= Documentation

This is where the documentation is created, namely both the website and the manual page.

* The website is powered by Hugo and it is pretty much what makes most of the files here.
It requires Hugo and whatever Hugo module feature requires so it isn't possible to build it offline.
For now, we rely on the remote CI having network access for it (which is pretty much the standard for the most part so no worries there).

* The manual page is powered by some under-documented tool in the Nix ecosystem (as is tradition) called https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/de19b7eaffd1ec24c50a6a257f3674a841ab1221/pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs/src/nixos_render_docs[nixos-render-docs].
The adjacent tools in the Nix-module-options-doc-generation ecosystem are also what makes the (autogenerated) Nix module options pages found in the website.