- The presence of the material itself can fool the student thinking they already know the material.
+ Solution: close the material and practice self-testing.
- Overlearning: tackling the material for complete mastery for the nth time
+ Solution: simply move on once you already know the basics of the concept.
+ Remember [[id:df20e58b-6d38-4ace-8468-413bc708c772][Most of the work is done from smaller amount of effort]].
- Being invested in an idea that you cannot see other solutions.
+ Solution: do some occasional workshopping with related concepts or tools.
+ This is the reason why most of the discoveries are made either by young people or those who haven't formally trained or studied for the original field.
- Working with solutions can be a trap if you focus solely on the steps.
+ Solution: give time to focus on the bigger picture.
+ Inversely, understanding without the memorization is still bad as [[id:c0e4fb0e-68f2-4db4-8c3e-f5a7845738c3][Understanding comes first from memory]].