Remember it as getting *out* of the current jump point and back to the previous one.
* Enter jump point
:ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards
:ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1619866523112
** Front
How to jump into a keyword?
** Back
- =Ctrl + ]= will enter into the definition block of a keyword.
- =K= also has the same effect.
* Go to file path
:ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards
:ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1619866578855
** Front
How to go to the file path at point?
** Back
=gf= as in *goto file*.
* Set as a pager
:ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards
:ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1619873854130
** Front
How to set Vim as a manpager?
** Back
~MANPAGER="nvim +Man!"~
~+Man!~ is a command invocation (as if entering ~:Man~ inside Vim).
It can also be written as ~-c Man!~.
The ~:Man!~ command displays the current buffer as a manual page.
* Show outline/table of content
:ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards
:ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1619873854327
** Front
How to show the table of contents of a document?
** Back
=gO=, although the results are filetype-specific (and some don't have any).
Helpful examples include for manual pages and help pages (from =:help=).
* Detect files through filetypes
:ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Styled cards
:ANKI_NOTE_ID: 1619937647469
** Front
How does Vim detect the files?
** Back
Vim guesses the file by assigning *filetypes*, mainly through the file name and reading the file content.
A filetype is how Vim knows what plugins to apply to the current buffer.
Vim has a few built-in filetypes such as shell, manual pages, Markdown, Asciidoc, xmodmap, patch files, and JSON among others (that are in =$VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim=).
For more information, run ~:help filetype~ inside Vim.