This is just my personal notes on [[][Structure and interpretation of computer programs]].
I also studied with the [[][Brian Harvey's SICP lectures]] because I am a scrub. ;p
* Elements of programming
Programming often requires the following:
- Simple expressions with atomic value.
- A way to combine procedures into complex expressions.
In order to do programming, we must have a programming language.
A programming language often requires the following to have an effective way of expressing code:
- Expressions which varies from primitive expressions (e.g., ~42~, ~1.683~, ~53819492184~) to compound expressions (e.g., ~(+ 53 20)~, ~(- 464 254)~).
- An environment of objects which you can refer by name either with values (e.g., ~(define x 10)~, ~(define pi 3.14)~, ~(define e 2.71828)~) or procedures (e.g., ~(define (square x) (* x x))~, ~(define (my-formula height weight length) (* 23 (/ height weight) (+ 3500 length)))~).
- An evaluation model for expressions since certain procedures can have different output from the order of operations.
A programming language lets us abstract procedures as a black box.
Here's an example of implementing the square root given a number.
In order to do the square root extraction in our implementation, we define multiple procedures with each solving a part of the procedure: one procedure for indicating whether the guess is good enough, one for creating an improved guess for the next iteration, and one for actually doing the square root extraction.
In general cases, we don't implement things as one thing as it will result in a messy state of code.
Instead, we modularize those functions.
We classify these procedures as a *procedural abstraction*.
* Higher-order functions
Functions and data are often separated similarly to verbs and subjects.
We tend to think of them as different things relying on each other to do things: functions need data to manipulate while data are raw information to be arranged by a function.
However, the reality is that there is a blurry line to how distinct both of them are.
Functions can be treated similarly to data and vice versa.
The lesson of higher-order functions proves this.
It is one of the foundations of functional programming.
In order to learn about it, you need to know the key: *generalizing patterns*.
For example, say we have different functions for knowing the area of a shape.