{ config, lib, pkgs, utils, ... }@moduleArgs:

  cfg = config.programs.gnome-session;
  inherit (import ./submodules.nix moduleArgs) sessionType;
  options.programs.gnome-session = {
    package = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.package;
      default = pkgs.gnome.gnome-session;
      defaultText = "pkgs.gnome.gnome-session";
      description = ''
        The package containing gnome-session binary and systemd units. This
        module will use the `gnome-session` executable for the generated
        session script.

    sessions = lib.mkOption {
      type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submodule sessionType);
      description = ''
        A set of desktop sessions to be created with
        {manpage}`gnome-session(1)`. This gnome-session configuration generates
        both the `.desktop` file and systemd units to be able to support both
        the built-in and the systemd-managed GNOME session.

        Each of the attribute name will be used as the identifier of the
        desktop environment.

        ::: {.tip}
        While you can make identifiers in any way, it is
        encouraged to stick to a naming scheme. Here's two common ways to name
        a desktop environment.

        * Reverse DNS-like scheme (e.g., `com.example.MoseyBranch`).
        * Kebab-case (e.g., `mosey-branch`).
      default = { };
      example = lib.literalExpression ''
          "gnome-minimal" = let
            sessionCfg = config.programs.gnome-session.sessions."gnome-minimal";
            fullName = "GNOME (minimal)";
            description = "Minimal GNOME session";
            display = [ "wayland" "xorg" ];
            extraArgs = [ "--systemd" ];

            requiredComponents =
                gsdComponents =
                    (gsdc: "org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.''${gsdc}")
              gsdComponents ++ [ "org.gnome.Shell" ];

            targetUnit = {
              requires = [ "org.gnome.Shell.target" ];
              wants = builtins.map (c: "''${c}.target") (lib.lists.remove "org.gnome.Shell" sessionCfg.requiredComponents);

          "one.foodogsquared.SimpleWay" = {
            fullName = "Simple Way";
            description = "A desktop environment featuring Sway window manager.";
            display = [ "wayland" ];
            extraArgs = [ "--systemd" ];

            components = {
              # This unit is intended to start with gnome-session.
              window-manager = {
                script = '''
                  ''${lib.getExe' config.programs.sway.package "sway"} --config ''${./config/sway/config}
                description = "An i3 clone for Wayland.";

                serviceUnit = {
                  serviceConfig = {
                    Type = "notify";
                    NotifyAccess = "all";
                    OOMScoreAdjust = -1000;

                  unitConfig = {
                    OnFailure = [ "gnome-session-shutdown.target" ];
                    OnFailureJobMode = "replace-irreversibly";

                targetUnit = {
                  requisite = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];
                  partOf = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];
                  before = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];

              desktop-widgets = {
                script = '''
                  ''${lib.getExe' pkgs.ags "ags"} --config ''${./config/ags/config.js}
                description = "A desktop widget system using layer-shell protocol.";

                serviceUnit = {
                  serviceConfig = {
                    OOMScoreAdjust = -1000;

                  path = with pkgs; [ ags ];

                  startLimitBurst = 5;
                  startLimitIntervalSec = 15;

                targetUnit = {
                  requisite = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];
                  partOf = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];
                  before = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];

              auth-agent = {
                script = "''${pkgs.polkit_gnome}/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1";
                description = "Authentication agent";

                serviceUnit = {
                  startLimitBurst = 5;
                  startLimitIntervalSec = 15;

                targetUnit = {
                  partOf = [
                  requisite = [ "gnome-session.target" ];
                  after = [ "gnome-session.target" ];

  config = lib.mkIf (cfg.sessions != { })
        sessionPackages = lib.mapAttrsToList
          (_: session:

        sessionSystemdUnits = lib.mapAttrsToList
          (_: session:
        # Install all of the desktop session files.
        services.xserver.displayManager.sessionPackages = sessionPackages;
        environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package ] ++ sessionPackages;

        # Make sure it is searchable within gnome-session.
        environment.pathsToLink = [ "/share/gnome-session" ];

        # Import those systemd units from gnome-session as well.
        systemd.packages = [ cfg.package ];
        systemd.user.units = lib.mkMerge sessionSystemdUnits;