--- title: Custom Firefox addons --- = Custom Firefox addons This project has a set of custom Firefox addons similar from link:https://nur.nix-community.org/repos/rycee/[rycee's NUR repo]. In fact, it uses the link:https://sr.ht/~rycee/mozilla-addons-to-nix/[same tooling] as rycee's to generate my own list. To get started, you'll have to create an input file containing the addons. In the project, this is found in github:{github-repo}[`./pkgs/firefox-addons.json`, path=./pkgs/firefox-addons.json, rev=master]. For reference, here's my current list of Firefox addons. [source, json] ---- include::github:{github-repo}[path=pkgs/firefox-addons/firefox-addons.json] ---- But you're not done yet, you have to generate the output with the following command. [source, shell] ---- mozilla-addons-to-nix pkgs/firefox-addons/firefox-addons.json pkgs/firefox-addons/default.nix ---- Then add the generated output into your package list at `./pkgs/default.nix`. At this point, you should be done.