''; difftool."diffoscope-html".cmd = '' if [[ $LOCAL = /dev/null ]]; then diffoscope --new-file $REMOTE --html - | cat; else diffoscope $LOCAL $REMOTE --html - | cat; fi ''; }; }) (lib.mkIf (userCfg.setups.desktop.enable && pkgs.stdenv.isLinux) { home.packages = with pkgs; [ d-spy # Some GNOME dev probably developed this. ]; }) (lib.mkIf cfg.creative-coding.enable { home.packages = with pkgs; [ supercollider-with-plugins processing (puredata-with-plugins (with pkgs; [ zexy ])) ]; }) ]); }