layout: post
title: "[Simplified!] Introduction to the Memory and Memory Management"
# date: 2018-07-7 18:32:05 +0800
author: foo-dogsquared
categories: computer-science
tags: [programming-notes, computer-science, simplified]
Remember the time wherein memory management is quite a very prominent thing to worry for our programs? For most of us (including
me) probably doesn't since most modern programming languages abstract us away from those parts. We, for the most part, don't have
to worry about that since programming languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, and Python does some memory-related stuff already for
us. This does raises some concern about understanding the memory and memory management since it is already done for us. If that
is already managed for us, then why bother learning about it?
It will show that having an understanding of some of the inner workings of the memory will make us better programmers in a sense
that we know more about the tools we are using now. Our moments of confused wonder of how certain stuff works will be reduced
(or will be stacked, it depends) and with a better understanding of the memory in relation to programming language will make us a better programmer and a betterw work output and then, we will be called by the higher offices and gave us a promotion, then we
became to best programmer EVAR.
OK. That's a bit too much. Let's go back to the reality, shall we?
Let us start!
Also, fair assumption over here is you are familiar with C or C++ but still, if you have interacted with a programming language
for too long, you would get some context by instinct here even if you did not see the syntax yet.
## What is a computer memory?
The memory --- one of the fundamental elements in order for a computer to work is where to store and output data. Basically,
it is the brain of the computer, holding these data we have inserted into the system. If were to imagine there is
no such thing as a memory inside of the computer, we would probably see just nothing since there is no data to be retrieved from
somewhere. Probably we won't have any program to run at all except for the BIOS booting, leaving the computer to be the big dumb
hunk of metal junk.
Now, in general definition of the word 'memory' in terms of computer hardware, it can refer to a couple of things:
- primary storage --- where the temporary data such as variables in a source code are stored; this is also the fastest memory as handling of tasks especially in multitudes requires a lot of giving data to the CPU and storing back of the data in high speeds (i.e. random access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM))
- secondary storage --- this is where the files are stored persistently; even if the power goes down, as long as the file is complete, the file would stay inside of that memory storage (i.e. hard disk drive (HDD), solid state drive (SSD))
...but in computer science, we refer it to the primary storage, most of the time, specifically the RAM which will be elaborated
on to the later part of the post.
## The CPU and the RAM
RAM, short for Random Access Memory and it is the main type of memory that we'll discuss. It's primary component is the capacitor
which is an electronic component that stores electricity. In the ways of the computer, this is added with the context of a
binary state whether it represents 0 or 1. If the capacitor is filled up, then it represents 1. Otherwise if it is mostly empty,
then it is a 0. This became the physical representation of bits, combine that with bytes which is composed of 8 bits with the
context that is the modern RAM commonly goes 1 gigabyte (GB) and above. So yeah, you can imagine that those things has a *lot* of
those capacitors.
We mainly use RAM as our place of storing data and manipulating and transforming them into something else since they are much
faster than any other types of storage. But the function of transforming of data is not really the function of the RAM but rather,
the central processing unit, also known as the CPU.
The CPU is pretty much a counterpart to the RAM. If the RAM is the brain of the computer, the CPU is the heart of the computer as
virtually every function of the computer is made possible with the CPU processing and moving all of those data. It "circulate"
the bits around so that the computer system as a whole works even if a few components are missing such as a speaker or a mouse.
Another thing is that the CPUs today are made of billions of transistor which is an electronic component that lets or blocks
electricity flow. It need this gigantic amount of those transistors to match the billions of capacitors the RAM usually have.
The CPU and the RAM are quite connected, literally. As the RAM is connected to the CPU through a memory bus/connector so that the
data stored in the RAM can be retrieved by the CPU and do the processing and outputting them into something else usually giving
back to the RAM.
## The individual parts of the memory
So, if our common type of working memory has the capability to read and write bits of info at random location, how do we interact
with them to get the things that we want to get?
Just like how the real world works, we access them through an *address*, a memory address. If you have been using for computers
for so long like you're using like a cheat engine or something, you may have encountered these memory address as a hexadecimal
number. In each address therein lies a byte or a group of bytes which may be referred to as a *word*. Each word in the memory has
a unique address that is attached to them and in programming languages like C and C++ let us access those addresses directly
although only limited to what the system has given to us. Basically, we are dividing the memory into chunks of varying sizes and
we can access them through the address values.
Still, with bits that are now divided into bytes and eventually, words, it seems like a lot to worry about when we apply to what
we know now into our programs. Well, thankfully, there is an abstraction for that.
In each time there is a application program running like our own that we programmed, for example, the computer would allocate some
resources in order to make that program up and booting. Also, we don't need to worry about all parts of the memory (most of the
time) due to some restrictions like we can only interact with resources the computer has allocated for us and any interaction
with the memory that we shouldn't touch is illegal and will throw an error to us for security purposes (which is called a
segmentation fault or segfault, for short).
If the program is done running, the allocated resources would be freed and rendered as an available block for other programs.
Now this allocated resource, the memory set, do have individual segments that make up the entire picture for our program (info from [GeeksForGeeks](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/memory-layout-of-c-program/)).
The mistake in writing on the 'heap' part is glaring.
Starting from the low address, we have the: - **text** --- Basically the code itself, albeit converted to binary code - **initialized data segment** --- At times, it may be referred to simply as the data segment. This is where variables with initialized values are stored. - **uninitialized data segment** --- May be referred to as **bss**. This is where uninitialized variables or variables set to 0 are stored. Since most of the time, compilers would throw a warning or an error regarding using uninitialized variables, this is mostly not being minded by newcomers. Also, we can undo the warning by compiling our program with the appropriate options for our compiler to ignore uninitialized variables. - **stack** --- where automatic/declared variables are stored - **heap** --- where the dynamic memory allocation takes place - **high address** --- includes the command-line arguments and the environmental variables which are basically variables that interacts with the whole system and can affect the processes running inside of the environment ## The memory stack The stack is a part of the shared memory pool that includes the statically declared or determined data. It may be referred to as the execution stack, the call stack, the runtime stack, or simply the stack. Generally, most popular programming languages such as C, Python, and JavaScript implemented some form of a call stack but still, it largely depends on the programming language. I just want you to keep that in mind. The main function of the stack is to store data from our program but it also handles the function execution. Every variable that is declared will be pushed onto the stack. The way how the stack works is that it is made up of stack frames. A stack frame is created from a function call and it can be removed from the stack either if the function returned something or finished running the code. Similar to how real life stacks work, it utilizes the First In, Last Out (FILO) approach. That means the most recent stack frame is the first to be "popped" out of the stack while the stack frame at the very bottom will be the last frame to be removed. ```c int multiply(int a) { return a * a; } int square(int n) { return multiply(n); } int main(void) { int number = 6; number = square(number); printf("%i\n", number); return 0; } ```Like I said, don't mind the drawing.
We can get the very exact file through different addresses but then, on the computer's term, they are considered different. Plus if one of the maintainer updates a file, only one of them would be updated. ### Syntax But first, let's be familiar on the syntax on pointers, at least on C. In C, we can assign a pointer with by adding an asterisk `*` into the variable name: {% highlight c linenos=table %} // some variables int n = 9; float o = 12.345; // assigning a pointer variable for an integer and initializing it with an address int *n_ptr = &e; // assigning a pointer variable for a float and initializing it with an address float *o_ptr = &f; // assigning a pointer variable to a string literal with 10 char; char s[10] = "hello word"; {% endhighlight %} What would happen here is that we assign a pointer variable with the name beside the `*` which will point to the memory address that has the value assigned from the assignment operator. Include that with the type that is beside the name that indicates what data type can we find inside of that address. Also, take note that the pointer variable has an address of its own so we can assign a pointer variable to another pointer variable. Although I don't see a valid use case of doing that yet but you can do that if you want to. You might also notice the ambersand (&) on the initialization of the pointer variables. As it turns out, the ambersand (&) is the *address extraction operator* which is used on non-pointer variables such as `n` and `o` on the code above. As one might conclude, the pointer variable needs an address in order to make it work and not get an error with unmatched type in the initialization of the pointer variable.Uhh... the design around the text is a design decision, yup. Not a mistake that has been decided into a design by accident at all. Yeah, it looks worse than I thought.
If we would describe it what happening on line 6 on the code example above, we would say that we assign a pointer named `i` that points to the memory location which contains an integer, `7`. On line 8, we assign a pointer named `f` that points to the memory location which contains a float whose value is `12.345`. But how about on line 10? Why is it included there? That is just an array, is it related to pointers? Well, yes. As it turns out, an array is already a form of a pointer. To be technical, it points to the first element of the array. So if we have been working with arrays in C before, you are already interacting with pointers in a way. Just keep in mind what are we storing in a pointer variable: addresses. Like how we usually store appropriate data into a variable with a specified data type. We also need to insert only addresses or else the code would not be compiled and the compiler will throw an error. Speaking of addresses, there is also one other type of a special address which is the null pointer which is a pointer that points to nothing. ```c // assigning a pointer variable to a null pointer int *i = NULL; ``` It seems useless but it has a variety of use cases. If we don't immediately assign it to something else, leading the pointer into the null pointer is said to be a safer option since undefined behavior could happen since its value could be a garbage value that is left from other programs. Just make sure that the pointer that points to the null pointer does not get dereferenced (in which we'll talk about in just a bit), otherwise we would get our program crashed due to a seg fault. As this [video on CS50 has said](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XISnO2YhnsY): > Pointers are nothing more than an address. ### Pointer dereferencing OK. So we assign a variable that stores an address but what do we do with it, how about the values that is inside of that memory location? We can do that by *dereferencing* the pointer to get the values that is inside of it. Dereferencing, also known as indirection, is simply the process of going into that address and getting the value located at that address. How can we do that in C? The syntax with dereferencing in C looks like this: ```c int addTwo(int a, int b); int main(void) { int *first_int = 6; int *second_int = 12; // dereferencing of the pointer and getting the values int sumOfTwo = addTwo(*first_int, *second_int); printf("%i\n", sumOfTwo); } int addTwo(int a, int b) { return a + b; } ``` As you can see, it is mostly the same as we assign a pointer variable but take a closer look at the differences between assigning and dereferencing. When we want to create a pointer variable, we can see that it is on the left side of the assignment operator and also has the data type indicating the type of value that is located at the address assigned to the pointer variable. Another example from the previous subpoint: ```c int n = 9; int *n_ptr = &n; printf("%i\n", *n); ``` Would have this as a simple visualization when an indirection was needed: