= Chat block processor :toc: A link:https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor/latest/extensions/block-processor/[block processor] that adds a a dialog box style to the block. Exclusive to the HTML backend. == Synopsis .... [chat, $AVATARNAME, $AVATARSTATE, $ATTRS...] ==== $CONTENT ==== .... The avatar name is the name of the folder to be retrieved from the `avatarsdir` attribute. The directory enforces a certain structure which can be seen in <<extra-notes>>. Both the avatar name and the state are to be converted to snake case (e.g., `El Pablo` to `el_pablo`) for the image path. == Attributes * `avatarsdir` is the folder containing the avatars' stickers. This is explained in detail from the <<extra-notes>> section. * `avatarstype` is similar to `icontype` attribute except this is used for the avatar stickers. The default value is `webp`. * `state` is the sticker to be retrieved from the avatars directory. It has a default value of `default`. You could also use this attribute instead of the `$AVATARSTATE` positional argument for whatever reason. * `name` is the canonical name of the avatar. This is used for titles and alts in the internal image block. By default, this is the same as the given avatar. [#extra-notes] == Extra notes This component has some prerequisites for this to fully work specifically with `avatarsdir` attribute that contains a list of avatars and their stickers. By default, this value is at the `avatars` subdirectory of the `iconsdir` attribute. It is recommended to set this value yourself. + -- This enforces a certain structure where the root directory contains a list of folders representing the avatar with each of the folder containing stickers which represents their state. For example, here's what `avatarsdir` could contain following the expected structure. [source] ---- ./static/icons/avatars/ ├── ezran/ │ ├── crisis.webp │ ├── default.webp │ ├── sad.webp │ └── shocked.webp └── foodogsquared/ ├── crisis.webp ├── default.webp ├── sad.webp └── shocked.webp ---- -- == Example usage Let's assume `avatarsdir` is set to the `static/icons/avatars` with the following file structure. [source] ---- ./static/icons/avatars/ ├── ezran/ │ ├── crisis.webp │ ├── default.webp │ ├── sad.webp │ └── shocked.webp ├── el-pablo/ │ ├── crisis.webp │ ├── default.webp │ ├── ghastly.webp │ ├── melodramatic.webp │ ├── sad.webp │ └── shocked.webp └── foodogsquared/ ├── crisis.webp ├── default.webp ├── sad.webp └── shocked.webp ---- - The following block should get the default image for `foodogsquared` which is in `./static/icons/avatars/foodogsquared/default.webp`. + .... [chat, foodogsquared] ==== Hello there! ==== .... - The following block should contain El Pablo's melodramatic dialog state. Take note of the resulting path for the image which is in kebab-case. + .... [chat, El Pablo, state=melodramatic] ==== What tragedy is happening here! I couldn't take it. __Please__. ==== ....