# Arsenal for development (which is rare nowadays). ;p
# If you're looking for text editors, go to `./editors.nix`.
{ config, options, lib, pkgs, ... }:

let cfg = config.profiles.dev;
in {
  options.profiles.dev = {
    enable =
      lib.mkEnableOption "foo-dogsquared's user-specific development setup";
    shell.enable =
      lib.mkEnableOption "configuration of foo-dogsquared's shell of choice";
    extras.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "additional tools for development stuff";

  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [
      home.packages = with pkgs; [
        lazygit # Git interface for the lazy who cannot be asked to add hunks properly.
        fzf # A fuzzy finder that enables fuzzy finding not furry finding, a common misconception.
        gopass # An improved version of the password manager for hipsters.
        perl534Packages.vidir # Bulk rename for your organizing needs in the terminal.
        zellij # A modern tmux? Yeah, modern tmux.
        tealdeer # An easy cop-out for basic help.
        lf # File manager in the terminal, really.

        # Coreutils replacement.
        fd # Oh nice, a more reliable `find`.
        ripgrep # On nice, a more reliable `grep`.
        exa # Oh nice, a shinier `ls`.
        bat # dog > bat > cat

    (lib.mkIf cfg.shell.enable {
      programs.bash = {
        enable = true;
        historyControl = [ "ignoredups" "ignorespace" ];
        historyIgnore = [
        bashrcExtra = ''
          function f() {
            dest=$(${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd --type directory --ignore-vcs --base-directory "$dir" \
              | ${pkgs.fzf}/bin/fzf --prompt "Go to directory ")
            destPrime=$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/realpath --canonicalize-existing --logical "$dir/$dest")

            [ "$dest" ] && cd "$destPrime"

          function fh() {
            dest=$(${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd --type directory --hidden --ignore-vcs --base-directory "$dir" \
              | ${pkgs.fzf}/bin/fzf --prompt "Go to directory ")
            destPrime=$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/realpath --canonicalize-existing --logical "$dir/$dest")

            [ "$dest" ] && cd "$destPrime"

          function ff() {
            dest=$(${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd --ignore-vcs --base-directory "$dir" \
              | ${pkgs.fzf}/bin/fzf --prompt "Open file ")
            destPrime=$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/realpath --canonicalize-existing --logical "$dir/$dest")

            if [ -d "$destPrime" ]; then
              [ "$dest" ] && cd "$destPrime";
              [ "$dest" ] && ${pkgs.xdg-utils}/bin/xdg-open "$destPrime";

          function ffh() {
            dest=$(${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd --hidden --ignore-vcs --base-directory "$dir" \
              | ${pkgs.fzf}/bin/fzf --prompt "Open file ")
            destPrime=$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/realpath --canonicalize-existing --logical "$dir/$dest")

            if [ -d "$destPrime" ]; then
              [ "$dest" ] && cd "$destPrime";
              [ "$dest" ] && ${pkgs.xdg-utils}/bin/xdg-open "$destPrime";

          function fm() {
            ${pkgs.man}/bin/man -k . \
              | ${pkgs.fzf}/bin/fzf --multi --prompt "Open manpage(s) " \
              | ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk '{ print $1 "." gensub(/[()]/, "", "g", $2) }' \
              | ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/xargs man

      programs.atuin = {
        enable = true;
        settings = {
          search_mode = "fuzzy";
          filter_mode = "global";

      programs.direnv = {
        enable = true;
        nix-direnv.enable = true;

      programs.zoxide.enable = true;
      programs.starship = {
        enable = true;
        settings = {
          add_newline = false;
          hostname = {
            ssh_only = false;
            trim_at = "";

    (lib.mkIf cfg.extras.enable {
      home.packages = with pkgs; [
        tree-sitter # The modern way of text highlighting.
        hyperfine # Making sure your apps are not just fine but REEEEEEAAAAALY fine.
        github-cli # So you don't have to use much of GitHub on the site, I guess.
        hut # So you don't have to see much of Sourcehut's brutalist design, I guess.
        act # Test your CI without embarrassing yourself repeatedly pushing into GitHub repos.
        irssi # Communicate in the terminal like a normal person.
        treefmt # I like the tagline of this tool: "One CLI for formatting your code tree." (It rhymes somewhat.)