2021-07-21 08:28:07 +00:00
:ID: fa34ab22-2b49-485b-a797-cbcccb8bcd04
2021-07-17 10:24:21 +00:00
#+title : Neovim Lua integration
#+date : "2021-07-15 07:45:50 +08:00"
2022-05-22 14:47:20 +00:00
#+date_modified : "2022-04-20 21:19:43 +08:00"
2021-07-17 10:24:21 +00:00
#+language : en
2022-04-20 11:05:37 +00:00
- with Lua integration, you can create [[id:bdcff35e-15e1-4539-9c4e-5fdd5b978c26 ][Neovim Lua modules ]]
- you can start with =lua-intro= section from [[id:0a0fe63e-dcf3-4928-9e82-5513784c1244 ][Neovim help system ]];
it gives all of the information on the things you need to get started with configuring Neovim with Lua as well as pointers for more things to do with Lua;
- Neovim also extends the Lua standard library found in =vim= object;
see the =lua-stdlib= in [[id:0a0fe63e-dcf3-4928-9e82-5513784c1244 ][Neovim help system ]]
* Setting configuration with Lua
2022-05-22 14:47:20 +00:00
There are some equivalent setting values in Lua versus Vimscript.
For more information, see the =lua-vimscript= help section.
| Description | Vimscript statement | Lua equivalent |
| Setting options | ~set number relativenumber~ | ~vim.opt.number, vim.opt.relativenumber = true, true~ |
| Setting local options | ~setlocal spell~ | ~vim.opt_local.spell = true~ |
| Running Vimscript commands | ~colorscheme nord~ | ~vim.cmd "colorscheme nord"~ |
| Setting buffer-specific options | ~b:ale-enabled=1~ | ~vim.b["ale-enabled"] = 1~ |
Some more general things you generally want to know:
- You can still execute Vimscript with =vim.cmd= .
For more information, see =:h lua-vimscript= from the help system.
- You can access environment variables through =vim.env= — e.g., ~vim.env.HOME~ , ~vim.env.MYVIMRC~ .
- Highlight options are mostly in =vim.highlight= — e.g., ~highlight clear SpellCap~ versus ~vim.highlight~ .
- You can manipulate variables of various scopes from =vim.{g,b,..,t}= .
To see more details, see =lua-vim-variables= help section.
- =vim.opt= will return an Option object, it has a common API.
to learn more about it, see =vim.opt= and its subsections.
* Real-life examples making use of Neovim Lua API
This is a list of [[id:bdcff35e-15e1-4539-9c4e-5fdd5b978c26 ][Neovim Lua modules ]] that can serve as a basis for learning to interact Neovim with Lua.
- [[https://github.com/savq/paq-nvim ][paq-nvim ]] is a simple Neovim package manager
- [[https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim ][packer.nvim ]] is a more comprehensive package manager
- [[https://github.com/L3MON4D3/LuaSnip ][LuaSnip ]] is a snippet engine
- [[https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim ][telescope.nvim ]] is a fuzzy finder integrated inside Neovim
Several people have already replaced their already existing Vim configurations with Neovim.
- TJ DeVries' [[https://github.com/tjdevries/config_manager/ ][Neovim config ]] is fully written in Lua complete with his own plugins.
- ThePrimeagen's [[https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/.dotfiles/ ][public dotfiles ]] contains Neovim config written in Lua.