{ config, lib, pkgs, foodogsquaredLib, ... }@attrs: let inherit (foodogsquaredLib.trivial) unitsToInt; userCfg = config.users.foo-dogsquared; cfg = userCfg.setups.music; isFilesystemSet = setupName: attrs.nixosConfig.suites.filesystem.setups.${setupName}.enable or false; musicDir = config.xdg.userDirs.music; playlistsDir = "${musicDir}/playlists"; in { options.users.foo-dogsquared.setups.music = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "foo-dogsquared's music setup"; mpd.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "foo-dogsquared's MPD server setup"; spotify.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "music streaming setup with Spotify"; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [ { home.packages = with pkgs; [ songrec # SHAZAM! picard # Graphical beets. ]; wrapper-manager.packages.music-setup = { wrappers.yt-dlp-audio = { arg0 = lib.getExe' pkgs.yt-dlp "yt-dlp"; prependArgs = [ "--config-location" ../../../config/yt-dlp/audio.conf ]; }; }; # Enable the desktop audio profile for extra auditorial goodies. suites.desktop.audio = { enable = lib.mkDefault true; pipewire.enable = lib.mkDefault true; }; # My music player setup, completely configured with Nix! programs.beets = { enable = true; settings = { library = "${musicDir}/library.db"; plugins = [ "acousticbrainz" "chroma" "edit" "export" "fetchart" "fromfilename" "fuzzy" "mbsync" "playlist" "scrub" "smartplaylist" ]; ignore_hidden = true; directory = musicDir; ui.color = true; import = { move = true; link = false; resume = true; incremental = true; group_albums = true; log = "beets.log"; }; match.ignore_video_tracks = true; # Plugins configuration. fuzzy.prefix = "-"; scrub.auto = true; smartplaylist = { relative_to = musicDir; playlist_dir = playlistsDir; playlists = [ { name = "all.m3u8"; query = ""; } { name = "released-in-$year.m3u8"; query = "year:2000..2023"; } ]; }; }; }; # Add more cleaners. services.bleachbit.cleaners = [ "audacious.log" "audacious.cache" "audacious.mru" "vlc.memory_dump" "vlc.mru" ]; # Set every music-related services from the encompassing NixOS # configuration. users.foo-dogsquared.programs.custom-homepage.sections = lib.mkMerge [ (lib.mkIf (attrs.nixosConfig.services.gonic.enable or false) (let subsonicLink = { url = "http://localhost:${ builtins.toString attrs.nixosConfig.state.ports.gonic.value }"; text = "Jukebox server"; }; in { services.links = lib.singleton subsonicLink; music.links = lib.mkBefore [ (subsonicLink // { text = "Subsonic music server"; }) ]; })) ]; } (lib.mkIf cfg.spotify.enable { home.packages = with pkgs; [ spotify ]; sops.secrets."spotify_env" = foodogsquaredLib.sops-nix.getAsOneSecret ./secrets.bin; state.ports.spotifyd.value = attrs.nixosConfig.services.spotifyd.value or 9009; services.mopidy = { extensionPackages = [ pkgs.mopidy-spotify ]; extraConfigFiles = lib.singleton config.sops.secrets."spotify_env".path; }; }) (lib.mkIf (cfg.spotify.enable && !(attrs.nixosConfig.services.spotifyd.enable or false)) { services.spotifyd = { enable = true; settings.global = { use_mpris = true; device_name = "foodogsquared's computer"; bitrate = 320; device_type = "computer"; zeroconf_port = config.state.ports.spotifyd.value; cache_path = "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/spotifyd"; max_cache_size = unitsToInt { size = 4; prefix = "G"; }; }; }; }) (lib.mkIf cfg.mpd.enable { state.ports.mopidy.value = 6680; services.mopidy = { enable = true; extensionPackages = with pkgs; [ mopidy-funkwhale mopidy-internetarchive mopidy-iris mopidy-local mopidy-mpd mopidy-mpris mopidy-youtube ]; settings = { http = { hostname = ""; port = config.state.ports.mopidy.value; default_app = "iris"; }; file = { enabled = true; media_dirs = [ "$XDG_MUSIC_DIR|Music" "~/library/music|Library" ] ++ lib.optional (isFilesystemSet "external-hdd") "${attrs.nixosConfig.state.paths.external-hdd}/Music|External storage" ++ lib.optional (isFilesystemSet "archive") "${attrs.nixosConfig.state.paths.archive}/Music|Archive"; }; internetarchive = { enabled = true; browse_limit = 150; search_limit = 150; collections = [ "fav-foo-dogsquared" "audio" "etree" "audio_music" "audio_foreign" ]; }; m3u = { enabled = true; base_dir = musicDir; playlists_dir = playlistsDir; default_encoding = "utf-8"; default_extension = ".m3u8"; }; }; }; # Configure a MPD client. programs.ncmpcpp = { enable = true; mpdMusicDir = musicDir; }; # Set this to the custom homepage. users.foo-dogsquared.programs.custom-homepage.sections = let mopidyLink = { url = "http://localhost:${ builtins.toString config.state.ports.mopidy.value }"; text = "Music streaming server"; }; in { services.links = lib.singleton mopidyLink; music.links = lib.mkBefore [ (mopidyLink // { text = "Mopidy server"; }) ]; }; }) ]); }