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synced 2025-02-07 18:19:09 +00:00
Gabriel Arazas
I don't know how to deploy the home-manager configurations with more than one systems reliably without ruining the experience of having to pass an autogenerated name for the correct configuration. The way it's currently done provides no benefit for multi-system users. It's not perfect but for now, we'll set the system through importing nixpkgs which has auto-detection for its system. Though, this makes the user system declaration ineffective.
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57 lines
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# A set of functions intended for creating images. THis is meant to be imported
# for use in flake.nix and nowhere else.
{ inputs, lib }:
# A wrapper around the NixOS configuration function.
mkHost = { system, extraModules ? [ ], extraArgs ? { }, nixpkgs-channel ? "nixpkgs" }:
(lib.makeOverridable inputs."${nixpkgs-channel}".lib.nixosSystem) {
# The system of the NixOS system.
inherit system lib;
specialArgs = extraArgs;
modules = extraModules;
# A wrapper around the home-manager configuration function.
mkHome = { pkgs, extraModules ? [ ], extraArgs ? { }, home-manager-channel ? "home-manager" }:
inputs."${home-manager-channel}".lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
inherit lib pkgs;
extraSpecialArgs = extraArgs;
modules = extraModules;
# A wrapper around the nixos-generators `nixosGenerate` function.
mkImage = { system, pkgs ? null, extraModules ? [ ], extraArgs ? { }, format ? "iso" }:
inputs.nixos-generators.nixosGenerate {
inherit pkgs system format lib;
specialArgs = extraArgs;
modules = extraModules;
listImagesWithSystems = data:
(acc: name: metadata:
name' = metadata.hostname or name;
if lib.length metadata.systems > 1 then
acc // (lib.foldl
(images: system: images // {
"${name'}-${system}" = metadata // {
_system = system;
_name = name';
{ }
acc // {
"${name'}" = metadata // {
_system = lib.head metadata.systems;
_name = name';
{ }