# The database service of choice. Most services can use this so far
# (thankfully).
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

  services.postgresql = {
    enable = true;
    package = pkgs.postgresql_15;
    enableTCPIP = true;

    # Create per-user schema as documented from Usage Patterns. This is to make
    # use of the secure schema usage pattern they encouraged to do.
    # Now, you just have to keep in mind about applications making use of them.
    # Most of them should have the setting to set the schema to be used. If
    # not, then screw them (or just file an issue and politely ask for the
    # feature).
    initialScript =
        # This will be run once anyways so it is acceptable to create users
        # "forcibly".
        perUserSchemas = lib.lists.map
          (user: ''
            CREATE USER ${user.name};
            CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION ${user.name};
      pkgs.writeText "plover-initial-postgresql-script" ''
        ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" perUserSchemas}

    settings = {
      # Still doing the secure schema usage pattern.
      search_path = "\"$user\"";

  # With a database comes a dumping.
  services.postgresqlBackup = {
    enable = true;
    compression = "zstd";
    compressionLevel = 11;

    # Start at every 3 days starting from the first day of the month.
    startAt = "*-*-1/3";