--- categories: ["self"] date: 2019-04-30 12:32:40 +0800 tags: ["projects", "foss", "software-development"] title: Developing projects with free resources --- = Developing projects with free resources Gabriel Arazas <foo.dogsquared@gmail.com> 2019-04-30 In a world where technology has made it possible to inform and share experiences with other people through multiple devices, the technology sure came to advance at a point where the people themselves have the resources needed to establish and maintain businesses on their garage or bedroom. The same can be said with creating projects. Being a student on a financial tightrope, it will be a fun and frustrating challenge to create projects with only free resources and services. In this article, I'll share my experiences and tools I've used throughout my side-project and self-learning development journey while getting around paid services. ____ BIG UPDATE: Added a section for publishing your projects. I simply forgot to add it which is why I felt it's complete by the time I published this post. Apologies about that. :facepalm: ____ == TL;DR version Here are the tools I've used usually for planning and brainstorming software ideas: * https://www.draw.io/[Draw.io] * https://www.figma.com/[Figma] * https://quire.io/[Quire] * just a plain pen & paper When a plan is up, time to make it real. Here are the tools I'm using: * https://git-scm.com/[Git] * https://www.jetbrains.com/[Jetbrains IDE] * https://code.visualstudio.com/[Visual Studio Code] * a lot more tools as you read on When the project has been realized (if not dropped). These services and platforms let you share your project for free: * https://github.com/[GitHub] * https://www.netlify.com/[Netlify] * http://heroku.com/[Heroku] Of course, this list is not really complete. You can see more tools that deserve honorable mentions as you read on. == Planning my projects Planning is a part of the process. It's an ever-important process that prevents your software project (or any project) to be an aftermath of a great natural disaster. It's not guaranteed for your project to go smooth accordingly but it's better to have a plan than going straight into the battlefield. [quote, Captain Cold] There are only 4 rules you need to remember: make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan. If the plan failed, just go through another planning phase. The action does not apply well into a production workflow with the chaotic and larger-scale management but it can be easily apply for personal projects. Here are the tools I've used to practice my planning skills: === https://quire.io/[Quire] Quire is an online tool for almost everything productivity-based. I mean they got https://quire.io/features[an exhaustive list of features] from kanban boards, simple task lists, integration to different services such as GitHub, Google Drive, and Slack, and much more! The best part about all of this is that it looks minimalistic with all of its features. It goes out of your way with all of its features to use as you intended. You want to look at your task board for your project and the website only shows you that. ==== Alternatives If Quire is not your fancy, then may I introduce you to some of the alternatives? * https://trello.com/[Trello] — It's a good boi but not enough features for me. It features a powerful board with powerful integrations but for the most part, it limits right there and there's not much of a difference with the core features you'll be using with Quire. * https://www.notion.so/[Notion] — Well, this one is a solid alternative. This is mainly a minimalistic online note-taking tool suitable for your notes, projects, and other shenanigans but it also features a lightweight task and issue board for your projects, a lightweight database, and a lightweight customer relation management (CRM) system. I mainly use this app for a quick note-taking while saving it online but it can also go head-to-head with Quire as a productivity tool with a different twist. Now if you go with Notion, may I get you with a deal? You can click https://www.notion.so/?r=ed358a0e3f6d4e47a5db21a17beaa7dd[my referral link] and get $10 in credits while I get 5 USD in credits. It's a win-win situation and you'll be able to help me. === https://www.draw.io/[Draw.io] This is my personal digital "drawing" tool (and also the tool I used to create visual aids for this blog). It's a web-based tool that allows you to create a wide range of visual design assets from flowcharts to not flowcharts. Speaking of web-based, you can also download https://about.draw.io/integrations/#integrations_offline[desktop versions] of it and use it offline though the site itself already features an offline web-based version of the tool. One of the best features of this app is that *it's free and https://github.com/jgraph/drawio[open source]*. Being open source not only means you can see the naked source code used to build the app but also you can directly contribute to it. Another one superb feature is that *no account registration is required to use this app*! When you open the website, you're already going straight into the business. No briefing, no meetup, no orientation. From that point, you can create universally almost any diagrams from concept maps, simple flowchart, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Modeling_Language[UML diagrams], https://www.visual-paradigm.com/guide/data-modeling/what-is-entity-relationship-diagram/[database relationship diagrams], mathematical expressions, or even an illustration. It features a solid UI and a collection of features that makes visual aids creation to be as much pleasing as possible. ==== Alternatives If you want to try out other similar tools for comparison, here are some alternatives I've gathered: * https://www.libreoffice.org/discover/draw/[LibreOffice Draw] (or Microsoft Visio, if you're into Windows) — LibreOffice free and https://www.libreoffice.org/about-us/source-code/[open source] software suite for office work. It offers a program to write documents, create and edit spreadsheets, make presentations, manage databases, and draw diagrams. It's a solid alternative and it has some stronger points such as how pathfinding was handled (especially with the lines and arrows). However, Draw.io being a web-based tool and having a solid feature list in its arsenal is too hard to beat for me. In any case, I would still give this a shot. * https://inkscape.org/[Inkscape] — It's another free and open source vector editing application that run on major desktop platforms. Despite its stronger points on vector illustration, it still has solid support for creating diagrams. Like LibreOffice Draw, it has more solid handling on the pathfinding part of the shapes compared to Draw.io. However, in order to fully use its full diagramming potential, you may have to take more time to get used to it. I think the efforts will pay off once you done it and in fact, you may create more expressive and powerful diagrams with it. Take note that the program (at the time of this writing) is not yet at its 1.0 version yet which means it still has issues to clean out. Being a free and open source project, you can help with the development through issues, bug reports, doc improvement, and code contribution. === https://www.figma.com/[Figma] If have a core feature for my planned side project, it's time to make the idea closer to reality by making a user interface for that idea. Here's where I brainstorm forms and layouts my idea can have as a tangible service and it's where Figma comes in. Figma is another web-based program used to create GUI prototypes and designs. It can also serve as an alternative to Draw.io as a diagramming and illustration program but that's not the main point we will tackle. Also take note I have little experience with using this app so feel free to correct me on the stuff that I'll be saying here. Since the initial writing for this app is too long (it's really that good), I'll be making a quick list of features and discuss them shortly instead: * It is *free to use and web-based*. Though, it requires an account to use it, it's not much of an inconvenience once you get a hold of this app. Being a web-based tool, you can run this anywhere as long as the machine has WebGL and a compatible web browser. * It *features a strong user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)*. The UI is good that https://twitter.com/foo_dogsquared/status/1102486132648960000[I could create my first custom-made logo with it] despite being inexperienced with graphics design. * It *features a collaborative mode* similar to Google Docs. With the pain points of being in a collaborative environment, they also *feature a version control for the sketches*. * It *works offline* except for online functionalities such as saving your sketches on the cloud and collaboration mode. * Has *standard feature arsenal* such as shape tools, pen tool, gradient tool, importing images, and linking to individual pages. It does not stop there. They have *a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k74IrUNaJVk[component system] and a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-xDRjf5B-8[powerful vector editing tool]* that'll expand your options of smoothly creating unique-looking assets. If you'll try this one, you can sign up for an account, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXDU_eVOJTx7QHLShNqIXL1Cgbxj7HlN4[watch their Getting Started playlist on YouTube], and experiment ahead. ==== Alternatives Is Figma too complex of a tool for your use case? Here are some alternatives you can search for: * https://pencil.evolus.vn/[Pencil] — A free and open source GUI prototyping platform. Unfortunately, it's not maintained anymore and the most recent version is from 2017 but it still offer a solid and simpler GUI prototyping process for websites and desktop apps. * https://www.draw.io/[Draw.io] — I already discussed this tool so I won't give much details but you can also use this for simpler prototyping processes. It just depends on how you would use these tools. === Good ol' pen & paper Well all I need is a way of planning for my project. What a better way of planning than a good ol' P&P. One of its most useful feature is that it's quick to load! No internet connection needed! It's a universal alternative to all the apps listed so far. The only situation you're not able to boot this up is if you don't have the materials yourself. In all seriousness though, I think this is one of the most useful ones. Physically writing is actually more memorable (to me, at least) thus more things to remember. Besides, I don't want to stare at a digital screen all day. Usually when I'm going to plan with this method, I follow through a system I created for myself. The system is nothing fancy. It's just a color-coded system with each colored paper shows the priority level for each task I will make. If you want to try it for yourself, I'll give you my personal take on the system: Now there are three types of tasks in this system: low, normal, and essential. They're basically another way of indicating priorities on your tasks. There's also another type of paper which is basically a reviewer of related concepts to be integrated with the project. * *Green colored papers* _indicate low priority tasks_. This is usually the easy stuff and the low-hanging fruits of the project. * *Blue colored papers* _indicate normal priority tasks_. In the project development process, this is usually the things that is done after the core of the project has been completely (or mostly) developed. * *Yellow colored papers* _indicate essential tasks_. This is usually the core tasks and they're highly prioritized. I usually associate red with urgency but whatever fits your boat. I think yellow is a better choice since it stands out among the shades of blue and green. * *White colored papers* _indicate related concepts to the project_. This can be anything from a simple flashcard, an explainer, or a definition. Heck, you can put a thesis in there if you really want to. Speaking from personal experience, one of the role of this paper is to simply make you focus into the core concepts of your project so you couldn't easily sway and make a bunch of unrelated features and highlights in your project straight away. Also, it's just there to remind myself of the things I was supposed to learn. Take note you don't have to buy colored papers for this one. One of the beauty of life is the freedom on how to do things and this is no exception. You could do say, just a simple format to express the core feature of this system which is _prioritization_. You can list out tasks and create symbols to express different levels of priority. == Creating my projects When you have a plan in place, you can attack it in your own pace. This is the phase where you'll actually * get your envisioned project closer to reality*. Since we're in the context of software, I'll talking about the tools and experiences I was able to use and... experience. If you want to know the tools outside of software for some unspecified reason, you can get a rough idea http://freebies-hunt.netlify.com/[in my relatively recent launched website, Freebies Hunt]. As specified in its name, all of the resources listed there are free (and some being open) so you'll be able to have a similar toolset as mine. So what are the tools I used for this? Read on and find out. === https://code.visualstudio.com/[Visual Studio Code] My go-to text editor and lightweight IDE. This tool is just phenomenal! It's free and https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode[open source], https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/[actively being developed], backed up by a huge community of developers, solid UI/UX for budding developers, https://code.visualstudio.com/docs[features an extensive documentation in using the app], and offers hackability that extends the app even further. Of course, this tool still has its https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues[issues] but with the active development from the core maintainers and other contributors, you know that it'll have a great future. With that said, this tool is not a panacea for our development tool problems. The core scope of this tool is limited outside of web development especially when compared to comprehensive IDEs such as https://visualstudio.com/[Visual Studio] and https://www.jetbrains.com/[Jetbrains IDE product line]. Even though it can be extended with the user-created plugins, when compared to first-party solutions, it's not usually enough (though there are exceptions). ==== Alternatives Want to try other text editors? Here's a list of it: * https://atom.io/[Atom] — A free and open source text editor made by the team at https://github.com/[GitHub] and it can be considered as the most fitting rival with Visual Studio Code. They're both made with https://electronjs.org/[Electron]. Both offer similar set of features from hackability to the user interface. Atom, however, has a stronger focus on Git integration (specifically with GitHub). Basing from personal experience, you can already have the same level of focus on Visual Studio Code with the https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/search?term=git&target=VSCode&category=All%20categories&sortBy=Relevance[third-party plugins] and improving Git integration. * https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/[GNU Emacs] — A family of text editor mostly known for its extensibility but specifically were looking at GNU Emacs which is the most popular member of the family. Compared to other text editors we've featured so far, this text editor has a steeper learning curve to master it especially when going from absolute zero. It also features integration with https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/[GDB] (a debugger) making it into a lightweight IDE, has tons of keyboard shortcuts, features multiple modes, and best of all, you can play tetris with it (seriously). If you want to look further, you can take https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/tour/index.html[a tour of Emacs from the GNU website] and see what more things Emacs can do. * https://www.vim.org/[Vim] — If you're hardcore, take a look into a text editor infamously known for its... difficulty. Anyway, I'm pretty sure you've heard of Vim by now after seeing it being memed to death. Vim is a text editor that utilizes the modal philosophy where it utilizes a different mode for editing files and inserting text. Like Emacs, it has a steep learning curve with its unconventional way of manipulating files. It's also programmable and contains a _lot_ of keyboard shortcuts and configuration options that you'll find https://github.com/search?q=vimrc[a community of developers sharing their Vim configuration files]. If you want a shallow dive into Vim, you can use this https://hacker-tools.github.io/editors/[course lecture] I've used. === https://www.jetbrains.com/[Jetbrains IDE] If my project is in a larger scope or is in need for a more specialized tool, I might use an IDE. A personal example could be making a project with C++ and I need to learn more on using https://cmake.org/[CMake]. If you need to develop in https://golang.org/[Go], https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/[C#], or in https://www.arduino.cc/[Arduino], there are specialized tools that are built for that. My IDEs of choice are from Jetbrains, a software development company whose product targets developers, where they offer a netful of IDEs for different programming languages and toolsets. Their IDEs have reached a wholesome reputation with plentiful of useful features and active development updates. Not to mention that they can run across all major platforms in Windows, Mac OS, and Linux which really sold me on this one. Though the only problem is that they're proprietary but they do offer free licenses on all of their tools https://www.jetbrains.com/student/[for students] (which I did) and https://www.jetbrains.com/opensource/[for developers of non-commercial open source projects]. ==== Alternatives Fortunately, some of the IDEs have a free community version though it's usually inferior compared to the proprietary versions. Though, they're mostly enough especially in the beginning of the development. However, if you're looking for a free and more robust IDE, you could look into the following alternatives: * https://visualstudio.com/[Visual Studio] — If you're using Windows or Mac OS, this could be a solid choice. Not only that it supports most of the popular programming languages and toolsets but it is also _free_. The Visual Studio installation process lets you customize your development environment according to your need whether you want to create cross-platform programs with C++ or want to get started on game development with Unity or even both, why not. There's plenty of choices you can make with this. The only gripe here is that it's not available in Linux/BSD systems. I use this in particular when developing in Windows since their free community edition is just too good to pass up. * https://www.eclipse.org/eclipseide/[Eclipse] — It's basically the cross-platform open source version of Jetbrains where their product line of IDEs offer support on most of programming languages such as C/C++, PHP, Java, Rust, and many others. I don't know how high of a candle they hold today but I found it to be useful enough to get started. This is not an exhaustive list of IDEs for you to try (I mean three items, really?) but I recommend to try and search if it doesn't make you satisfied. Here, https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome[I got you a place to get started on your search]. === https://git-scm.com/[Git] Well, we all have our ways in saving our stuff. One of the ways I did (way back when I have completely no idea in programming) would be simply saving the file and adding a `+v2+` at the end of its name. image::https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/documents.png[title="My archiving skills in high school",float="right",align="center"] Other would use a software that can automatically create backups. Nowadays, popular softwares for writing most likely have an auto-save feature built into the system: https://docs.google.com/[Google Docs], https://evernote.com/[Evernote], https://notion.so/[Notion], https://visualstudio.com[Visual Studio], https://code.visualstudio.com[Visual Studio Code], https://www.jetbrains.com/[Jetbrains IDEs] – you name it, they most likely have it. For solo projects, it is practical enough but if you want to amp your version controlling skill then you can use a full-on _version control system_ (shortened as _VCS_). I won't discuss what a VCS here but you can take a quick overview from one of the training videos from GitHub. This is where Git (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_version_control_software[and its other competitors]) comes in. You can refer to https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-What-is-Git%3F[more well-written posts about it]. One objective of using a version control system like Git is not only acts as an epic save button but it also makes collaborative works to progress smoother. This is great in cases that your project needs help from other people aside from you. Since you're in the same page as your other collaborators, you can go through the same process of adding contributions to your project. Git is my go-to version control software. It is nice to work with and it has ton of free services that are integrated with it. Despite it's mostly used for software projects, it can be useful for non-software stuff though better and more specialized solutions may exist. === Other tools Well, here's a list of tools that deserves an honorable mention: * https://asciidoctor.org/[Asciidoctor] — A free and open source text processor for https://asciidoctor.org/docs/what-is-asciidoc/[Asciidoc], a lightweight text formatting language similar to https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown[Markdown]. Unlike Markdown, the scope of Asciidoc is much higher that it enables you to create an entire book with complete features using only the vanilla syntax of Asciidoc. I think this is a solid alternative to Markdown with more out-of-the-box features and it is standardized so we won't have to worry more on using a particular Markdown flavor. I recommend to get started with https://asciidoctor.org/docs/[the docs], there's seriously a ton of stuff to be explored here. * https://kile.sourceforge.io/[Kile] — My most recent tool in my belt. It's an IDE (or rather integrated writing environment? IWE?) for writing https://www.latex-project.org/[LaTeX] documents. I've recently made my technical notes into LaTeX documents and it is amazing so far. I haven't tried all of the features yet but I can see continuing to write notes with it and find a way on how to publish them on the web painlessly. * https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html[Make] — A cross-platform free and open source automation tool usually used for software projects. If you're not familiar with it and want to try and experiment with it, you can https://opensource.com/article/18/8/what-how-makefile[refer to this article] to get started. * https://pandoc.org/[Pandoc] — A cross-platform free and open source universal document converter for various file formats and even your own formats. It supports major writing file formats like LaTeX, HTML, Asciidoc, Markdown (along with other flavors), and Textile. From there, you can convert one file from another with PDF, EPUB, and other file formats. * https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/[Octave] — A free and open source computational environment made by https://www.gnu.org/[GNU Software] so you know it's good stuff. It mostly serve as an alternative to https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html[MATLAB] for me. Speaking of MATLAB, it's also mostly (READ: mostly) compatible with MATLAB syntax so you don't have to do a full-on porting of the computations (if there's any). I mostly use this just for the more complex mathematical graphics though I may use LaTeX or maybe http://asymptote.sourceforge.net/[Asymptote] for the later notes. * https://tiddlywiki.com/[TiddlyWiki] — A single-file personal wiki made in JavaScript with the one file being an HTML file. This is absolutely one of the most fascinating projects I've ever seen out there. Not only that it's quite cool on the programming aspect but also on the note-taking aspect. It features a wiki that is both portable and distributable for you and your readers. You can also customize your TiddlyWiki at your own whim to its appearances and its function by creating plugins. With all of those features, I think this is a perfect platform to share my notes without much hassle. == Publishing my project If you want your project to be available for the whole world to see, you have available free options that lets you do that. Starting with... === https://github.com/[GitHub] When you want to share your project with the world for everyone to see, you need a server to do that. Fortunately, there are free services that does exactly that. Enter GitHub. Majority of you readers might have heard of this before. After all, it is _one of the largest and most popular development platform_ out there for the software industry. It's also _the_ leading development platform for open source software. It is where the big kids of the tech industry hang out: Microsoft, Google, Linux Foundation, you name it. Couple of that with the number of developers signed up, being the de-facto platform for the open source community, and the nature of open source, the network value is just too good to not ignore it especially if you're looking for a first step through the door of the industry. GitHub offer practically free unlimited public and private repo (with limited collaborators) for your projects. Whether you want to show off your projects or to keep your projects safe in the cloud, GitHub has you covered. Being a software development platform, it has a variety of features to aid software development: * Issue tracking that is open for other people with GitHub accounts. * An easy-to-use interface for forking, code review, and merge conflicts management. * Organizations can be created and invite other people to join and grant them level of access for your projects. Whether you want non-members to have a read-only access or can contribute alongside is a decision you can make. * GitHub also has a https://github.com/marketplace[marketplace of different services] making a part of your development process to go much smoother. * Offers a social place for code snippets called https://gist.github.com[GitHub Gists]. * Built-in tools for reporting and monitoring your projects. * https://education.github.com/pack/[Grants aid for students to get started on their software development journey] which further makes GitHub more of a de-facto platform not only for seasoned developers but also for newcomers. Anyways, if you're looking for an alternative to GitHub, here's some other Git-based web hosting sites: * https://gitlab.com/[GitLab] is probably the closest competitor to GitHub. It offers pretty much everything GitHub has (except for the student pack) but it has some other tricks GitHub doesn't have: ** Offers true unlimited public and private repos with unlimited collaborators so you can make your projects truly private here. ** Has built-in CI/CD tools making GitLab an out-of-the-box suitable platform for DevOps development. ** Can be self-hosted (meaning you can run GitLab locally in your own machine). * https://bitbucket.org/[Bitbucket] is another competitor to GitHub. Its core feature set is quite similar to GitLab: having built-in CI/CD tools, can be self-hosted, and has a ton of built-in integration with other services such as Trello and Slack. === http://heroku.com/[Heroku] If you're looking to deploy your dynamic web app, look no further to Heroku. Heroku offers an infrastructure as a service that is made sure to be as easy as possible and it is sure easy in my experience so far. Heroku just needs a Git repo from GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and other platforms and you're mostly done. Just tweak the app further, store your secret credentials, enable related services for your app, and your app will set ablaze live on the web. Alternatives: * https://glitch.com/[Glitch] — One of the coolest alternative to Heroku. It's another app deployment platform but with the sense of community mixed in. It lets you remix other people's app as well as you let them remix your app (if you choose). This is a nice platform for your hobby projects though it https://glitch.com/help/languages/[only supports Node.js for now (as of this writing)]. * https://zeit.co/now[Now] An app deployment service from Zeit. It offers a platform to deploy your web apps though you have to integrate it with your app instead of just placing your app and letting it run. Like Heroku, it also offers a generous free tier that is mostly enough for managing multiple hobby projects. * http://firebase.google.com/[Firebase] — An infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) later acquired by Google. It offers a generous free tier services if you're starting out but later it gets expensive as your project made through the limit. The only downside when using this is you have to integrate your app and may use some proprietary solutions along with it. * https://repl.it/[Repl.it] — Possibly one of the best alternatives to Heroku. Similar to Glitch, it's an online IDE that https://repl.it/site/languages[supports a lot of languages] and it got https://repl.it/discord[a community of hackers behind it]. It's a pretty cool tool especially for hobby projects and such. It is also open for other users in the Repl.it community, being able to fork your projects. === https://www.netlify.com/[Netlify] If you want to publish your static website, no need to deploy it with Heroku since it'll just add to your monthly quota. https://www.netlify.com/[Netlify] is one of the perfect platforms for that. Like Heroku, Netlify is a platform that aims to make web app deployment as easy as possible. Just create an account, login to Netlify, integrate your Git repo, and give configurations for deployment then celebrate! It offers out-of-the-box integration with common web workflow like task runners and Git repos and https://www.netlify.com/products/build/[automates them through a work pipeline], doing all the dev-ops work for you. It's pretty fantastic especially if you're working solo. Of course, https://www.netlify.com/pricing/[Netlify offers a generous free tier] limiting your account up to 100GB bandwidth for your list of deployed projects. For me, that is more than enough. Of course, tons of alternatives are available but here's the following that topped the list for me: * https://surge.sh/[Surge] — One of the more popular static site deployment tool. It's simply a deployment tool available in the command line. Also provides out-of-the-box integration with common workflows. * https://pages.github.com/[GitHub Pages] — If you're mainly a https://gitlab.com[GitLab] user, https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/[GitLab also offers a similar service]. It's the free static web hosting service offered in GitHub. You can set some configurations for your static website such as the branch specified to hold your site's files. You could also create a quick landing page for your repo with it. * https://zeit.co/now[Now] — One of the more advanced alternative. It's a platform for static and dynamic sites. Available as a command line tool, the platform also offers a https://zeit.co/pricing[generous free tier]. With all of those above, you're practically set for life in your web development learning journey. It's pretty amazing that we get these stuff for FREE, mind you. Now go ahead and ship some apps. === Other tools Well, here's some honorable mentions: * https://travis-ci.org/[Travis CI] — A continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) service that integrates very well with GitHub which is the reason why I list it here. If you're not familiar with CI/CD systems yet, you can view https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymPOI4gWQFY&list=PL0zVEGEvSaeFFy32i5A4041qSTbYqtKqv[this video series by @mpjme from FunFunFunction] to get you started. The video series assumes that you're familiar with programming workflows (in which you're most likely to be since you're reading my posts right now). * Your own automation script. — In some cases or reason, you'll have to craft the deployment script yourself. You might write one of these since you don't want to rely on a CI/CD service or just want to deploy it yourself. * Your own backend, maybe? — If it's powerful enough, I guess you could but I recommend more to pass that responsibility to the companies that offer dedicated servers. Unless your project _revolves around deploying your own backend_, I don't see much reason to deploy it with your own. == Conclusion There's my general workflow in its glory using only with (mostly) free and open source technologies. There's a lot more things to keep an eye on especially if you're looking for a specific set of technologies or needs. If you're looking for more open content, I can point you to the following: * https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome[`+awesome+`] — A list of resource list of various technologies and topics from software development, music, research, to game development. You should be able to get a start of your search of open content from there. * https://freebies-hunt.netlify.com/[Freebies Hunt] — I've created this website as a way of introducing you to free and open content, in general. It contains free resources for programming, music, design, and other interests I have. Quite similar to `+awesome+` but it stripped down to my preferred resources. Of course, for the spirit of open content (and software), everything on this website is open source from the https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/freebies-hunt[website] and the https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/freebies-hunt-api/[API] I've built. One of the most beneficial things on free and open content today is that they're easily accessible as they're easily created. Not only that it does help on making the technology to easily create interest on the public but also to create progress by everyone. Though with the said nature of open content, there are problems that are bound to be manifested such as the large amount of open content that can be completely overwhelming to newcomers up to the quality of the open content seeing as it can be made by everyone. Overall, I don't think it can be a problem as long as there are leading bodies that govern and direct the advancement of the technology or the domain it operates with. (Of course there are problems bound with it as well but that's how life works, solving problem inherently creates another problem.)