If you have Nix installed, it is even easier by creating a https://nix.dev/tutorials/ad-hoc-developer-environments.html[local development environment] for this project.
And it already has one in link:shell.nix[`shell.nix`].
Just run `nix-shell --pure shell.nix` and you're set.
An additional benefit with this setup is you don't have to manually compile https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/openring/[openring] since the config already sets it for you.
Even better, you can set up an automatic shell environment with https://direnv.net/[direnv].
To use it, just add `.envrc`!
[source, bash]
echo "use nix" > .envrc && direnv allow
=== Deploying your blog
As of 2020-11-14, the blog is deployed into GitHub Pages with http://travis-ci.com/[Travis CI] for automation.
Feel free to copy the link:.travis.yml[`.travis.yml`] for an idea.
Nonetheless, it is easy to migrate between hosts since Hugo is fast and simple.
All you need to do is to run `make build`.
Then, upload the build artefacts into your host provider of choice.
== Project structure
[source, tree]
├── archetypes/
├── assets/
├── bin/
├── content/
├── data/
├── layouts/
├── public/
├── resources/
├── static/
├── config.toml
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── Makefile
├── README.adoc
└── shell.nix
Among all of the files laid above, here are the points of interest you're most likely to interact (aside from the content folder).
* The link:./bin[`./bin`] directory contains custom scripts related for this project.
An example of which is a script (i.e., link:./bin/openring-create[`./bin/openring-create`]) that uses https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/openring/[openring] to create a webring from my link:./data/blogs.json[public list of blogs I follow].
* link:./shell.nix[`./shell.nix`] is used for quickly creating a local project environment.
It can be only used when Nix is installed.
* The link:./data/[data folder] contains some of the https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/hugo-theme-more-contentful/[theme] configuration as well as relevant data for my customizations.
* The link:./layouts/[layout folder] contains theme overrides as well as additional components for custom content types (e.g., making appropriate templates for my gallery section, modifying the post section to be more readable).