= graphical-installer, the personalized graphical installer for NixOS My other personalized NixOS installation medium. Similar to `bootstrap`, it isn't supposed to be used as a daily system (if you are, you're still pretty weird :/). This is based from the GNOME graphical installer from nixpkgs. Also uses my link:../../modules/nixos/themes/a-happy-gnome[A happy GNOME theme]. To make use of this, you can generate an ISO through link:https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-generators[nixos-generators]. footnote:[You can also try this for other hosts as well for MORE BEEFY OFFLINE INSTALLATION MEDIUM!] [source, shell] ---- nix run github:nix-community/nixos-generators -- --flake .#graphical-installer --format iso --out-link result ---- With the ISO built, you can now use it for yourself for whatever reason.