Even without the internet, however, it is still useful to find ways to refer to things or store them locally whether by archiving or creating related notes.
This doesn't mean that you should avert remembering, that would be silly as [[id:c0e4fb0e-68f2-4db4-8c3e-f5a7845738c3][Understanding comes first from memory]].
- [[id:ea263f6f-fa8e-4e6d-a585-d30d493d1e3c][Add a desktop search engine for your digital library]].
- Referring to official documentation and tools (e.g., [[https://devdocs.io/][DevDocs]], [[https://zealdocs.org/][Zeal]]).
- Making full use of search tools from programs such as the command palette in [[roam:Visual Studio Code]], help system in Microsoft Word, and dynamic menus in roam:Blender.