{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } }: with pkgs; let gems = bundlerEnv { name = "foodogsquared-blog-gems"; ruby = ruby_3_1; gemdir = ./.; }; asciidoctorWrappedWithCustomOptions = writeShellScriptBin "asciidoctor" '' ${lib.getBin gems}/bin/asciidoctor -T ${./templates} $@ ''; treesitterWithPlugins = (tree-sitter.withPlugins (_: tree-sitter.allGrammars)); in mkShell { packages = [ # To build my website. asciidoctorWrappedWithCustomOptions bundix gems gems.wrappedRuby netlify-cli git libgit2 go hugo gnuplot imagemagick inkscape openring tree-sitter treesitterWithPlugins # To build my resume. typst libffi libxslt # Formatters... nixpkgs-fmt # ...for Nix. nodePackages.prettier # ...for the web files. ]; shellHook = '' go version hugo version which asciidoctor asciidoctor --version chmod u+x --recursive ./bin ''; }