# A set of functions intended for creating images. THis is meant to be imported
# for use in flake.nix and nowhere else.
{ inputs, lib }:

  inherit (inputs) nixpkgs home-manager nixos-generators;
  # A wrapper around the NixOS configuration function.
  mkHost = { system, extraModules ? [ ], extraArgs ? { }, nixpkgs-channel ? "nixpkgs" }:
    (lib.makeOverridable inputs."${nixpkgs-channel}".lib.nixosSystem) {
      # The system of the NixOS system.
      inherit system lib;
      specialArgs = extraArgs;
      modules =
        # Append with our custom NixOS modules from the modules folder.
        (lib.modulesToList (lib.filesToAttr ../modules/nixos))

        # Our own modules.
        ++ extraModules;

  # A wrapper around the home-manager configuration function.
  mkUser = { system, extraModules ? [ ], extraArgs ? { } }:
    inputs.home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
      inherit lib;
      extraSpecialArgs = extraArgs;
      pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
      modules =
        # Importing our custom home-manager modules.
        (lib.modulesToList (lib.filesToAttr ../modules/home-manager))

        # Plus our own.
        ++ extraModules;

  # A wrapper around the nixos-generators `nixosGenerate` function.
  mkImage = { system, pkgs ? null, extraModules ? [ ], extraArgs ? { }, format ? "iso" }:
    inputs.nixos-generators.nixosGenerate {
      inherit pkgs system format lib;
      specialArgs = extraArgs;
      modules =
        # Import all of the NixOS modules.
        (lib.modulesToList (lib.filesToAttr ../modules/nixos))

        # Our own modules.
        ++ extraModules;