= Musicbrainz link inline macro :toc: An inline macro for easily linking objects from link:https://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Database[Musicbrainz database]. == Synopsis [source, asciidoc] ---- musicbrainz:$ID[$CAPTION, $TYPE] ---- - `$ID` is the database identifier for that object (e.g., `9adcff14-7dba-4ccf-a6a6-298bcde3dd46`). - `$CAPTION` is the link text. By default, it will be the name of the database object (if valid). Take note it will use the MusicBrainz API to query the title/name of the object. In other words, it costs an additional network request. - `$TYPE` is the database object type. It defaults to 'Release' object type. == Attributes The macro can also accept some attributes. - `caption` is the link text to be used. This can be used instead of the first positional attribute. - `type` is the database object type to be queried. This can be used instead of the second positional attribute. == Example usage - `musicbrainz:9adcff14-7dba-4ccf-a6a6-298bcde3dd46[]` should have a link to the link:https://musicbrainz.org/release/9adcff14-7dba-4ccf-a6a6-298bcde3dd46[Musicbrainz page for The Bindings of Isaac Rebirth] with 'The Bindings of Isaac: Rebirth' as the link caption. - `musicbrainz:9adcff14-7dba-4ccf-a6a6-298bcde3dd46[Ridiculon's Rebirth soundtrack]` same as above but with the link text replaced with 'Ridiculon's Rebirth Soundtrack'. - `musicbrainz:b7c7f603-4c42-45a4-b364-3ddba82da412[type=release-group]` links to the link:https://musicbrainz.org/release-group/b7c7f603-4c42-45a4-b364-3ddba82da412[Musicbrainz page for The Bindings of Isaac Rebirth release group] with 'The Bindings of Isaac: Rebirth' as the link text. - `musicbrainz:f07c6afe-ee84-4cd5-9b11-5c541d1dff3b[type=artist]` links to link:https://musicbrainz.org/artist/f07c6afe-ee84-4cd5-9b11-5c541d1dff3b[Musicbrainz page for Ridiculon] with their name as the caption.