= Fiesta, the main NixVim configuration :toc: It's the main NixVim configuration used for a variety of purposes. I don't use NixVim primarily so it is only used as a potential note-taking setup and a main development setup. Who knows? It might grow into one. For now, it's modelled after my Neovim configuration from https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/dotfiles[my dotfiles] which endangers my own Neovim configuration to be deprecated in favor of this NixVim config. :) Take note this is basically the "main" NixVim configuration so there are some design constraints to be followed. * Colorschemes-related settings are set with `mkDefault` priority. This is to allow individual users personalize their NixVim configuration. * Several environment-specific modules for this NixVim config are not set by default. This makes it configurable for several users where they have different needs.