{{- define "main" -}} <main> <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1> {{ .Content }} {{- /* Creating a section that lists out regular pages by year */ -}} {{ range $.Site.RegularPages.GroupByPublishDate "2006" }} {{- /* Skip regular pages with an invalid creation date string. */ -}} {{- /* This is convenient if we want to exclude certain posts to be listed by giving no value to `date` in the frontmatter. */ -}} {{- /* We will also exclude hidden pages. */ -}} {{ if ne .Key "0001" }} <section data-year="{{ .Key }}"> <h2 id="{{ .Key }}">{{ .Key }}</h2> <ul class="posts--list"> {{- range .Pages -}} <li class="post--list"> <date class="post--list__date">{{ .PublishDate.Format "2006-01-02" }}</date> <a class="post--list__title" aria-label="{{ .Title }}" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a> </li> {{- end -}} </ul> </section> {{- end }} {{ end }} </main> {{- end -}}