= Changelog :toc: All changes in Bahaghari will be documented here for their users to see. The structure is loosely based on https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/[Keep a changelog format] except we separate the sections by the module and the library set instead. This is structured like this so it is easier to skim things. // TODO: Update the release date once released. [#0-1-0] == 0.1.0 (unreleased) [#0-1-0-module-sets] === Module sets * Initialize Bahaghari module set including options for its schemes, templates, and builder. * Include the Bahaghari library set as part of the module argument. [#0-1-0-library-set] === Library set * Initialize Tinted Theming-specific library subset. * Implement a basic math subset intended for computing with color namespaces (or whatever use cases for basic mathematics). * Implement basic color namespace for RGB, HSL, and HSLUV. * Create Tinted Theming-speific utilities subset.