It's pretty easy on the eyes and it is also cool to be background image for
your desktop.
You can certainly automate it to make it as your theme selector similar
to how[Luke Smith] did with his setup.
Or just like how[this ricer from `/r/unixporn` made rofi to be the theme selector].
=== wpgtk
wpgtk, as it is described in its[own GitHub page],
is a colorscheme, wallpaper and template manager for *nix-based systems.
It is what it is.
* It can generate and manage different color scheme with[pywal] which I discussed it shortly earlier.
* It can manage wallpapers and templates.
* Comes with a graphical user interface built with[GTK].
It is a pretty cool tool and can turn ricing into a more satisfying
experience with the convenience it offers.
I fully recommend looking into this tool if you want a cool color scheme
generator and a manager for common ricing tasks.
== A notification system
A status bar is not enough fill up some info especially if it's not
needed that much.
A desktop notification system could be handy for those situations.
It can also be useful for immediate feedback that is shortly
not needed after.
In order to setup a notification system working, you need two components:
* a notifier that sends notifications
* a notification daemon that recieves those notifications
NOTE: If you're using with a desktop environment, usually it already
has a notification system installed. Feel free to skip this section
if you want.
For the former,[`libnotify`]
If you would continue with no tool at all, you would most likely:
* edit and manage it by hand
* create a folder where all of your dotfiles are in and symlink it
in various locations
* create a script that'll manage your dotfiles for you ;p
Depending on your experience, it could be elegant or a nightmare.
Which is why I totally recommend to use a dotfiles manager.[You have some choices]
(or you know create one yourself) for managing your dotfiles easily.
For me, I chose[`stow`] since it is
widely distributed among Linux-based systems. The runner-up is[`yadm`] which integrates the
concepts usually found in Git.
== A backup tool
Imagine spending time for your setup that you visioned then having
to put all of that down for a ridiculous reason.
That's what backups are for.
It's a simple thing to backup your dotfiles whether through simple
copy-pasting it in another storage device, an online drive, or
a self-hosted server.
For my dotfiles, I simply use a remote Git repo as my online "backup".
I also have the benefit of putting my dotfiles under version control
which means I can easily experiment with my settings.
== Anything else?
Your usual programs, of course.
Your web browser, text editor, terminal, file manager, or even some
games (granted that they support it on Linux).
If you feeling adventurous and want to explore more, you can[view this application list on Arch Linux wiki].
Or explore around on GitHub, GitLab, or wherever that is.
You can also check out[this list of components]
if you want more stuff for your desktop setup.
If you want some inspiration for your ricing journey, be sure
to check out[`/r/unixporn`].
The amount of creativity is overflowing from the community.
I also have my own set of dotfiles that you can check it
up on[my GitHub repo]
(also have it on[GitLab as a mirror]).
== Further looking
You can find most of the valuable stuff on[Arch Linux wiki].
Most of the concepts apply even when you're not using Arch Linux.
The documentation is pretty thorough and periodically updated so be sure to
check it out often.
=== Web[_Desktop environment_ from *Arch Wiki*]::
An Arch Linux wiki entry on desktop environments.
Features a list of desktop environments with their own
wiki page and a list of components that make up a
graphical environment.[_Desktop notifications_ from *Arch Wiki*]::
An entry on desktop notifications on Arch Linux wiki.
Also contains a list of programs to look out for and
information on setting up one.[_Display manager_ from *Arch Wiki*]::
An Arch Linux wiki entry on display managers.
Features a list of display managers with their own
wiki page.[_Dotfiles_ from *Arch Wiki*]::
It's a page on Arch Wiki that shortly describes about dotfiles.
Also features a list of programs that can help you process and
manage your dotfiles.[_i3-starterpack_ GitHub repo by *addy-dclxvi*]::
A great start on starting with your i3 setup and can also teach
a little of bit of ricing.[_Using GNU Stow to Manage Your Dotfiles_ by *Brandon Invergo*]::
It's a short but sweet article on[GNU Stow],
a symbolic link farm manager suitable for controlling configuration files.[_Window manager_ from *Arch Wiki*]::
An Arch Linux wiki entry on window managers.
Provides a list of window managers with their own
wiki entry that documents the installation and configuration
=== Video[i3wm series from *Code Cast*]::
A fantastic video series by Code Cast on getting started with i3 and ricing.
It's a bit outdated (heads up for the part where you setup for rofi)