# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rake/clean' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'open3' require 'set' require 'shellwords' desc 'Build the site' task :build, %i[context base_url] => %i[export_avatars] do |_, args| args.with_defaults(context: 'production') draft_args = '--environment development --buildDrafts --buildFuture --buildExpired' unless args.context == 'production' base_uri_args = "-b #{args.base_url}" if args.base_url # Unfortunately, we have to pass it inside of another Nix shell since # Asciidoctor doesn't want to be found when executed in here for whatever # reason. sh "nix develop -c hugo #{draft_args} #{base_uri_args} --destination public" end desc 'Export the avatar images' task :export_avatars, %i[base_dir output_dir] do |_, args| args.with_defaults(base_dir: './assets/svg/', output_dir: './static/icons') output_dirs = Set[] Dir.glob('avatars/**/*.svg', base: args.base_dir) do |f| dirname = File.dirname f output_dir = %(#{args.output_dir}/#{dirname}) sizes = [ 32, 64, 128 ] formats = [ "avif", "webp" ] if output_dirs.add?(output_dir) then FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_dir, verbose: true) sizes.each do |size| size_dir = "#{output_dir}/#{size}x#{size}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(size_dir, verbose: true) end end # Create the avatars into various sizes. formats.product(sizes).each do |metadata| format = metadata[0] size = metadata[1] area = "#{size}x#{size}" output_file = "#{output_dir}/#{area}/#{File.basename(f, '.svg')}.#{format}" sh "magick #{args.base_dir}#{f} -strip -resize #{area} -quality 30 #{output_file}" end # Make the fallback images. formats.each do |format| output_file = "#{output_dir}/#{File.basename(f, '.svg')}.#{format}" sh "magick #{args.base_dir}#{f} -strip -resize 75% -quality 30 #{output_file}" end end end desc 'Build the webring to be embedded with the site' task :build_webring, %i[limit input output file] do |_, args| args.with_defaults( limit: 5, file: './data/blogs.json', input: './assets/templates/openring-input.html', output: './layouts/partials/openring.html' ) File.open args.file do |f| feeds = JSON.parse(f.read).sample(args.limit) feeds.map! { |feed| "-s #{Shellwords.escape(feed)}" } command = ['openring', '-n', args.limit.to_s] command.append(*feeds) Open3.pipeline command.join(' '), in: args.input, out: args.output end end desc 'Create a web server' task :serve do sh 'nix develop -c hugo serve --buildFuture --destination public' end desc 'Update the Hugo modules for this project' task :update do sh 'hugo mod get ./... && hugo mod tidy' end