# For now, it has { description = "Specialized set of Nix modules for generating and applying themes."; outputs = { ... }: let sources = import ./npins; systems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ]; eachSystem = systems: f: let # Merge together the outputs for all systems. op = attrs: system: let ret = f system; op = attrs: key: attrs // { ${key} = (attrs.${key} or { }) // { ${system} = ret.${key}; }; }; in builtins.foldl' op attrs (builtins.attrNames ret); in builtins.foldl' op { } ( systems # add the current system if --impure is used ++ ( if builtins ? currentSystem then if builtins.elem builtins.currentSystem systems then [ ] else [ builtins.currentSystem ] else [ ] ) ); in eachSystem systems (system: { devShells.default = import ./shell.nix { pkgs = import sources.nixos-stable { inherit system; }; }; }) // import ./default.nix { }; }