Gabriel Arazas 2e0a35a6cd
lib/images: add pkgs attribute for mkUser
The nixpkgs is now assumed from the outside. This allows for the config
to have more control with the nixpkgs to be imported with the
home-manager configuration.
2023-07-14 20:01:30 +08:00

49 lines
1.7 KiB

# A set of functions intended for creating images. THis is meant to be imported
# for use in flake.nix and nowhere else.
{ inputs, lib }:
inherit (inputs) nixpkgs home-manager nixos-generators;
# A wrapper around the NixOS configuration function.
mkHost = { system, extraModules ? [ ], extraArgs ? { }, nixpkgs-channel ? "nixpkgs" }:
(lib.makeOverridable inputs."${nixpkgs-channel}".lib.nixosSystem) {
# The system of the NixOS system.
inherit system lib;
specialArgs = extraArgs;
modules =
# Append with our custom NixOS modules from the modules folder.
(import ../modules/nixos { inherit lib; isInternal = true; })
# Our own modules.
++ extraModules;
# A wrapper around the home-manager configuration function.
mkUser = { pkgs, system, extraModules ? [ ], extraArgs ? { }, home-manager-channel ? "home-manager" }:
inputs."${home-manager-channel}".lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
inherit lib pkgs;
extraSpecialArgs = extraArgs;
modules =
# Importing our custom home-manager modules.
(import ../modules/home-manager { inherit lib; isInternal = true; })
# Plus our own.
++ extraModules;
# A wrapper around the nixos-generators `nixosGenerate` function.
mkImage = { system, pkgs ? null, extraModules ? [ ], extraArgs ? { }, format ? "iso" }:
inputs.nixos-generators.nixosGenerate {
inherit pkgs system format lib;
specialArgs = extraArgs;
modules =
# Import all of the NixOS modules.
(import ../modules/nixos { inherit lib; isInternal = true; })
# Our own modules.
++ extraModules;