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In my desktop workflow, I've managed to create a generic desktop search for my projects which also serves as an format-agnostic option for personal braindump/wiki which I'll taking notes of it somewhere.
</p><p>This is the notes for <a href="https://www.fun-mooc.fr/courses/course-v1:inria+41016+self-paced/info">Reproducible research: methodological prinicples for transparent science</a>, an open course on how to create <a href="/wiki/2020-04-12-11-20-53">Reproducible research</a> and notes with various tools.
The course itself is divided into three paths for <a href="https://jupyter.org">Jupyter Notebooks</a>, R, and Org-Mode.
There is also a <a href="https://gitlab.inria.fr/learninglab/mooc-rr/mooc-rr-ressources">dedicated Git repo with additional resources</a> (most of them are in French but some come with English translations), be sure to check it out.
</p><p>Also take note some chapters of certain modules are skipped because I'm only targetting topics I'm not totally familiar with.
I may also extend the notes with my own research.
</p><h1 id="lab-notes-and-notebooks">Lab notes and notebooks</h1><p>This module also places importance on creating reproducible research notes that concerns everyone.
Specifically, it concerns preservation of values: labeling equipments, archiving notes with contextual data (e.g., dates), and creating a sketch or blueprints of the apparatus.
Anything to make it explicit as possible for other researchers who may want to take the mantle.
</p><h2 id="brief-history-of-notes-from-a-western-point-of-view">Brief history of notes (from a Western point of view)</h2><p>In a quick bullet form:
</p><ul><li><p>Clay tablets are the first recorded form of note-taking.
</p></li></ul><p>Then, wax tablets and scrolls superceded the clay tablets.
</p><ul><li><p>And then, codices (or books) existed and replaced the scrolls as a common option.
</p></li></ul><p>Along the fact that codices solve the common inconveniences from using a scroll (e.g., text navigation is difficult, no hard breaks for the text).
Furthermore, it enabled notes with navigational features such as adding table of contents, an index, and paragraph indications (such as rubrics).
</p><ul><li><p>Eusebius, a historian, created a document referred as the "Eusebian Canons" demonstrating the first use of cross-references.
</p></li><li><p>As the use of paper note-taking took off, more methods of note-taking has arised such as index notes, logbooks, and post-it notes each with their pros and cons.
</p></li><li><p>However, devices such as computers and digital tablets are becoming a viable option with the use of the right technology.
</p></li></ul><h2 id="plain-text-formatting-languages">Plain-text formatting languages</h2><p>Word processors such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and LibreOffice Writer enables you to create documents but it can only be opened by them.
</p><p>Plain-text files avert this problem that it can be opened by any text editors.
However, they lack the markup formatting (e.g., inserting text in boldface and italics, attaching files, inserting images and tables) that the formatted documents possess.
This is where markup languages such as HTML, Markdown, and PhpBB come into play giving us the ability to format our text.
However, certain markup languages like the aforementioned HTML can be hard-to-read.
</p><p>Thus, a new subclass of markup languages are born, lightweight markup languages.
It offers a content-oriented human-readable syntax in plain-text that we could open up in our text editors and format our content.
Examples include Markdown, Asciidoctor, Org-mode, and reStructuredText.
</p><h2 id="search-tools-and-techniques">Search tools and techniques</h2><p>I've created a dedicated note (see <a href="/wiki/2020-06-27-16-21-47">Apply search tools and techniques for your digital library</a>) on this as derived from this course.
</p><p>With digital files comes digital tools (and some techniques) to help us in searching for our notes.
These can vary from complex technologies to simple format-agnostic techniques that can make narrow searching an easy task.
</p><ul><li><p>Desktop search engines such as DocFetcher and Recoll are one of your most powerful options.
It can search through text and metadata quite fast.
</p></li><li><p>Simply creating a format-agnostic labelling system (e.g., delimiting your labels as <code class="inline-code">::LABEL::</code>) can tremendously help with searching through your notes.
This also helps in reducing information overload when searching with a broad term.
</p></li><li><p>For binary file formats like PNG, PDF, and MP4, you can embed file metadata instead.
There are free tools that lets you create those such as Exiftool and Exiv2.
It's an added bonus that some desktop search engines can also search metadata of binary files.
</p></li></ul><h1 id="computational-documents">Computational documents</h1><p>The researching process often face issues from its conception up to publication.
</p><p>Some controversial studies have been popping up revealing flaws in its computation, cherry-picking data, or simple bugs/error in its setup.
More factors include:
</p><ul><li><p>The usage on proprietary formats and services where the lack of promise of long-lasting storage is a valid concern.
Their free and open counterparts does not promise the same either but at least you could access the previous versions.
</p></li><li><p>Reliance on oversimplified graphical interfaces that hide computational details or rather the lack of logging explanations.
</p></li><li><p>Lack of backup systems, version control, and quality control that also degrades transparency.
</p></li><li><p>Lack of technical documentation which is against the rigorous and methodical nature of science.
</p></li></ul><h1 id="replicable-analysis">Replicable analysis</h1><ul><li><p>With reproducible documents come replicable analysis.
Obviously, the concept of research reproducibility is not valid until others can replicate the research.
</p></li><li><p>Acquired data from other sources shouldn't be edited "manually" (e.g., text editor, database editor) and everything regarding it would have to be modified with code.
This is especially important if you've spotted a missing chunk of the data.
</p></li><li><p>That said, missing and/or dubious data are normal due to lack of data collection or an error in data processing.
It should also be dealt with ourselves on how to handle missing or dubious data.
</p></li></ul><h1 id="real-life-reproducible-research">Real-life reproducible research</h1><p>With reproducible documents and replicable analysis, the rudimentary toolset needed for reproducible research is complete.
However, as always in the real world, there are challenges ahead.
</p><h2 id="data-hell">Data hell</h2><p>First, gathering data is often not of similar origins and nature.
Furthermore, the data is often not heterogenous which means we cannot easily establish the relationship among them.
</p><p>As much as text formats are an attractive option, there are some tradeoffs you need to keep in mind.
Data are often big and text generally consume more memory since text has to be converted into binary format.
If we want to take less, we can consider our data to be in binary in the first place.
</p><p>Binary formats are good for performance but there's a factor to consider it which is the <a href="/wiki/computing.endianness">Endianness</a>.
They can be read differently depending on the computer architecture so it is best practice to announce the endianness in your paper.
</p><p>Text formats, however, has the upper hand of easily adding <strong>metadata</strong> to our data which is a must for reproducible research.
To get around this solution, we could look into established binary data formats that attempts to tackle this problem.
It also has the advantage of using standardized tools that other researchers also use.
Examples include <a href="http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/">Flexible image transport system (FITS)</a> and <a href="https://www.hdfgroup.org/">Hierarchical data format (HDF)</a>.
</p><p>Data can be archived offline but it is hard to share and distribute the sources and the results to other researchers.
One can host the data themselves but the discoverability suffers which is not really in the spirit of research.
The professors recommend to utilize online archives such as <a href="https://zenodo.org/">Zenodo</a> and <a href="https://figshare.com/">Figshare</a> which solves the distribution and discoverability issues.
</p><h2 id="software-hell">Software hell</h2><p>Software can get complex at a fast rate when we try to scale up our data.
This is also added with the factor that software does not stand in the test of time, surprisingly.
</p><p>With our data and code becoming complex, the resources needed to calculate all of it is increasing as well.
Not to mention the longer (reproducible) notes which can make navigation a bit of a pain.
</p><p>Creating a well-structured document can help our readers but it does not avoid the problem when the document is becoming too long for an overview.
Certain notebooks like Org-mode enables folding of the document and only unfolding the sections that we want to see.
</p><p>Having a long reproducible document can also have a performance problem.
Certain options are trying to get around this:
</p><ul><li><p>Jupyter offer the option of delegating the calcuations to a supercomputer.
</p></li><li><p>As of 2021-03-31, the Emacs community is trying to bring the editor into native code which in turn improves the situation for Org-Mode. </p></li></ul><p>Another solution is introducing a <strong>workflow engine</strong> that takes a <strong>workflow</strong> as input.
A workflow is a language describes each step of the study into a digestible graph.
It lets you process data in different programming languages and execute them in a linear way to prevent side effects.
The process of creating reproducible documents can get complex therefore create a complex workflow but it has the added property of reusability for certain sections which then can be used by others.
Examples of a workflow engine include <a href="https://galaxyproject.org/">Galaxy</a> and <a href="https://cknowledge.io/">Collective Knowledge</a>.
</p><p>Lighter versions of workflow engines also exists.
Makefiles, in a way, describes the workflow so certain tools like <a href="https://dask.org/">Dask</a> and <a href="https://snakemake.readthedocs.io/en/stable/">Snakemake</a> tries to integrate with it.
</p><p>The professors recommend to think through the process before using a tool.
It is not bad to start with the notebooks first and as the study becomes increasingly complex, you can try to migrate to using a workflow.
</p><p>The problems of software doesn't end there, however.
For instance, under the popular software and libraries like R, <a href="https://www.scipy.org/">SciPy</a>, and <a href="https://matplotlib.org/">Matplotlib</a> are full of abstractions which can mean they use a lot of packages.
Most of the software should be able to let you know about the versions (and even the complete environment like the following R code block, for example).
</p><pre class="src-block"><code class="language-R">R.version
</code></pre><div class="exampe"> _
platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
arch x86_64
os linux-gnu
system x86_64, linux-gnu
major 4
minor 0.4
year 2021
month 02
day 15
svn rev 80002
language R
version.string R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15)
nickname Lost Library Book
</div><p>Even then, specifying versions explicitly can only do so little since most of these libraries depend on another (SciPy, for example depends on C).
It could still "break" if your machine or the library has been updated which may or may not contain breaking changes.
</p><p>To get around this, we have to capture the environment of our code.
There are tools that specialize in this function.
</p><ul><li><p>Self-contained bundling tools like <a href="https://github.com/VIDA-NYU/reprozip">ReproZip</a> freezes the environment and share it with your colleagues.
However, if there is an issue in your code or document, you may have to rebuild the bundle.
</p></li><li><p>A more complete solution is a virtual machine (e.g., <a href="https://www.virtualbox.org/">VirtualBox</a>, <a href="https://www.qemu.org/">QEMU</a>) but it can be heavy in resources where certain factors are not important like the operating system or the hardware.
</p></li><li><p>Lighter alternatives to virtual machines like containers such as <a href="https://www.docker.com/">Docker</a> or <a href="https://singularity.lbl.gov/">Singularity</a> are more suitable for software environments.
They also offer mostly the same security as virtual machines in that the environment is isolated from the host meaning no system libraries or programs will be used;
you have to explicitly specify which depedencies are used.
</p></li><li><p>Certain package managers like <a href="https://nixos.org/">Nix</a> and <a href="https://guix.gnu.org/">GNU Guix</a> specialize in retrieving reproducible environments.
</p></li></ul><p>As mentioned before, software are fragile: they can easily evolve and break.
This is especially true for fast-moving software and libraries like Python 3 and even Org-mode by the fact that it goes through major changes 9 times.
These breaking changes can interrupt the workflow which is why it is important to look out for changes.
Another solution is to force some rulings such as coding exclusively in C or only use certain libraries and reimplement anything else.
Capturing the environments used for calculations is a matter of compromise and stability.
</p><p>Software can also be fragile that it can be easily deleted.
Just like how data has dedicated archives, certain platforms have dedicated to preserve software like <a href="https://www.softwareheritage.org/">Software Heritage</a>, <a href="https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr">Hyper Articles en Ligne</a>, and <a href="https://archive.org/">Internet Archive</a>.
</p><h2 id="numeric-hell">Numeric hell</h2><p>In today's world where computers aids in research such as calculations, there are hidden factors looming in.
For example, representing floating points is particularly difficult and has resulted in certain quirks like the following code in Python.
</p><pre class="src-block"><code class="language-python">print(0.1 + 0.2)
</code></pre><pre class="fixed-width">0.30000000000000004</pre><p>
Not to mention, compilers can also affect the results by optimizing the code and may result in changing the order of the computations which is not a good thing for reproducible researches.
That said, compilers should be able to offer the option of configuring its compilation step such as disabling certain optimizations.
</p><p>Another problem arises is the parallel computation which supposed to make code execution faster.
Parallel computation mainly relies on the hardware and it can affect how things are when executed on different machines.
The study on how to minimize the impact is not yet fully realized.
</p><p>Last but not least are the problems when using a randomized number.
When it comes to generating random numbers, we are not using truly random numbers but pseudo-random numbers generated by deterministic algorithms.
One of many ways on how to generate 'random' numbers is taking an input referred as the seed.
The seed is then computated to get the first state, then the output of the first state is being computated to get the second, and so on.
</p><p>To make our research reproducible, we have to hardcode the seed or at least refer to it somewhere.
Here's an example of generating random numbers in Python with a fixed input.
</p><pre class="src-block"><code class="language-python">import random
for i in range(5):
</code></pre><pre class="fixed-width">0.7123429878269185
If the same seed is used for pseudo-random number generating, we can then verify it.
</p><pre class="src-block"><code class="language-python">import random
assert random.random() == 0.7123429878269185
assert random.random() == 0.8397997363118733
assert random.random() == 0.18259188695451745
</code></pre><h1 id="additional-readings">Additional readings</h1><dl><dt><a href="https://www.fun-mooc.fr/courses/course-v1:inria+41016+self-paced/info">The course link</a></dt><dd><p>It is a great open course with great instructors, examples, and exercises to make the lessons stick with you.
</p></dd><dt><a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22473209">Ask HN: how to take good notes</a></dt><dd><p>A general Q&A on how to take good notes and then some valuable insights.
</p></dd></dl></main></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">{"props":{"pageProps":{"metadata":{"date":"\"2020-04-12 10:24:25 +08:00\"","date_modified":"\"2021-11-07 00:38:07 +08:00\"","language":"en","source":""},"title":"Reproducible research: methodological principles for transparent science","hast":{"type":"root","children":[{"type":"element","tagName":"nav","properties":{"className":"toc"},"children":[{"type":"element","tagName":"ol","properties":{"className":"toc-level toc-level-1"},"children":[{"type":"element","tagName":"li","data":{"hookArgs":[{"type":"element","tagName":"h1","properties":{"id":"lab-notes-and-notebooks"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Lab notes and notebooks"}]}]},"properties":{"className":"toc-item toc-item-h1"},"children":[{"type":"element","tagName":"a","properties":{"className":"toc-link toc-link-h1","href":"/literature.reproducible-research-methodological-principles-for-transparent-science#lab-notes-and-notebooks"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Lab notes and notebooks"}]},{"type":"element","tagName":"ol","properties":{"className":"toc-level toc-level-2"},"children":[{"type":"element","tagName":"li","data":{"hookArgs":[{"type":"element","tagName":"h2","properties":{"id":"brief-history-of-notes-from-a-western-point-of-view"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Brief history of notes (from a Western point of view)"}]}]},"properties":{"className":"toc-item toc-item-h2"},"children":[{"type":"element","tagName":"a","properties":{"className":"toc-link toc-link-h2","href":"/literature.reproducible-research-methodological-principles-for-transparent-science#brief-history-of-notes-from-a-western-point-of-view"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Brief history of notes (from a Western point of view)"}]}]},{"type":"element","tagName":"li","data":{"hookArgs":[{"type":"element","tagName":"h2","properties":{"id":"plain-text-formatting-languages"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Plain-text formatting languages"}]}]},"properties":{"className":"toc-item toc-item-h2"},"children":[{"type":"element","tagName":"a","properties":{"className":"toc-link toc-link-h2","href":"/literature.reproducible-research-methodological-principles-for-transparent-science#plain-text-formatting-languages"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Plain-text formatting languages"}]}]},{"type":"element","tagName":"li","data":{"hookArgs":[{"type":"element","tagName":"h2","properties":{"id":"search-tools-and-techniques"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Search tools and techniques"}]}]},"properties":{"className":"toc-item toc-item-h2"},"children":[{"type":"element","tagName":"a","properties":{"className":"toc-link toc-link-h2","href":"/literature.reproducible-research-methodological-principles-for-transparent-science#search-tools-and-techniques"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Search tools and techniques"}]}]}]}]},{"type":"element","tagName":"li","data":{"hookArgs":[{"type":"element","tagName":"h1","properties":{"id":"computational-documents"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Computational documents"}]}]},"properties":{"className":"toc-item toc-item-h1"},"children":[{"type":"element","tagName":"a","properties":{"className":"toc-link toc-link-h1","href":"/literature.reproducible-research-methodological-principles-for-transparent-science#computational-documents"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Computational documents"}]}]},{"type":"element","tagName":"li","data":{"hookArgs":[{"type":"element","tagName":"h1","properties":{"id":"replicable-analysis"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Replicable analysis"}]}]},"properties":{"className":"toc-item toc-item-h1"},"children":[{"type":"element","tagName":"a","properties":{"className":"toc-link toc-link-h1","href":"/literature.reproducible-research-methodological-principles-for-transparent-science#replicable-analysis"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"Replicable analysis"}]}]},{"type":"element","tagName":"li","data":{"hookArgs":[{"type":"element","tagName":"h1","properties":{"id":"real-life-reproducible-research"},"children":[{"type":"text","value":"