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synced 2025-03-02 12:18:59 +00:00
It's not yet fully working and the design is not yet complete. The foundation should be set with the custom gnome-session configuration though.
225 lines
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225 lines
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{ config, options, lib, pkgs, ... }@attrs:
cfg = config.workflows.workflows.mosey-branch;
workflowName = "mosey-branch";
# This is used in a similar manner for GNOME desktop applications and its
# services.
prefix = "one.foodogsquared.${workflowName}.";
hyprlandCustomGnomeSession = pkgs.substituteAll {
src = ./config/gnome-session/hyprland.session;
name = "${workflowName}.session";
dir = "share/gnome-session";
requiredComponents =
lib.concatMapString (component: "${prefix}${component};") ([
++ lib.optional (config.i18n.inputMethod == "fcitx5") "fcitx5"
++ lib.optional (config.i18n.inputMethod == "ibus") "ibus");
hyprlandStartScript = pkgs.writeShellScript "${workflowName}-hyprland-custom-start" ''
${pkgs.gnome.gnome-session}/bin/gnome-session --session=${workflowName}
hyprlandSessionPackage =
(pkgs.substituteAll {
src = ./config/wayland-sessions/hyprland.desktop;
name = "${workflowName}.desktop";
dir = "share/wayland-sessions";
script = hyprlandStartScript;
}).overrideAttrs {
passthru.providedSessions = [ workflowName ];
requiredPackages = with pkgs; [
# The star of this show: the window manager (or Wayland compositor if you
# want to be a hair-pulling semantic bastard).
# Setting up the widget system that will be used for notifications,
# bar and its widgets, and custom menus.
# Install with the custom session.
# Optional dependencies that are required in this workflow module.
# The authentication agent.
# The themes.
# The chosen terminal emulator.
createPrefixedServices = name: value:
lib.nameValuePair "${prefix}${name}" (value // {
partOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
wantedBy = [ "gnome-session.target" ];
options.workflows.workflows.mosey-branch = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "${workflowName}, foodogsquared's Hyprland-based desktop environment";
extraApps = lib.mkOption {
description = ''
Extra applications to be installed alongside the desktop environment.
internal = true;
type = with lib.types; listOf package;
default = with pkgs; [
amberol # Simplest music player.
gradience # Gradually theme your shell with cadence.
blanket # Blanket yourself in ambient sounds.
eyedropper # Some nice eyedropper tool.
shortwave # Your internet radio.
flowtime # A nice timer for overworked students.
gnome-solanum # Cute little matador timer.
gnome-frog # Read them QR codes where it sends you to that one video everytime.
gnome.gnome-boxes # Virtual machines, son.
tangram # Make yourself a professional social media manager.
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [
environment.systemPackages = cfg.extraApps ++ requiredPackages;
# Our preferred display manager.
services.xserver = {
enable = true;
displayManager = {
gdm.enable = lib.mkDefault true;
sessionPackages = [ hyprlandSessionPackage ];
updateDbusEnvironment = true;
# Setting up some hardware settings.
hardware.opengl.enable = true;
hardware.bluetooth.enable = true;
services.udisks2.enable = true;
services.upower.enable = true;
services.power-profiles-daemon.enable = true;
services.colord.enable = true;
services.system-config-printer.enable = config.services.printing.enable;
# Setting up some more core services.
security.polkit.enable = true;
services.accounts-daemon.enable = true;
services.dleyna-renderer.enable = true;
services.dleyna-server.enable = true;
programs.dconf.enable = true;
programs.xwayland.enable = true;
fonts.enableDefaultPackages = true;
# The phone sync component which is handy.
programs.kdeconnect = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.valent;
# Harmonious themes. Since we're making this very similar to GNOME
# appearance-wise, layout-wise, and setup-wise, we may as well make it
# similar.
qt = {
enable = true;
platformTheme = "gnome";
style = "adwaita";
xdg.portal = {
enable = true;
extraPortals = with pkgs; [
# These are all intended to be started with gnome-session.
# Much of the templates used are from Phosh systemd templates at
# https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/blob/main/data/systemd.
# Big thanks to them! :)
systemd.user.targets."${prefix}" = {
description = "${workflowName} Hyprland shell";
documentation = [ "man:systemd.special(7)" ];
unitConfig.DefaultDependencies = "no";
requisite = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];
partOf = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];
before = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];
wants = [ "${prefix}.service" ];
after = [ "${prefix}.service" ];
systemd.user.services = lib.mapAttrs' createPrefixedServices {
ags = {
description = "Widget system layer for the desktop";
script = "${pkgs.ags}/bin/ags";
polkit = {
description = "Authentication agent for the desktop session";
script = "${pkgs.polkit_gnome}/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1";
fcitx5 = lib.mkIf (config.i18n.inputMethod.enabled == "fcitx5") {
description = "Input method engine for the desktop session";
script = "${config.i18n.inputMethod.package}/bin/fcitx5";
ibus = lib.mkIf (config.i18n.inputMethod.enabled == "ibus") {
description = "Input method engine for the desktop session";
script = "${config.i18n.inputMethod.package}/bin/ibus start";
} // {
"${prefix}" = {
description = "${workflowName}, a custom desktop session with Hyprland";
documentation = [ "https://wiki.hyprland.org" ];
after = [ "gnome-manager-manager.target" ];
requisite = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];
partOf = [ "gnome-session-initialized.target" ];
unitConfig = {
OnFailure = "gnome-session-shutdown.target";
OnFailureJobMode = "replace-irreversibly";
CollectMode = "inactive-or-failed";
RefuseManualStart = true;
RefuseManualStop = true;
script = "${pkgs.hyprland}/bin/Hyprland --config ${./config/hyprland/hyprland.conf}";
# Setting up my project-specific profiles. This is only to be applied for
# my setup. If you're not foodogsquared and you're using my project as one
# of the flake input, this shouldn't be applied nor be used in the first
# place.
(lib.mkIf (attrs ? _isfoodogsquaredcustom && attrs._isfoodogsquaredcustom) {
profiles.i18n = {
enable = true;
fcitx5.enable = true;