= SWHID inline macro extension

An inline macro for easily linking link:https://docs.softwareheritage.org/devel/swh-model/persistent-identifiers.html[SWHIDs].

== Synopsis

[source, asciidoc]

If no caption is given, the link text will be the core identifier of the SWHID.

== Extra notes

You would use like in the following form `swh:swh:1:snp:6ea7d28dfd4789609e0be2b64179fc9c12931beb[]` but you could also cut off `swh:` from the SWHID if you want to (i.e., `swh:1:snp:6ea7d28dfd4789609e0be2b64179fc9c12931beb[]`) to make it aesthetically pleasing.

Whatever your preference is, the best practice for dealing with linking SWHIDs with this macro is setting attributes containing the SWHIDs.

[source, asciidoc]
= doctitle
:swhid-nixpkgs: swh:1:dir:2885ecf76632a83610d8e95f0eb3383109a7c90a

{swhid-nixpkgs}[this revision of nixpkgs]
swh:{swhid-nixpkgs}[that revision of nixpkgs]

== Example usage

This should work with the following types of SWHIDs.

- A SWHID with only the core identifier: `swh:1:snp:6ea7d28dfd4789609e0be2b64179fc9c12931beb[]`.

- A SWHID with only one qualifier with a link caption: `swh:1:cnt:ce4dd1988d2d5dfcec48252757a6fea94339ac38;lines=3-4[some code text]`

- A SWHID with full contextual information.
This is as depicted from the recommended practice for writings (i.e., blog posts, technical documentation, research papers) when referring to one of the objects in the archive.