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synced 2025-03-03 18:19:01 +00:00
It is also used exclusively by that host so pretty much useless as a shared module.
334 lines
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Executable File
334 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python3 -p python3
# NOTE: If you're using Thunderbird and you're using a folder structure in your
# feeds folder where one folder == one feed. It's going to be messy for you.
# It creates a jobs database suitable for this task from a given OPML file
# typically exported through Thunderbird and newsboat. This script considers
# the outline hierarchy as part of tag hierarchy similar to Newsboat import
# script. Additionally, `categories` attribute in the element are also
# considered.
# Take note, this script considers the first outline with a 'title' or 'text'
# attribute containing other RSS nodes as the category name and that's it.
# Anywho, the following document URL at <http://opml.org/spec2.opml> is used as
# the basis for how OPML subscription lists work.
# This script **tries** to consider the common way how most applications export
# their OPML which is not great. The only applications I've ever inspected are
# OPMLs from Thunderbird, Feeder, and FreshFeed. Each with their own quirks and
# usage of several attributes compared to what is expected from the
# specification.
# For example, most applications I've used don't easily export categories into
# the 'category' attribute which is unfortunate. There seems to be little
# respect for the attribute. Not to mention, there could be many assumptions
# for the structure for these various applications so I'm taking the simplest
# way.
# For now, this scripts extracts categories based from the structure of the
# outline and the `category` attribute of each RSS node.
# Welp, the disadvantage of OPML being a very flexible format it seems. :(
import argparse
import copy
import json
import re
import sys
from typing import Dict, Set
from xml.etree import ElementTree
FALLBACK_CATEGORY = "Uncategorized"
# Very lazy implementation of kebab-casing. :)
def kebab_case(string):
string = string.lower()
string = re.sub(r"\s+", "-", string)
string = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9-]", "", string)
string = re.sub("-+", "-", string)
string = re.sub("^-|-$", "", string)
return string
def first(function, iterable, default=None):
Returns the first value that passed the predicate function. Otherwise,
return with the given default value.
return next(filter(function, iterable), default)
class Subscription(object):
def __init__(self, name, url, description=""):
self.name = name
self.url = url
self.description = description
self.categories = []
class Outline(object):
"""An ``<outline>`` OPML element representation in Python."""
def __init__(self, title=None, subscriptions=None, children=None):
self.title = title
self.subscriptions = []
self.children = []
if children is not None:
for child in children:
if subscriptions is not None:
for subscription in subscriptions:
def export(self) -> Dict:
"""Export the outline hierarchy as a dictionary."""
SUBSCRIPTION_KEY = "__subscriptions__"
CHILDREN_KEY = "__children__"
def recurse(root: Outline, data={}, depth: int = 1):
title = "root" if depth == 1 else root.title
if title is None:
data[title] = {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY: [], CHILDREN_KEY: {}}
for subscription in root.subscriptions:
for child in root.children:
recurse(child, data[title][CHILDREN_KEY], depth + 1)
return data
return recurse(self, {})
def add_child(self, child):
assert isinstance(child, Outline)
def add_subscription(self, subscription):
assert isinstance(subscription, Subscription)
def parse(opml_xml: ElementTree.ElementTree, max_depth: int | None = None):
Parse a given OPML as an ``ElementTree`` and return an ``Outline``
instance out of it.
opml_body = opml_xml.find("./body")
assert (
opml_body is not None
), """
Given OPML does not have a ``<body>`` element. It is most likely
the OPML is not valid.
root_outline = Outline()
def get_attributes(element: ElementTree.Element, attributes=[]):
return first(
lambda elem: elem is not None,
map(lambda attr: element.get(attr, None), attributes),
def recurse(
root_outline: Outline,
element: ElementTree.Element,
depth: int = 1,
max_depth: int | None = None,
) -> Outline:
outlines = element.iterfind("./outline")
for outline in outlines:
title = get_attributes(outline, ["title", "text"])
inner_outline = Outline(title)
node_type = outline.get("type")
if node_type == "rss":
subscription = Subscription(title, outline.get("xmlUrl"))
description = outline.get("description")
if description is not None:
subscription.description = description
# Only get the first category hierarchy from the attribute.
# Similar behavior to how categories are extracted from the
# outline elements. Consistency!
for category in outline.get("category", "").strip().split(","):
# If empty string or whatever falsey value this will have.
category = category.strip()
if not category:
category_hierarchy = filter(
lambda split: split.strip(), category.split("/")
first_category_split = first(None, category_hierarchy)
if first_category_split is None:
recurse(inner_outline, outline, depth + 1, max_depth)
return root_outline
return recurse(root_outline, opml_body, max_depth=max_depth)
def list_categories_from_outline(root_outline: Outline):
data = set()
for child in root_outline.children:
title = FALLBACK_CATEGORY if child.title is None else child.title
def recurse(root_outline: Outline, data: Set = set()):
for subscription in root_outline.subscriptions:
for category in subscription.categories:
for child in root_outline.children:
recurse(child, data)
return data
data = recurse(root_outline, data)
return sorted(data)
def create_jobs_from_outline(root_outline: Outline, categories=[]):
data = {}
"extraArgs": [],
"subscriptions": [],
def recurse(outline: Outline, category=None, data={}, depth=1):
# We're only using the top-level outline titles as the category.
if depth == 2:
category = outline.title
# The root outline shouldn't have a title.
if depth == 1 or category is None:
data.setdefault(category, copy.deepcopy(DATA_TEMPLATE))
for subscription in outline.subscriptions:
# There are some things that are meant not to be shown (i.e.,
# `categories`) so we're putting it in a data template.
subscription_data = {"name": subscription.name, "url": subscription.url}
if subscription.description:
subscription_data["description"] = subscription.description
for sub_category in subscription.categories:
data.setdefault(sub_category, copy.deepcopy(DATA_TEMPLATE))
for child in outline.children:
recurse(child, category, data, depth + 1)
return data
data = recurse(root_outline, data=data)
keys = list(data.keys())
for category in keys:
if category not in categories:
del data[category]
return data
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Create a job database from an OPML file."
parser.add_argument("file", metavar="OPML_FILE", help="The OPML file.")
help="A list of categories to be extracted. If no categories are given, assumes that all categories are to be extracted.",
help="List all categories from the given file.",
help="The file where the output will be written.",
help=f"List all uncategorized feeds into '{FALLBACK_CATEGORY}'.",
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.file, mode="r") as f:
opml_xml = ElementTree.parse(f)
root_outline = Outline.parse(opml_xml)
if args.list:
for category in list_categories_from_outline(root_outline):
categories = []
# We're setting it up this way to prioritize arguments from stdin.
if not sys.stdin.isatty():
for line in sys.stdin:
if len(args.categories) > 0:
categories = args.categories
elif len(categories) == 0:
categories = list_categories_from_outline(root_outline)
data = create_jobs_from_outline(root_outline, categories)
# Ehhh... Personal preference.
keys = list(data.keys())
for key in keys:
data[kebab_case(key)] = data.pop(key)
json_dump_kwargs = {
"default": vars,
"ensure_ascii": False,
"indent": 2,
"sort_keys": True,
if args.output:
with open(args.output, mode="w") as output_file:
json.dump(data, output_file, **json_dump_kwargs)
print(json.dumps(data, **json_dump_kwargs))
# vi:ft=python:ts=4