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synced 2025-03-14 00:18:59 +00:00
Also added some more configuration options for home-manager deploy options.
474 lines
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474 lines
18 KiB
description = "foo-dogsquared's abomination of a NixOS configuration";
nixConfig = {
extra-substituters =
extra-trusted-public-keys =
inputs = {
# I know NixOS can be stable but we're going cutting edge, baybee! While
# `nixpkgs-unstable` branch could be faster delivering updates, it is
# looser when it comes to stability for the entirety of this configuration.
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
# Here are the nixpkgs variants used for creating the system configuration
# in `mkHost`.
nixos-stable.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.05";
nixos-unstable.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
nixos-unstable-small.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable-small";
# We're using these libraries for other functions.
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
# Managing home configurations.
home-manager.url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
# This is what AUR strives to be.
nur.url = "github:nix-community/NUR";
# Running unpatched binaries on NixOS! :O
nix-ld.url = "github:Mic92/nix-ld";
nix-ld.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Generate your NixOS systems to various formats!
nixos-generators.url = "github:nix-community/nixos-generators";
nixos-generators.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Managing your secrets.
sops-nix.url = "github:Mic92/sops-nix";
sops-nix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Easy access to development environments.
devshell.url = "github:numtide/devshell";
devshell.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# We're getting more unstable there should be a black hole at my home right
# now. Also, we're seem to be collecting text editors like it is Pokemon.
neovim-nightly-overlay.url = "github:nix-community/neovim-nightly-overlay";
neovim-nightly-overlay.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
emacs-overlay.url = "github:nix-community/emacs-overlay";
emacs-overlay.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
helix-editor.url = "github:helix-editor/helix";
helix-editor.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Guix in NixOS?!
guix-overlay.url = "github:foo-dogsquared/nix-overlay-guix";
# The more recommended Rust overlay so I'm going with it.
rust-overlay.url = "github:oxalica/rust-overlay";
rust-overlay.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Generating an entire flavored themes with Nix?
nix-colors.url = "github:misterio77/nix-colors";
# Removing the manual partitioning part with a little boogie.
disko.url = "github:nix-community/disko";
disko.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Deploying stuff with Nix. This is becoming a monorepo for everything I
# need and I'm liking it.
deploy.url = "github:serokell/deploy-rs";
deploy.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ... }:
# A set of images with their metadata that is usually built for usual
# purposes. The format used here is whatever formats nixos-generators
# support.
images = lib'.importTOML ./images.toml;
# A set of users with their metadata to be deployed with home-manager.
users = lib'.importTOML ./users.toml;
# A set of image-related utilities for the flake outputs.
inherit (import ./lib/images.nix { inherit inputs; lib = lib'; }) mkHost mkUser mkImage;
# The order here is important(?).
overlays = [
# Put my custom packages to be available.
# Neovim nightly!
# Emacs unstable version!
# Rust overlay for them ease of setting up Rust toolchains.
# Access to NUR.
defaultSystem = inputs.flake-utils.lib.system.x86_64-linux;
# Just add systems here and it should add systems to the outputs.
systems = with inputs.flake-utils.lib.system; [ defaultSystem ];
forAllSystems = f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs systems (system: f system);
extraArgs = {
inherit (inputs) nix-colors;
inherit inputs;
# This is a variable that is used to check whether the module is
# exported or not. Useful for configuring parts of the configuration
# that is otherwise that cannot be exported for others' use.
# "Fds" stands for foo-dogsquared just because. :p
_isInsideFds = true;
# We're considering this as the variant since we'll export the custom
# library as `lib` in the output attribute.
lib' = nixpkgs.lib.extend (final: prev:
import ./lib { lib = prev; }
// import ./lib/private.nix { lib = final; });
# The shared configuration for the entire list of hosts for this cluster.
# Take note to only set as minimal configuration as possible since we're
# also using this with the stable version of nixpkgs.
hostSharedConfig = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
# Some defaults for evaluating modules.
_module.check = true;
# Only use imports as minimally as possible with the absolute
# requirements of a host. On second thought, only on flakes with
# optional NixOS modules.
imports = [
# BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Somebody give me a tomato!
services.xserver.excludePackages = with pkgs; [ xterm ];
# I want to capture the usual flakes to its exact version so we're
# making them available to our system. This will also prevent the
# annoying downloads since it always get the latest revision.
nix.registry =
(name: flake:
name' = if (name == "self") then "config" else name;
lib.nameValuePair name' { inherit flake; })
# Set several paths for the traditional channels.
nix.nixPath =
(name: source:
name' = if (name == "self") then "config" else name;
++ [
nix.settings = {
# Set several binary caches.
substituters = [
trusted-public-keys = [
# Sane config for the package manager.
# TODO: Remove this after nix-command and flakes has been considered stable.
# Since we're using flakes to make this possible, we need it. Plus, the
# UX of Nix CLI is becoming closer to Guix's which is a nice bonus.
experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" "repl-flake" ];
auto-optimise-store = lib.mkDefault true;
# Stallman-senpai will be disappointed.
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
# Extend nixpkgs with our overlays except for the NixOS-focused modules
# here.
nixpkgs.overlays = overlays;
# Please clean your temporary crap.
boot.tmp.cleanOnBoot = lib.mkDefault true;
# We live in a Unicode world and dominantly English in technical fields so we'll
# have to go with it.
i18n.defaultLocale = lib.mkDefault "en_US.UTF-8";
# The global configuration for the home-manager module.
home-manager.useUserPackages = lib.mkDefault true;
home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = lib.mkDefault true;
home-manager.sharedModules =
lib.modulesToList (lib.filesToAttr ./modules/home-manager)
++ [ userSharedConfig ];
home-manager.extraSpecialArgs = extraArgs;
# Enabling some things for sops.
programs.gnupg.agent = lib.mkDefault {
enable = true;
enableSSHSupport = true;
services.sshd.enable = lib.mkDefault true;
services.openssh.enable = lib.mkDefault true;
# We're setting Guix service package with the flake-provided package.
# This is to prevent problems setting with overlays as much as I like
# using them.
services.guix.package = inputs.guix-overlay.packages.${config.nixpkgs.system}.guix;
# The default config for our home-manager configurations. This is also to
# be used for sharing modules among home-manager users from NixOS
# configurations with `nixpkgs.useGlobalPkgs` set to `true` so avoid
# setting nixpkgs-related options here.
userSharedConfig = { pkgs, config, ... }: {
imports = [ inputs.nur.hmModules.nur ];
# Hardcoding this is not really great especially if you consider using
# other locales but its default values are already hardcoded so what
# the hell. For other users, they would have to do set these manually.
xdg.userDirs =
# The home directory-related options should be already taken care
# of at this point. It is an ABSOLUTE MUST that it is set properly
# since other parts of the home-manager config relies on it being
# set properly.
# Here are some of the common cases for setting the home directory
# options.
# * For exporting home-manager configurations, this is done in this
# flake definition.
# * For NixOS configs, this is done automatically by the
# home-manager NixOS module.
# * Otherwise, you'll have to manually set them.
appendToHomeDir = path: "${config.home.homeDirectory}/${path}";
desktop = appendToHomeDir "Desktop";
documents = appendToHomeDir "Documents";
download = appendToHomeDir "Downloads";
music = appendToHomeDir "Music";
pictures = appendToHomeDir "Pictures";
publicShare = appendToHomeDir "Public";
templates = appendToHomeDir "Templates";
videos = appendToHomeDir "Videos";
programs.home-manager.enable = true;
manual = {
html.enable = true;
json.enable = true;
manpages.enable = true;
# Exposes only my library with the custom functions to make it easier to
# include in other flakes for whatever reason may be.
lib = import ./lib { lib = nixpkgs.lib; };
# A list of NixOS configurations from the `./hosts` folder. It also has
# some sensible default configurations.
nixosConfigurations = lib'.mapAttrs
(host: metadata:
path = ./hosts/${host};
extraModules = [
({ lib, ... }: {
config = lib.mkMerge [
{ networking.hostName = metadata.hostname or host; }
(lib.mkIf (metadata ? domain)
{ networking.domain = metadata.domain; })
mkHost {
inherit extraModules extraArgs;
system = metadata.system or defaultSystem;
nixpkgs-channel = metadata.nixpkgs-channel or "nixpkgs";
(lib'.filterAttrs (name: host: (host.format or "iso") == "iso") images);
# We're going to make our custom modules available for our flake. Whether
# or not this is a good thing is debatable, I just want to test it.
nixosModules = lib'.importModules (lib'.filesToAttr ./modules/nixos);
# I can now install home-manager users in non-NixOS systems.
homeConfigurations = lib'.mapAttrs
(name: metadata:
path = ./users/home-manager/${name};
extraModules = [
({ pkgs, config, ... }: {
# To be able to use the most of our config as possible, we want
# both to use the same overlays.
nixpkgs.overlays = overlays;
# Stallman-senpai will be disappointed. :/
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
# Setting the homely options.
home.username = metadata.username or name;
home.homeDirectory = metadata.home-directory or "/home/${config.home.username}";
mkUser {
inherit extraModules extraArgs;
system = metadata.system or defaultSystem;
home-manager-channel = metadata.home-manager-channel or "home-manager";
# Extending home-manager with my custom modules, if anyone cares.
homeModules =
lib'.importModules (lib'.filesToAttr ./modules/home-manager);
# In case somebody wants to use my stuff to be included in nixpkgs.
overlays.default = final: prev: import ./pkgs { pkgs = prev; };
# My custom packages, available in here as well. Though, I mainly support
# "x86_64-linux". I just want to try out supporting other systems.
packages = forAllSystems (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system overlays; };
inputs.flake-utils.lib.flattenTree (import ./pkgs { inherit pkgs; })
// lib'.mapAttrs'
(host: metadata:
lib'.nameValuePair "nixos-image-${metadata.format or "iso"}-${host}" (mkImage {
inherit system pkgs extraArgs;
format = metadata.format or "iso";
extraModules = [
({ lib, ... }: {
config = lib.mkMerge [
{ networking.hostName = metadata.hostname or host; }
(lib.mkIf (metadata ? domain)
{ networking.domain = metadata.domain; })
# My several development shells for usual type of projects. This is much
# more preferable than installing all of the packages at the system
# configuration (or even home environment).
devShells = forAllSystems (system:
let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system overlays; };
in {
default = import ./shell.nix { inherit pkgs; };
} // (import ./shells { inherit pkgs; }));
# Cookiecutter templates for your mama.
templates = {
default = self.templates.basic-devshell;
basic-devshell = {
path = ./templates/basic-devshell;
description = "Basic development shell template";
basic-overlay-flake = {
path = ./templates/basic-overlay-flake;
description = "Basic overlay as a flake";
sample-nixos-template = {
path = ./templates/sample-nixos-template;
description = "Simple sample Nix flake with NixOS and home-manager";
# No amount of formatters will make this codebase nicer but it sure does
# feel like it does.
formatter =
forAllSystems (system: nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.treefmt);
# nixops-lite (that is much more powerful than nixops itself)... in
# here!?! We got it all, son!
# Also, don't forget to always clean your shell history when overriding
# sensitive info such as the hostname and such. A helpful tip would be
# ignoring the shell entry by simply prefixing it with a space which most
# command-line shells have support for (e.g., Bash, zsh, fish).
deploy.nodes =
nixosConfigurations = lib'.mapAttrs'
(name: value:
metadata = images.${name};
lib'.nameValuePair "nixos-${name}" {
hostname = metadata.deploy.hostname or name;
autoRollback = metadata.deploy.auto-rollback or true;
magicRollback = metadata.deploy.magic-rollback or true;
fastConnection = metadata.deploy.fast-connection or true;
remoteBuild = metadata.deploy.remote-build or false;
profiles.system = {
sshUser = metadata.deploy.ssh-user or "admin";
user = "root";
path = inputs.deploy.lib.${metadata.system or defaultSystem}.activate.nixos value;
homeConfigurations = lib'.mapAttrs'
(name: value:
metadata = users.${name};
username = metadata.deploy.username or name;
lib'.nameValuePair "home-manager-${name}" {
hostname = metadata.deploy.hostname or name;
autoRollback = metadata.deploy.auto-rollback or true;
magicRollback = metadata.deploy.magic-rollback or true;
fastConnection = metadata.deploy.fast-connection or true;
remoteBuild = metadata.deploy.remote-build or false;
profiles.home = {
sshUser = metadata.deploy.ssh-user or username;
user = metadata.deploy.user or username;
path = inputs.deploy.lib.${metadata.system or defaultSystem}.activate.home-manager value;
nixosConfigurations // homeConfigurations;
# How to make yourself slightly saner than before. So far the main checks
# are for deploy nodes.
checks = lib'.mapAttrs
(system: deployLib: deployLib.deployChecks self.deploy)
# I'm cut off from the rest of my setup with no Hydra instance yet but
# I'm sure it will grow some of them as long as you didn't put it under a
# rock.
hydraJobs.build-packages = forAllSystems (system: self.packages.${system});