# This is just a library intended solely for this flake.
# It is expected to use the nixpkgs library with `lib/default.nix`.
{ lib }:

rec {
  mapHomeManagerUser = user: settings:
      homeDirectory = "/home/${user}";
      defaultUserConfig = {
        extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];
        createHome = true;
        home = homeDirectory;
      # TODO: Effectively override the option.
      # We assume all users set with this module are normal users.
      absoluteOverrides = { isNormalUser = true; };
    in {
      home-manager.users."${user}" = { ... }: {
        imports = [ (getUser "home-manager" user) ];
      users.users."${user}" = defaultUserConfig // settings // absoluteOverrides;

  getSecret = path: ../secrets/${path};

  getUsers = type: users:
      userModules = lib.filesToAttr ../users/${type};
      invalidUsernames = [ "config" "modules" ];

      users' = lib.filterAttrs (n: _: !lib.elem n invalidUsernames && lib.elem n users) userModules;
      userList = lib.attrNames users';

      nonExistentUsers = lib.filter (name: !lib.elem name userList) users;
    in lib.trivial.throwIfNot ((lib.length nonExistentUsers) == 0)
      "there are no users ${lib.concatMapStringsSep ", " (u: "'${u}'") nonExistentUsers} from ${type}"
      (r: r) users';

  getUser = type: user:
    lib.getAttr user (getUsers type [ user ]);

  # Import modules with a set blocklist.
  importModules = attrs: let
    blocklist = [
      # The modules under this attribute are often incomplete and needing
      # very specific requirements that is 99% going to be absent from the
      # outside so we're not going to export it.

      # Profiles are often specific to this project so there's not much point
      # in exporting these.
  lib.filterAttrs (n: v: !lib.elem n blocklist) (lib.mapAttrsRecursive (_: path: import path) attrs);