The practice of note-taking is universal — it is everybody's concern how to write their findings efficiently with the use of a [[id:88f2256a-3359-4d10-92a3-9273cabce414][Personal information management]] system.
Note-taking does not only involve the act of writing but also the act of retrieval from finding contextual relationships from two notes, separating notes into digestible chunks, and searching notes effectively.
Among the endless list of methods, popular methods include [[id:4259636e-e0e8-49e4-8210-758ec59728a3][Zettelkasten]], [[id:24b5e144-dda4-482c-9684-958a00d6c986][Roam Research]], Cornell method, or the traditional [[id:d3fbdb1a-9629-45ef-9f08-32c6e49025bb][Linear notes]].
One could start to [[id:d024516b-35ea-40ae-9433-ceacea695073][Write paragraphs like music]], create notes with [[id:79357d56-74bf-4854-820c-c0ad849f2468][Classic prose]], [[id:b318dc2b-5fa1-48ff-9d33-6fbbdee46a2f][Write down the simplest possible example]], and [[id:b0aee2c6-f759-4b7a-829f-79781926091e][Create examples of ranking complexity when documenting your project]].
Not all note-taking is the formal method of paraphrasing our observations and thoughts, this can also be a method of merely writing our thoughts down.
We can [[id:810dc8b6-db64-4c80-a0aa-f9e6d5fa4acf][Create an inbox to store your thoughts]], create [[id:3d1c0313-fa3d-4b18-b435-51d3837e3e2c][Fleeting notes]] as a mental scratchpad.