= GitLab raw content include processor

It's a link:https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor/latest/extensions/include-processor/[include processor] for easily including raw content from GitLab repositories.

== Synopsis

[source, asciidoc]
include::gitlab/$OWNER/$REPO[rev=$COMMIT, path=$FILEPATH]

== Extra notes

A link:https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html#personal-access-tokens[personal access token] is most likely required.
Get one and place the value in an environment variable `GITLAB_API_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN`.

== Attributes

There are some attributes required to be passed.

- `rev` is the commit to be checked out.
- `path` is the file path to be included.

Aside from the required attributes, there are optional attributes to configured further.

- `domain` is the domain of the GitLab instance.
By default, it points to the `gitlab.com` official instance.

- `version` is the version string of the API to be used.
By default, it uses version `v4`.

== Example usage

- `include::gitlab:gitlab-org/gitlab[rev=master, path=README.md]` should