= Wikipedia inline macro

An inline macro for easily creating Wikipedia links (i.e., `wikipedia.org`).

== Synopsis

[source, asciidoc]

Where if `$CAPTION` is present, it will be used as the link text.
Otherwise, it will just be the page.

== Attributes

- `lang` is the language domain to be linked into.
By default, it is set to `en`.

== Example usage

- `wikipedia:Diff[]` should link to the link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff[Diff page on English Wikipedia].
- `wikipedia:Diff[lang=ja]` should link to the link:https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff[Diff page on Japanese Wikipedia].
- `wikipedia:Photosynthesis[lang=simple]` should link to the link:https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photosynthesis[Photosynthesis page on Simple English Wikipedia].
- `wikipedia:Diff[diff in Japanese Wikipedia, lang=ja]` should link to the link:https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff[Diff page on Japanese Wikipedia] with the `diff in Japanese Wikipedia` as the link text.