= blog My blog. Yes. My blog. As of 2019-08-15, this blog uses https://gohugo.io/[Hugo] as its static site generator (SSG). It is currently under rebranding and migration from https://jekyllrb.com/[Jekyll]. == Setting up a development environment To set up a development environment for this repo, you can do the following steps: * Clone the repo (`git clone <git url>`) * Go to the project directory * Run the `first-time-setup.sh` script Aaaaand you're done. == Blog workflow Here's how my blogging workflow works with this repo: * Create a new post (with `hugo new posts/<TITLE>.adoc`) * Do a pre-write or listing related words into the new document * Create a layout for the post * Create a draft * Edit the draft * Correct any misspellings and grammar inconsistencies * Commit the new post * Publish it (with `deploy.sh`) I might have to create a new tool out of creating the post for this (https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/automate-md[my old tool] might do some upgrade for that). == Other notes * I write with https://asciidoctor.org/[Asciidoctor] so it'll need it to be installed. * The theme I used is https://themes.gohugo.io/hugo-theme-terminal/[Terminal] with some CSS overrides in `static/style.css`.