{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

  authDomain = "auth.${config.networking.domain}";
  port = 9443;

  certsDir = config.security.acme.certs."${authDomain}".directory;

  backupsDir = "/var/lib/kanidm/backups";
  services.kanidm = {
    enableServer = true;
    serverSettings = {
      domain = authDomain;
      origin = "https://${authDomain}:${builtins.toString port}";
      bindaddress = "${builtins.toString port}";
      ldapbindaddress = "";
      role = "WriteReplica";
      trust_x_forward_for = true;

      tls_chain = "${certsDir}/fullchain.pem";
      tls_key = "${certsDir}/key.pem";

      online_backup = {
        path = backupsDir;
        schedule = "0 0 * * *";

  # The kanidm Nix module already sets the certificates directory to be
  # read-only with systemd so no need for it though we may need to set the
  # backups directory.
  systemd.services.kanidm = {
    preStart = lib.mkBefore ''
      mkdir -p "${backupsDir}"
    serviceConfig = {
      SupplementaryGroups = [ config.security.acme.certs."${authDomain}".group ];

  services.nginx.virtualHosts."${authDomain}" = {
    forceSSL = true;
    enableACME = true;
    acmeRoot = null;
    kTLS = true;
    locations."/".proxyPass = "https://kanidm";

  services.nginx.upstreams."kanidm" = {
    extraConfig = ''
      zone services;
    servers = {
      "localhost:${builtins.toString port}" = { };

  # Add the following to be backed up.
  services.borgbackup.jobs.services-backup.paths = [ backupsDir ];