# Bahaghari's set of library. This requires nixpkgs' package set which has its
# library anyways. This set is mostly copied over from nixpkgs' way of doing
# things.
# As a design constraint, since this is expected to be evaluated modularly, we
# cannot have functions that is expected to be used in `imports` module
# attribute such as functions generating a nixpkgs module. Otherwise, we'll
# have one of those dastardly infinite recursion error and we'll be requiring
# the users to import them through the `specialArgs` module argument. In other
# words, this is a strict utility library that is fully usable outside of
# nixpkgs module system which is a happy accident. Hoorah for me?
# As an additional (and obvious) design constraint, we'll start testing these
# against the Nix and nixpkgs version found on the stable release of NixOS.
# Meaning this library should not rely on additional Nix plugins and only with
# the upstream configuration.
# And another thing, keep the `pkgs` usage down to a minimum and select the
# most oft-used packages as much as possible. We want Bahaghari to be a good
# citizen of the Nix ecosystem after all and as a result, we have happy users
# and happy dev running in a rainbow la-la land.
{ pkgs }:

pkgs.lib.makeExtensible (self:
    callLibs = file:
      import file {
        inherit (pkgs) lib;
        inherit pkgs self;
  in {
    trivial = callLibs ./trivial.nix;
    hex = callLibs ./hex.nix;
    math = callLibs ./math.nix;

    # We won't export any of the attributes here as a top-level attribute for
    # some unbeknownst and probably irrational reason.
    colors = {
      rgb = callLibs ./colors/rgb.nix;
      hsl = callLibs ./colors/hsl.nix;

    # Dedicated module sets are not supposed to have any of its functions as a
    # top-level attribute. It's to make things a bit easier to organize and
    # maintain. Plus, if there's any functions that are easily applicable
    # outside of the module set it represents, it should be moved outside of
    # the namespace.
    tinted-theming = callLibs ./tinted-theming.nix;

    inherit (self.trivial)
      importYAML toYAML toBaseDigitsWithGlyphs generateGlyphSet
      generateConversionTable generateBaseDigitType clamp isNumber scale
      optionalNull toFloat;

    inherit (self.hex) isHexString;
    inherit (self.math)
      abs pow percentage factorial floor ceil round round' summate product sqrt
      remainder mod radiansToDegrees degreesToRadians;