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synced 2025-02-24 18:19:01 +00:00
Now we can finally easily declare the nixpkgs channel for individual images. This is nice once I've expanded the images for other purposes such as physical hosts (for homelabbing). Unfortunately, this is where I realized that stable channels are not exactly "Debian-stable" and the best way to handle security is to have an update cadence that is relatively quick.
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449 lines
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description = "foo-dogsquared's abomination of a NixOS configuration";
nixConfig = {
extra-substituters =
extra-trusted-public-keys =
inputs = {
# I know NixOS can be stable but we're going cutting edge, baybee! While
# `nixpkgs-unstable` branch could be faster delivering updates, it is
# looser when it comes to stability for the entirety of this configuration.
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
# Here are the nixpkgs variants used for creating the system configuration
# in `mkHost`.
nixos-stable.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.05";
nixos-unstable.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
nixos-unstable-small.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable-small";
# We're using these libraries for other functions.
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
# Managing home configurations.
home-manager.url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
# This is what AUR strives to be.
nur.url = "github:nix-community/NUR";
# Running unpatched binaries on NixOS! :O
nix-ld.url = "github:Mic92/nix-ld";
nix-ld.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Generate your NixOS systems to various formats!
nixos-generators.url = "github:nix-community/nixos-generators";
nixos-generators.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Managing your secrets.
sops-nix.url = "github:Mic92/sops-nix";
sops-nix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Easy access to development environments.
devshell.url = "github:numtide/devshell";
devshell.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# We're getting more unstable there should be a black hole at my home right
# now. Also, we're seem to be collecting text editors like it is Pokemon.
neovim-nightly-overlay.url = "github:nix-community/neovim-nightly-overlay";
neovim-nightly-overlay.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
emacs-overlay.url = "github:nix-community/emacs-overlay";
emacs-overlay.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
helix-editor.url = "github:helix-editor/helix";
helix-editor.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Guix in NixOS?!
guix-overlay.url = "github:foo-dogsquared/nix-overlay-guix";
# The more recommended Rust overlay so I'm going with it.
rust-overlay.url = "github:oxalica/rust-overlay";
rust-overlay.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Generating an entire flavored themes with Nix?
nix-colors.url = "github:misterio77/nix-colors";
# Deploying stuff with Nix. This is becoming a monorepo for everything I
# need and I'm liking it.
deploy.url = "github:serokell/deploy-rs";
deploy.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ... }:
# A set of images with their metadata that is usually built for usual
# purposes. The format used here is whatever formats nixos-generators
# support.
images = lib'.importTOML ./images.toml;
# A set of image-related utilities for the flake outputs.
inherit (import ./lib/images.nix { inherit inputs; lib = lib'; }) mkHost mkUser mkImage;
# The order here is important(?).
overlays = [
# Put my custom packages to be available.
# Neovim nightly!
# Emacs unstable version!
# Rust overlay for them ease of setting up Rust toolchains.
# Access to NUR.
defaultSystem = inputs.flake-utils.lib.system.x86_64-linux;
# Just add systems here and it should add systems to the outputs.
systems = with inputs.flake-utils.lib.system; [ defaultSystem ];
forAllSystems = f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs systems (system: f system);
extraArgs = {
inherit (inputs) nix-colors;
inherit inputs;
# This is a variable that is used to check whether the module is
# exported or not. Useful for configuring parts of the configuration
# that is otherwise that cannot be exported for others' use.
# "Fds" stands for foo-dogsquared just because. :p
_isInsideFds = true;
# We're considering this as the variant since we'll export the custom
# library as `lib` in the output attribute.
lib' = nixpkgs.lib.extend (final: prev:
import ./lib { lib = prev; }
// import ./lib/private.nix { lib = final; });
# The shared configuration for the entire list of hosts for this cluster.
# Take note to only set as minimal configuration as possible since we're
# also using this with the stable version of nixpkgs.
hostSharedConfig = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
# Some defaults for evaluating modules.
_module.check = true;
# Only use imports as minimally as possible with the absolute
# requirements of a host. On second thought, only on flakes with
# optional NixOS modules.
imports = [
# BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Somebody give me a tomato!
services.xserver.excludePackages = with pkgs; [ xterm ];
# I want to capture the usual flakes to its exact version so we're
# making them available to our system. This will also prevent the
# annoying downloads since it always get the latest revision.
nix.registry =
(name: flake:
name' = if (name == "self") then "config" else name;
lib.nameValuePair name' { inherit flake; })
# Set several paths for the traditional channels.
nix.nixPath =
(name: source:
name' = if (name == "self") then "config" else name;
++ [
nix.settings = {
# Set several binary caches.
substituters = [
trusted-public-keys = [
# Sane config for the package manager.
# TODO: Remove this after nix-command and flakes has been considered stable.
# Since we're using flakes to make this possible, we need it. Plus, the
# UX of Nix CLI is becoming closer to Guix's which is a nice bonus.
experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" "repl-flake" ];
auto-optimise-store = lib.mkDefault true;
# Stallman-senpai will be disappointed.
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
# Extend nixpkgs with our overlays except for the NixOS-focused modules
# here.
nixpkgs.overlays = overlays;
# Please clean your temporary crap.
boot.tmp.cleanOnBoot = lib.mkDefault true;
# We live in a Unicode world and dominantly English in technical fields so we'll
# have to go with it.
i18n.defaultLocale = lib.mkDefault "en_US.UTF-8";
# The global configuration for the home-manager module.
home-manager.useUserPackages = lib.mkDefault true;
home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = lib.mkDefault true;
home-manager.sharedModules =
lib.modulesToList (lib.filesToAttr ./modules/home-manager)
++ [ userSharedConfig ];
home-manager.extraSpecialArgs = extraArgs;
# Enabling some things for sops.
programs.gnupg.agent = lib.mkDefault {
enable = true;
enableSSHSupport = true;
services.sshd.enable = lib.mkDefault true;
services.openssh.enable = lib.mkDefault true;
# We're setting Guix service package with the flake-provided package.
# This is to prevent problems setting with overlays as much as I like
# using them.
services.guix.package = inputs.guix-overlay.packages.${config.nixpkgs.system}.guix;
# The default config for our home-manager configurations. This is also to
# be used for sharing modules among home-manager users from NixOS
# configurations with `nixpkgs.useGlobalPkgs` set to `true` so avoid
# setting nixpkgs-related options here.
userSharedConfig = { pkgs, config, ... }: {
imports = [ inputs.nur.hmModules.nur ];
# Hardcoding this is not really great especially if you consider using
# other locales but its default values are already hardcoded so what
# the hell. For other users, they would have to do set these manually.
xdg.userDirs =
# The home directory-related options should be already taken care
# of at this point. It is an ABSOLUTE MUST that it is set properly
# since other parts of the home-manager config relies on it being
# set properly.
# Here are some of the common cases for setting the home directory
# options.
# * For exporting home-manager configurations, this is done in this
# flake definition.
# * For NixOS configs, this is done automatically by the
# home-manager NixOS module.
# * Otherwise, you'll have to manually set them.
appendToHomeDir = path: "${config.home.homeDirectory}/${path}";
desktop = appendToHomeDir "Desktop";
documents = appendToHomeDir "Documents";
download = appendToHomeDir "Downloads";
music = appendToHomeDir "Music";
pictures = appendToHomeDir "Pictures";
publicShare = appendToHomeDir "Public";
templates = appendToHomeDir "Templates";
videos = appendToHomeDir "Videos";
programs.home-manager.enable = true;
manual = {
html.enable = true;
json.enable = true;
manpages.enable = true;
# Exposes only my library with the custom functions to make it easier to
# include in other flakes for whatever reason may be.
lib = import ./lib { lib = nixpkgs.lib; };
# A list of NixOS configurations from the `./hosts` folder. It also has
# some sensible default configurations.
nixosConfigurations = lib'.mapAttrs
(host: metadata:
path = ./hosts/${host};
extraModules = [
({ lib, ... }: {
config = lib.mkMerge [
{ networking.hostName = metadata.hostname or host; }
(lib.mkIf (metadata ? domain)
{ networking.domain = metadata.domain; })
(lib'.optionalAttrs (metadata ? format)
mkHost {
inherit extraModules extraArgs;
system = metadata.system or defaultSystem;
nixpkgs-channel = metadata.nixpkgs-channel or "nixpkgs";
# We're going to make our custom modules available for our flake. Whether
# or not this is a good thing is debatable, I just want to test it.
nixosModules = lib'.importModules (lib'.filesToAttr ./modules/nixos);
# I can now install home-manager users in non-NixOS systems.
homeConfigurations = lib'.mapAttrs
(_: path:
extraModules = [
({ pkgs, config, ... }: {
# To be able to use the most of our config as possible, we want
# both to use the same overlays.
nixpkgs.overlays = overlays;
# Stallman-senpai will be disappointed. :/
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
# Setting the homely options.
home.username = builtins.baseNameOf path;
home.homeDirectory = "/home/${config.home.username}";
mkUser { inherit extraModules extraArgs; })
(lib'.filesToAttr ./users/home-manager);
# Extending home-manager with my custom modules, if anyone cares.
homeModules =
lib'.importModules (lib'.filesToAttr ./modules/home-manager);
# In case somebody wants to use my stuff to be included in nixpkgs.
overlays.default = final: prev: import ./pkgs { pkgs = prev; };
# My custom packages, available in here as well. Though, I mainly support
# "x86_64-linux". I just want to try out supporting other systems.
packages = forAllSystems (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system overlays; };
inputs.flake-utils.lib.flattenTree (import ./pkgs { inherit pkgs; })
// lib'.mapAttrs'
(host: metadata:
lib'.nameValuePair "${host}-${metadata.format or "iso"}" (mkImage {
inherit system pkgs extraArgs;
format = metadata.format or "iso";
extraModules = [
({ lib, ... }: {
networking.hostName = lib.mkOverride 2000 host;
# My several development shells for usual type of projects. This is much
# more preferable than installing all of the packages at the system
# configuration (or even home environment).
devShells = forAllSystems (system:
let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system overlays; };
in {
default = import ./shell.nix { inherit pkgs; };
} // (import ./shells { inherit pkgs; }));
# Cookiecutter templates for your mama.
templates = {
default = self.templates.basic-devshell;
basic-devshell = {
path = ./templates/basic-devshell;
description = "Basic development shell template";
basic-overlay-flake = {
path = ./templates/basic-overlay-flake;
description = "Basic overlay as a flake";
sample-nixos-template = {
path = ./templates/sample-nixos-template;
description = "Simple sample Nix flake with NixOS and home-manager";
# No amount of formatters will make this codebase nicer but it sure does
# feel like it does.
formatter =
forAllSystems (system: nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.treefmt);
# nixops-lite (that is much more powerful than nixops itself)... in
# here!?! We got it all, son!
# Take note for automatically imported nodes, various options should be
# overridden in the deploy utility considering that most have only
# certain values and likely not work if run with the intended value.
# Also, don't forget to always clean your shell history when overriding
# sensitive info such as the hostname and such. A helpful tip would be
# ignoring the shell entry by simply prefixing it with a space which most
# command-line shells have support for (e.g., Bash, zsh, fish).
deploy.nodes =
nixosConfigurations = lib'.mapAttrs'
(name: value:
lib'.nameValuePair "nixos-${name}" {
hostname = name;
fastConnection = true;
profiles.system = {
sshUser = "admin";
user = "root";
path = inputs.deploy.lib.${defaultSystem}.activate.nixos value;
homeConfigurations = lib'.mapAttrs'
(name: value:
lib'.nameValuePair "home-manager-${name}" {
hostname = name;
fastConnection = true;
profiles.home = {
sshUser = name;
path = inputs.deploy.lib.${defaultSystem}.activate.home-manager value;
nixosConfigurations // homeConfigurations;
# How to make yourself slightly saner than before. So far the main checks
# are for deploy nodes.
checks = lib'.mapAttrs
(system: deployLib: deployLib.deployChecks self.deploy)
# I'm cut off from the rest of my setup with no Hydra instance yet but
# I'm sure it will grow some of them as long as you didn't put it under a
# rock.
hydraJobs.build-packages = forAllSystems (system: self.packages.${system});