for more information, see =systemd.exec.5= manual page
- =ProtectHome= will restrict process to interact with =/home=, =/root=, and =/run/user=;
can accept a boolean or certain values: =read-only= will set certain directories to read-only and =tmpfs= will mount the temporary filesystems to the directories as read-only;
- =ProtectControlGroups= will make the control group filesystem (i.e., =/sys/fs/cgroup=) to read-only
- =PrivateUsers=, if enabled, will run the processes through another user
- =ProtectClock= prohibits interacting with the system clock
- =ProtectKernelModules= restricts loading of kernel modules
- =ProtectKernelLogs= prevents logging into the kernel ring buffer
- =PrivateTmp= will create a new temporary filesystem for the unit
- =PrivateNetwork= will create a new set of network devices only composing of a loopback network device;
- [[][systemd service hardening]] from
- also, a [[][follow-up post that uses a real-life example for service hardening a web server with recent exploits]]