= Terminal Plus-Minus :toc: A fork of the original https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal[Hugo Terminal theme] with some of its original feature set being removed to be replaced for new ones. Aimed for technical writers, programmers, and tech enthusiasts. This theme combines retro vibes with modern-looking styles. When settling with this theme, you should be prepared for some tweaking of the settings. == Demo Here's a https://foo-dogsquared.github.io/hugo-theme-terminal-plus-minus-demo/[demo] of the theme. The raw files can be easily seen in https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/hugo-theme-terminal-plus-minus-demo/[my GitHub repo]. It should give you an idea of using it in a real-life example. The demo also utilizes https://travis-ci.com/[Travis CI] as the deployment tool. Check out the https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/hugo-theme-terminal-plus-minus-demo/blob/master/.travis.yml[config file] of it to get an example. You can also get the https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/hugo-theme-terminal-plus-minus-demo/blob/master/config.toml[configuration] of the theme used from the demo. It should be usable and can be a great starting point to explore the available options and can be used to experiment along reading through the documentation. == Differences from the original Being a fork of a theme, there are some differences. Here are the feature highlights (and removals) that the theme offers: * A recreation of the original theme, almost built from scratch * Easy configuration and customization with https://sass-lang.com/[SCSS] * Aims on supporting engineering and technical content * Different approach of content organization * Support RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds * Suitable for creating a quick single homepage template and blogging * Primarily focuses on including support for https://asciidoctor.org/[Asciidoctor] * Includes https://www.mathjax.org/[MathJax] support * Retained syntax highlighting support from https://highlightjs.org/[highlight.js] and https://prismjs.com/[PrismJS] * Reduced internationalization (i18n) support (for now, anyway) * Removed selection of available themes * Removed https://nodejs.org/[Node] dependencies from the original theme == Changelog To keep up with the changes and latest features, you can view the link:docs/CHANGELOG.adoc[changelog]. All future features has to be implemented in a separate development branch (`develop`) and you can view the pending changes there. == Installation Since this theme uses SASS/SCSS asset bundling, it requires the extended version of Hugo. In order to check whether or not you have the extended version installed, just run `hugo version` and check for the keyword `extended` after the version number. For future references and safety purposes, make sure that the version is at least `v0.57.2`. If you're using Asciidoctor, make sure that the version is at least `v2.0.10`. === Adding it as a clone Assuming you have installed the appropriate programs and using https://git-scm.com/[Git], you can clone it directly to your Hugo folder: [source,bash] ---- git clone https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/hugo-theme-terminal-plus-minus.git themes/terminal-plus-minus ---- If you don't want to make any radical changes, this is the best option since you can simply update it (i.e. `cd themes/terminal-plus-minus && git fetch`) whenever updates are available. === Adding it as a submodule You can also include it as a https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules[git submodule]. This option is mostly suitable if you want to make changes to the theme from its layouts, partials, and assets. [source,bash] ---- git submodule add https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/hugo-theme-terminal-plus-minus.git themes/terminal-plus-minus ---- == Libraries used For future references, here is the list for the libraries included with this theme along with their version: * https://www.mathjax.org/[MathJax] v2.7.6 * https://highlightjs.org/[highlight.js] v9.15.10 * https://prismjs.com/[PrismJS] v1.17.1 * https://fusejs.io/[Fuse.js] v3.4.5 == Configuration The theme doesn't require any advanced configuration. You can copy the sample configuration below and try to experiment with it. https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/[Default configuration settings] also apply here. NOTE: From this point, this assumes that you want to create the config as a TOML file. Please change the format according to your chosen data format for your configuration file. [source,toml] ---- baseURL = "https://example.com/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Terminal Plus-Minus" description = "Generic description!" summaryLength = 15 paginate = 5 disqusShortname = "doogo" copyright = "Unless explicitly stated, all content released here are licensed under [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0)." [author] name = "John Dodo" alias = "ordinary-extinction" email = "johndodo@example.com" [menu] [[menu.main]] identifier = "articles" name = "Articles" url = "articles/" [[menu.main]] identifier = "about" name = "About" url = "about/" [[menu.main]] identifier = "archives" name = "Archives" url = "archives/" [[menu.main]] identifier = "rss" name = "RSS" url = "index.xml/" [params] # The subtitle of the blog. Mostly appears in the tag. subtitle = "Blogger" keywords = ["John Dodo", "ordinary-extinction", "blog"] # The tagline that'll appear in the homepage as the first header. tagline = "Making near destructive blogs all around the world." # Show posts on home. :) showPostsOnHome = true # Indicates if the site sections should be listed instead. # Requires `showPostsOnHome` to be enabled. # listSiteSectionsOnHome = true # Enables syntax highlighting. ;p enableSyntaxHighlighting = true # Set the syntax highlighter to be used. # Only valid options are "highlighterjs" or "prismjs". # By default, it uses highlighter.js as the syntax highlighter if there's no set value. # syntaxHighlighter = "prismjs" # Indicates to show the icon whether the link leads to a page or a section. # The effect is visible if `showPostsOnHome` is at least enabled. # showPageTypeIcon = true # Shows breadcrumbs in the post. # enableBreadcrumbs = true # Indicates if certain headers have to be styled. # contentIsStyled = true ---- === Changing appearance If you want to change common styles like the background color, text color, or the main color, you can add a `config.scss` file in `assets/scss` in your Hugo project directory. You can view the link:assets/scss/default.scss[default SCSS config file] for a reference to what variables should be filled. If you want to override the styles, you can create a file named `extend.scss` in `assets/scss` of your Hugo project directory. From there, you can simply add/modify/remove some styling rules yourself. If you want to add some custom fonts, make sure you'll define them through https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face[`@font-face`] rule. For placing font files, you can put them in the `static/fonts` folder. For those who haven't encountered SCSS yet, it's almost like a superset of CSS but with additional stuff. Here's a https://sass-lang.com/guide[guide] and the https://sass-lang.com/documentation/[documentation] page to get started. == Making a portfolio site This theme is suitable for creating a single portfolio page. Please continue to the following sections for the available options and other stuff you might need to know. === Related configuration options Here are the main site config options you may want to look out for if you want to create a single page portfolio site: [cols="5*",options="header"] |=== | Key | Data type | Description | Optional | Additional notes | `title` | string | This is the title to appear in the header logo. Also appears in the `<title>` of the web page. | | | `author.name` | string | The real name of the author. | | | `author.alias` | string | The handle/username/alias of the author. | Yes | | `copyright` | string | The string to appear in the copyright part of the page which is in the very bottom. It'll be converted to Markdown so valid Markdown string can be put in the file. | Yes | | `params.keywords` | array[string] | A list of keywords related to your site. | Yes | Quite important if you consider search engine optimization (SEO). | `params.subtitle` | string | The subtitle for your blog. Usually, this is where you put your position, occupation, or whatever. | Yes | Also appears in the `<title>` of the web page in the format `<TITLE> - <SUBTITLE>` in the homepage. | `params.tagline` | string | This will appear in the homepage as the first header to be seen. | Yes | |=== === Adding projects You can also add some projects to your data by adding a data file named `projects` (i.e. `projects.json`, `projects.yaml`, etc.) into your https://gohugo.io/templates/data-templates/[data folder]. Make sure that the data file contains a single key/field named `list` that holds an array/list. When there's at least one project, a projects section will be added into your homepage and the data added in the appropriate folder is added under it. Anyhow, here's the following keys/fields that the theme look for: [cols="5*",options="header"] |=== | Key | Data type | Description | Optional | Additional notes | `id` | string | The identifier for the project. | | | `name` | string | The name of the project. This is the name that'll appear in the homepage. | | | `description` | string | The description of the project. | Yes | | `link` | string | The website/homepage of the working project. | Yes | This is not where the link to the remote repository of the project. | `repo` | string | The link to the repo of the project. | Yes | |=== If you want to see a live example of it, you can check out my https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/foo-dogsquared.github.io[the repo of my own site] and check the output of it in https://foo-dogsquared.github.io/[my site]. === Adding contact If you want to add some links to your other stuff like GitHub, GitLab, Twitter, and whatnot, you can add a data file named `contacts` (i.e. `contacts.json`, `contacts.yaml`, etc.) in the https://gohugo.io/templates/data-templates/[data folder]. Make sure that the data file contains a single key/field named `list` that holds an array/list. Here's a table of the following key/fields that theme looks for: [cols="5*",options="header"] |=== | Key | Data type | Description | Optional | Additional notes | `id` | string | The identifier for the object. | | This ID will be used as the `symbol` in the SVG spritesheet file in `static/social-icons.svg` in the theme folder. The social icons are extracted from https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons[Simple Icons set]. | `name` | string | The name of the contact link. | Yes | If the links are set to be text, the value of this key will be used. Otherwise, if the links are set to be text and there's no value to this key, the `id` will be used, instead. | `url` | string | The hyperlink of the additional contact. | | |=== By default, the hyperlinks for your contacts are in text. If you want to make it into an icon, you could set the parameter `params.useLinkIcons` to `true` in the site config file. Be cautious of using this, since any unavailable icons will not be rendered. In order to see how this works, it basically relies on using https://css-tricks.com/svg-symbol-good-choice-icons/[SVG spritesheets] in `static/social-icons.svg` (in the theme folder) with symbols. .`useLinkIcons` set to `true` image::docs/show-link-icons-enabled.png[width=100%] .`useLinkIcons` set to `false` (recommended) image::docs/show-link-icons-disabled.png[width=100%] NOTE: The whole spritesheet is extracted from the https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons/[Simple Icons icon set]. == Making a blog site This theme is also suitable to be a blogging theme. Most of the stuff from making a single homepage site also applies here. With the focus on blogging, content organization should be a breeze. (Of course, as long as it follows the way of https://gohugo.io/content-management/organization/[organizing content from Hugo].) Unlike the original theme, it doesn't find a name of the folder to list its pages. Instead, all of the files and directories under `content/` should be able to be listed (except for the top-level files probably). If you want to make a post series, you could either put the content files under `posts/` and assign the same category to all of them or simply make a folder named after the series and put the content files there. === Related configuration options There are some parameters in the site configuration you might want to try out if you're using it for blogging. [cols="5*",options="header"] |=== | Key | Data type | Description | Optional | Additional notes | `params.contentIsStyled` | boolean | Makes the single page template content to have some styles into them (see the resulting headers, for example). | Yes | This is just for decorative purposes. | `params.enableBreadcrumbs` | boolean | Enables https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/03/breadcrumbs-in-web-design-examples-and-best-practices/[site breadcrumbs] in the posts (single page templates) that'll appear at the top of the post. | Yes | | `params.enableSiteSearch` | boolean | Enables navigation through searching. The search widget is located at the bottom of the page. | Yes | This feature is experimental. Don't expect a lot of stability with this. If your site is large enough, I recommend to integrate with stronger tools such as Algolia. | `params.enableSyntaxHighlighting` | boolean | Enables "native" syntax highlighting without relying to the built-in highlight shortcode. This uses https://prismjs.com/[PrismJS] for the highlight feature. | Yes | This also enables native syntax highlighting for Asciidoctor! Hallejulah! | `params.feedLimit` | boolean | Specifies how many posts should be listed at a time in the output formats (i.e. RSS, Atom, etc.). Default value is 10. Values less than or equal to 0 is also considered to the default value. | Yes | | `params.listSiteSectionsOnHome` | boolean | Indicates if the homepage should list the site sections (top-level directories of the site) instead of the pages | Yes | You need to have `showPostsOnHome` set to `true` to make have this effect visible. | `params.showPageTypeIcon` | boolean | Shows the icon for page type (either if it's a folder or a file in the content folder) in the home page. | Yes, completely | For the theme, a page is a "folder" if its base filename is `_index`. | `params.showPostsOnHome` | boolean | Indicates if the homepage should show the pages from the content folder. | Yes | | `params.syntaxHighlighter` | string | Sets the syntax highlighter to be used. Valid options include `highlightjs` and `prismjs`. When no value is given, it'll use highlight.js as the default syntax highlighter. | Yes | Despite being the same in goal (coloring syntax), it has subtle differences in results. See the "Issues in Asciidoctor and other stuff" section. | `params.enableBreadcrumbs` | boolean | Enables https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/03/breadcrumbs-in-web-design-examples-and-best-practices/[site breadcrumbs] in the posts (single page templates) that'll appear at the top of the post. | Yes | | `params.enableSiteSearch` | boolean | Enables navigation through searching. The search widget is located at the bottom of the page. | Yes | This feature is experimental. Don't expect a lot of stability with this. If your site is large enough, I recommend to integrate with stronger tools such as Algolia. | `params.readMore` | string | Replaces the "Read more" text at the very end of the summary of each post. | Absolutely | |=== === Content organization The way how the theme organizes content (and encourages) is simple. The theme considers all of the pages and sections except for the top-level pages. By default, the theme does not list posts in the homepage. In order to do so, set the `params.showPostsOnHome` to `true` on your site config file. All of the posts (except for the top-level pages) are now listed in the homepage. NOTE: Folders with an `_index` file is considered a section so it'll be listed. Make sure any pages that shouldn't normally appear in the post list be a single page. .`showPostsOnHome` set as `true` image::docs/show-posts-on-home-enabled.png[width=100%] If you want to list sections instead of the page, you should enable the `params.listSiteSectionsOnHome` to `true` on the site config file. Take note that the `params.showPostsOnHome` also needs to be enabled for this setting to work. .`listSiteSectionsOnHome` set as `true` image::docs/list-site-sections-on-home-enabled.png[width=100%] === Content frontmatter Assuming you didn't modify the theme in any way, here are some of the keys in the content frontmatter used by the theme: [cols="5*",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Optional | Additional notes | Example | `title` | The title of the post. | Yes but actually no | If the given data is null or not valid, it'll appear with no title at all and it'll be a pain to sort this out so you're on your own, pal. | `"Markdown Syntax Guide"` | `date` | The publication date of the post. | Yes but actually no | If the given data does not result to a proper date format or if it's null value, its publication date will appear as published on 2001-01-01 (January 1, 2001). Also a pain to sort this out. | `2019-08-25T21:06:56+08:00` | `categories` | The categories associated with the post. *Must be an array composed of only one string.* This is mostly for the default setting from https://jekyllrb.com/[Jekyll]. | Yes | One of the https://gohugo.io/content-management/taxonomies/#default-taxonomies[default taxonomies]. Mainly useful to establish general grouping for your posts. Categories are not included in building feeds. | `["guide"]` | `tags` | The tags associated with the post. *Must be an array with at least one string.* | Yes | Also one of the https://gohugo.io/content-management/taxonomies/#default-taxonomies[default taxonomies]. Mostly useful for establishing some indexes for the posts. Also used for the output format feeds (RSS, Atom, JSON feed). | `["markdown", "guide"]` | `author` | The author of the particular post. | Yes | Use this if you have a guest post or has multiple authors in the site. | `"Rob Pike"` | `cover` | The banner image of the post. | Yes | Accepts URL or a relative path to the image. | `http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/dQw4w9WgXcQ/maxresdefault.jpg` |=== === Post archive page You can make a quick archive page by creating a content file with the content type as `archive`. Assuming that you have `content/archives.md` as the page for the archive, create a frontmatter similar to the following. [source,yaml] ---- --- title: "Archives" date: 2019-08-28T14:32:44+08:00 type: "archive" --- ---- Don't forget to edit the site config file accordingly. In this case, the added setting should be an additional item in the navigation menu which is controlled by the `menu` parameter. [source,toml] ---- [menu] // ... [[menu.main]] identifier = "archives" name = "Archives" url = "archives/" ---- Here's a sample of the archive page in the site. image::docs/archive-sample-page.png[width:100%] === Site search widget This theme offers a site-wide search navigation widget with https://fusejs.io/[Fuse.js] as the search engine. You can include it by setting an alternative output for the homepage with `JSON` and setting `params.enableSiteSearch` to `true` in your site config. Here's what the site config file should have (assuming it is in TOML): [source,toml] ---- # ... [outputs] home = ["HTML", "JSON"] # You can add more, if you want # ... [params] # ... enableSiteSearch = true ---- The feature uses https://fusejs.io/[Fuse.js] as the search engine. The file can be found on link:assets/js/lib/fuse.min.js[`assets/js/lib/fuse.min.js`]. .The site-wide search widget image::docs/enable-site-search-widget.png[] CAUTION: Do take note that this feature is not recommended for large sites since the index built will be very large and can be detrimental for visitors. Instead, I recommend to use https://www.algolia.com/[Algolia] for something like it. === Other tidbits There are a couple of options for miscellaneous stuff and info that you might want to find out. ==== Site breadcrumbs in post The most useful one is the breadcrumbs feature that'll appear in the top of your posts. .Breadcrumbs in the post image::docs/post-breadcrumbs-enabled.png[] In order to be able to use it, set the `params.enableBreadcrumbs` to `true` in your site config file. ==== Icon on post list Another one of the features you could try it out is the icons that'll appear in the side of the post list. This indicates whether or not the list item is a page or a section. It could be useful for navigating your site. .`showPageTypeIcon` set as `true` with a "file" type page image::docs/page-type-icon-file.png[width=100%] .`showPageTypeIcon` set as `true` with a "folder" type page image::docs/page-type-icon-folder.png[width=100%] In order to enable it, set the `params.showPageTypeIcon` to `true`. ==== Stylized content in the post This might be the most useless feature I've ever done. Anyways, this'll make certain header types to have some sort of style put into them. .Stylized content headers image::docs/content-is-styled-enabled.png[width=100%] In order to enable it, set `contentIsStyled` .`contentIsStyled` set as `false` image::docs/content-is-styled-disabled.png[width=100%] == Custom 404 page If you want to change it, simply copy link:layouts/404.html[`layouts/404.html`] from the theme folder to your own `layouts` folder and change it from there. As the official documentation has said, you can only see the 404 page in the server mode by visiting `localhost:1313/404` (or something similar if you have different ports for your `localhost`). == MathJax support MathJax is included with the theme and needs almost no configuration in order for it to work. However, take note that it uses the default configuration so there might be some need to configure it. In case that you do need configuration, you can create a file in `layouts/partials/config/mathjax.html` and do your stuff there. Assuming you didn't change the configuration or anything, here are the breakdown for writing LaTeX in the web according to the https://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/start.html#tex-and-latex-input[MathJax documentation]. For Markdown-based files: * Inline math content should be delimited with a pair of backslash and parenthesis (\\(...\\)). * Display/block math mode should be delimited with a pair of square brackets (\\[\\]) or two dollar signs (\$\$). You may have to escape it with a backslash (\). .Example of math content in a Markdown file [source,markdown] ---- For inline math, you could make dollar signs-delimited content blocks like the following example and it'll appear like $a_{1}^{2} + a_{2}^{2} = b_{1}^{2} + b_{1}^{2}$. For display/block math mode, make the content block delimited with two dollar signs. \[\LaTeX\] ---- For Asciidoctor-based files: * Math support is included in Asciidoctor but https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#activating-stem-support[you have to enable it by putting `:stem:` in the preamble]. The theme already takes care of that for you by including it in the archetype template. * Since the theme uses the default setting for MathJax, the stem interpreter is explicitly set to `latexmath`. * Inline math content should be put in the `stem` macro. * Display/block math content should be put in the stem block. .Example of math content in a Asciidoctor file [source,asciidoc] ---- = Document title :stem: latexmath For inline math, you could make dollar signs-delimited content blocks like the following example and it'll appear like stem:[a_{1}^{2} + a_{2}^{2} = b_{1}^{2} + b_{1}^{2}]. For display/block math mode, make a stem block. [stem] ++++ \LaTeX ++++ ---- == Syntax highlighting (without the `highlight` shortcode) Syntax highlighting is supported through https://prismjs.com/[PrismJS] and https://highlightjs.org/[highlight.js]. Both of the syntax highlighters follows the https://www.w3.org/TR/html52/textlevel-semantics.html#the-code-element[semantic HTML for code listings] in order to color the syntax. Fortunately, both of the default Markdown parsers and Asciidoctor outputs semantic HTML for code listings so both of them are supported. By default, the native syntax highlighting is disabled. To enable native syntax highlighting, enable the `enableSyntaxHighlighting` under `params` in your site config file. This uses highlight.js by default. In order to use PrismJS, set `params.syntaxHighlighter` with the value `"prismjs"`. Assuming you're using a TOML as your config file. [source,toml] ---- [params] # ... enableSyntaxHighlighting = true # if you want to set PrismJS as the syntax highlighter # syntaxHighlighter = "prismjs" ---- If you're curious to the files being used, the script for the syntax highlighters is at `assets/js/lib` of the theme folder. === Changing themes The CSS used for syntax highlighting is at `assets/css/` file. There should be separate stylesheet for each syntax highlighters with the same name (i.e. `highlightjs.css`, `prism.css`). For highlight.js, you can change the theme by having `highlightjs.css` in the `assets/css` folder. You can look for different themes in https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/tree/master/src/styles[their GitHub page]. For PrismJS, you can replace the theme by having `prism.css` in the `assets/css` folder. You can replace the theme by going to https://prismjs.com/download.html[the PrismJS download page], select the theme you want and putting it in the aforementioned file. NOTE: The PrismJS script file contains the core, all of the languages offered as of v1.16.0, and the https://prismjs.com/plugins/keep-markup/[Keep Markup plugin] (this plugin is important if you want to use https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#callouts[callouts in Asciidoctor]). In order to update PrismJS, you need to download the script file yourself at https://prismjs.com/download.html[the PrismJS download page] and select the languages it'll support. == RSS, Atom, and JSON output feed This is mostly applicable for those who use the theme for blogging. The theme support RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds. For future references, here are the following documents used to refer in creating the feed templates: * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287[Atom 1.0 - IETF RFC4287] * https://jsonfeed.org/version/1[JSON Feed version 1 specifications] * https://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html[RSS 2.0 specifications] The generated RSS and Atom output has been tested against the https://validator.w3.org/feed/[W3C feed validator] and it has been valid so far. For JSON feeds, it has been tested on https://json-feed-validator.herokuapp.com/validate[a JSON feed validator] and produces the same valid result. NOTE: Personally, I recommend using Atom feeds since it is widely recognized and http://www.intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/Rss20AndAtom10Compared[it does have a better format than RSS]. In order to enable it, utilize custom formats in your site configuration. The output format template is in the layout folder named `index` with their respective file extensions (`.rss`, `.atom`, `.json`). They also have a list counterpart at `_default/list` with the same respective file extension. All of them support outputs for the homepage (from `index.$FILE_EXT`) and lists (from `list.$FILE_EXT`). Here's an example which will make all of the feeds appear at `index.rss`, `index.atom`, and `index.json`. [source,toml] ---- # Visit the following for more information: # https://gohugo.io/templates/output-formats # Defining the media type of the output formats # For JSON format, it doesn't need to be since it's already built-in into Hugo [mediaTypes] [mediaTypes."application/atom+xml"] suffixes = ["atom", "atom.xml"] # You can remove the "atom.xml" if you want noUgly = true # Redefining RSS media type for the additional suffix # You can omit this one if you wish, IDK why I put this one [mediaTypes."application/rss+xml"] suffixes = ["rss", "rss.xml"] # You can remove the "rss.xml" if you want noUgly = true # Including all of the feed output formats in the build [outputFormats] [outputFormats.Rss] mediaType = "application/rss+xml" baseName = "index" [outputFormats.Atom] mediaType = "application/atom+xml" baseName = "index" # Indicating what output formats shall be included # for the following kinds [outputs] # .Site.BaseURL/index.* is available home = ["HTML", "JSON", "RSS", "ATOM"] # .Site.BaseURL/$section/index.* is available section = ["HTML", "JSON", "RSS", "ATOM"] ---- === Limitations In order to prevent diving into complexity, there is a set of limitations you have to keep in mind. * No pagination. Only the first 10 (or given `params.feedLimit`) shall be shown at any time. * It doesn't support multiple site authors. It always assumed that the site only has one author. * The same deal for posts. In case that there is an `author` field in the frontmatter of the post, it'll only support one author, not an array of them. == Issues with Asciidoctor and other stuff Since Asciidoctor only recieves basic support through https://gohugo.io/content-management/formats/#additional-formats-through-external-helpers[external helpers], there are some imperfections with this theme (rather, overall) when using with Hugo. * First and foremost, the HTML output of Asciidoctor doesn't observe proper semantics. Therefore, some additional styling may be done since it goes against usual content formatting compared to other outputs from other content formats like Markdown. This also affects the screen reading accessibility so take utmost caution when creating a workaround like using https://github.com/jirutka/asciidoctor-html5s[an Asciidoctor backend with semantics in design] and https://blog.anoff.io/2019-02-17-hugo-render-asciidoc/[using a shadow executable hack done by a blogger with Hugo and Asciidoctor]. * Using callouts with the `:icons: font` attribute enabled will bring out some problems regarding to rendering the highlighted syntax with https://prismjs.com/[PrismJS], it is advised to use https://highlightjs.org/[highlight.js] instead. * https://highlightjs.org/[highlight.js] background doesn't style well with the theme. == How to run your site From your Hugo root directory, run the following command: [source,bash] ---- hugo server -t terminal-plus-minus ---- You can also add the following line to site config file: [source,toml] ---- theme = "terminal-plus-minus" ---- == How to contribute If you spot some bugs or want to suggest a feature, feel free to file an issue in the issue tracker. === Setting up for development If you want to contribute through code, you can do the following to set up the repo into your computer: * Fork this repository * Clone the forked repository * Checkout to the development branch (`develop`) * Create another branch from the development branch which you can freely implement your own stuff Make sure the new branch name is appropriately named. If creating a pull request, you have to pass it through the development branch. === Project style guides If you're going to update the codebase, make sure you mind the following guidelines: * The documentations have to be written in https://asciidoctor.org/[Asciidoctor]. If you're not familiar with it, here's the https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/[quick reference page] for a rundown and their https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/[user manual] for deep details. * The codebase follows the http://getbem.com/naming/[BEM naming convention] for the CSS naming. * Using https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Using_HTML_sections_and_outlines[semantic HTML] should be observed. * Not really a requirement but use the https://editorconfig.org/[EditorConfig] plugin for your text editor. If you don't have any, try to follow according to the `.editorconfig` rules. == TODO Here are some of the features that are considered to be implemented. Any help with this task list by pull requests are very appreciated. * Algolia integration * Focus support for engineering and technical content * Internationalization (i18n) support * Different https://gohugo.io/content-management/archetypes/[archetypes] and content organization * Easy GitHub projects integration (for quickly creating your portfolio site) == Inspirations * https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal[Terminal theme], of course * https://github.com/achary/engimo[Engimo theme] for the focus in engineering content * https://sourcethemes.com/academic[Hugo Academic theme] for the focus in academic content * https://github.com/Lednerb/bilberry-hugo-theme/[Bilberry Hugo theme] for the content organization == License For the original theme, copyright goes to Radosław Kozieł (https://twitter.com/panr[@panr]). The original theme is released under the MIT License. Check the https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal/blob/master/LICENSE.md[original theme license] for additional licensing information. This fork is maintained by https://foo-dogsquared.github.io/[foo-dogsquared] and the extended theme is released under MIT license. Copyright applies to my own modifications of the project. Please see the previously linked license of the theme for more information on how to properly include copyright notices. In other words: © 2019 panr - for the original theme © 2019 foo-dogsquared - for the modification and extended parts of the theme (IDK how to proceed with licensing so feel free to correct me pls -_-)