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synced 2025-03-14 06:19:05 +00:00
Update notes on the cloud computing course and Nix
Was able to finally pass through the ArgoCD installation among other things. I also updated more exercises to tangle my solutions into a file.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Create the namespace with the specified label.
kubectl create namespaces demo
kubectl label namespaces demo tier=test
# Create the specified deployment.
kubectl create deployment nginx-alpine --image=nginx:alpine --replicas=3 --namespace=demo
kubectl label deployment nginx-alpine app=nginx tag=alpine --namespace=demo
# Expose the deployment as a service.
kubectl expose deployment nginx-alpine --namespace=demo --port=8111
# Create the config map.
kubectl create configmaps nginx-version --namespace=demo --from-literal=version=alpine
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
apiVersion: v1
version: alpine
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: null
name: nginx-version
namespace: demo
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
creationTimestamp: null
app: nginx
tag: alpine
name: nginx-alpine
namespace: demo
replicas: 3
app: nginx-alpine
strategy: {}
creationTimestamp: null
app: nginx-alpine
- image: nginx:alpine
name: nginx
resources: {}
status: {}
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
creationTimestamp: null
name: demo
tier: test
spec: {}
status: {}
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
creationTimestamp: null
app: nginx
tag: alpine
name: nginx-alpine
namespace: demo
- port: 8111
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8111
app: nginx-alpine
loadBalancer: {}
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#+title: Solutions to SUSE Cloud native fundamentals scholarship exercises
#+title: Solutions to SUSE Cloud native fundamentals scholarship exercises
#+date: "2021-06-08 23:23:35 +08:00"
#+date: "2021-06-08 23:23:35 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-06-21 10:54:53 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-07-02 16:48:37 +08:00"
#+language: en
#+language: en
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ Now you have learned many Kubernetes recourses, in this exercise, you will deplo
This is practical test but it can summarized with a shell script.
This is practical test but it can summarized with a shell script.
#+begin_src bash :eval no
#+begin_src bash :eval no :tangle (my/concat-assets-folder "kubernetes-resources.sh") :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env bash"
# Create the namespace with the specified label.
# Create the namespace with the specified label.
kubectl create namespaces demo
kubectl create namespaces demo
kubectl label namespaces demo tier=test
kubectl label namespaces demo tier=test
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ The following manifests are created with the option to print the resources in YA
Here's one for the namespace.
Here's one for the namespace.
The command used to make the template is ~kubectl create namespace demo --dry-run=client --output=yaml~.
The command used to make the template is ~kubectl create namespace demo --dry-run=client --output=yaml~.
#+begin_src yaml
#+begin_src yaml :tangle (my/concat-assets-folder "manifests/namespace.yaml")
apiVersion: v1
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
kind: Namespace
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ status: {}
The manifest for the deployment.
The manifest for the deployment.
The command used to create the starting template is ~kubectl create deployment nginx-alpine --namespace=demo --replicas=3 --image=nginx:alpine --dry-run=client --output=yaml~.
The command used to create the starting template is ~kubectl create deployment nginx-alpine --namespace=demo --replicas=3 --image=nginx:alpine --dry-run=client --output=yaml~.
#+begin_src yaml
#+begin_src yaml :tangle (my/concat-assets-folder "manifests/deployment.yaml")
apiVersion: apps/v1
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
kind: Deployment
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ status: {}
The service manifest should be created after the deployment manifest is applied (i.e., ~kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml~).
The service manifest should be created after the deployment manifest is applied (i.e., ~kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml~).
It is created with ~kubectl expose deploy nginx-alpine --port=8111 --dry-run=client --output=yaml --namespace=demo~.
It is created with ~kubectl expose deploy nginx-alpine --port=8111 --dry-run=client --output=yaml --namespace=demo~.
#+begin_src yaml
#+begin_src yaml :tangle (my/concat-assets-folder "manifests/service.yaml")
apiVersion: v1
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
kind: Service
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ status:
The resulting YAML output is from running the command (i.e., ~kubectl create configmap nginx-version --from-literal=version=alpine --dry-run=client --output=yaml --namespace=demo~).
The resulting YAML output is from running the command (i.e., ~kubectl create configmap nginx-version --from-literal=version=alpine --dry-run=client --output=yaml --namespace=demo~).
No cleaning up is required.
No cleaning up is required.
#+begin_src yaml
#+begin_src yaml :tangle (my/concat-assets-folder "manifests/configmap.yaml")
apiVersion: v1
apiVersion: v1
version: alpine
version: alpine
@ -566,3 +566,55 @@ jobs:
This is shamelessly ripped off from the sample from the [[https://github.com/marketplace/actions/build-and-push-docker-images][GitHub Actions page]].
This is shamelessly ripped off from the sample from the [[https://github.com/marketplace/actions/build-and-push-docker-images][GitHub Actions page]].
I realized it's basically the answer for this exercise.
I realized it's basically the answer for this exercise.
Embarrassing that I spent an hour for this.
Embarrassing that I spent an hour for this.
* The CD fundamentals
Continuous Delivery (CD) is the ability to get code changes reliably to production environments.
This practice should be automated and should enable developers to provide value to consumers efficiently.
In this exercise, you will use ArgoCD to automate the delivery of an application to a Kubernetes cluster.
** Solution
The manifest is really the same as the example manifest from the walkthrough except with a different path pointing to the required manifests.
#+begin_src yaml :tangle (my/concat-assets-folder "argocd-nginx-alpine.yaml")
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
name: ngnix-alpine
namespace: argocd
namespace: default
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
project: default
path: exercises/manifests
repoURL: https://github.com/udacity/nd064_course_1
targetRevision: HEAD
syncPolicy: {}
Then integrate it into the cluster with the following command.
#+begin_src shell :eval no
kubectl apply -f argocd-nginx-alpine.yaml
You should then see the project on the ArgoCD application list where it requires an initial sync.
For assurance, you can check to see if the resources are deployed.
Continuing from [[Declarative Kubernetes manifests]], the resources are mostly in the =demo= namespace.
#+begin_src shell :eval no
kubectl get pod -n demo
kubectl get deploy -n demo
kubectl get rs -n demo
You should see them up and running.
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#+title: Percent encoding in Bash
#+title: Percent encoding in Bash
#+date: "2021-06-23 21:10:33 +08:00"
#+date: "2021-06-23 21:10:33 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-06-24 20:42:43 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-07-01 13:46:04 +08:00"
#+language: en
#+language: en
@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ To decode percent-encoded strings:
function urldecode {
function urldecode {
# urldecode <string>
# urldecode <string>
# Replace all pluses with spaces since it usually represents it in URLs.
local url_encoded="${1//+/ }"
local url_encoded="${1//+/ }"
# Replace all percent sign with '\x' and print the message with byte interpretation.
printf '%b\n' "${url_encoded//%/\\x}"
printf '%b\n' "${url_encoded//%/\\x}"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#+title: Exploring systemd features
#+title: Exploring systemd features
#+date: "2021-05-20 22:37:22 +08:00"
#+date: "2021-05-20 22:37:22 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-06-19 15:07:52 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-07-01 11:54:34 +08:00"
#+language: en
#+language: en
#+property: header-args :eval no
#+property: header-args :eval no
@ -69,6 +69,52 @@ But you can omit it if you named the timer unit file similarly (e.g., =borg-back
You can find more information about it from the =systemd.time.5= manual page.
You can find more information about it from the =systemd.time.5= manual page.
Furthermore, systemd has a testing tool for time with ~systemd-analyze {timespan,timestamp,calendar}~.
Furthermore, systemd has a testing tool for time with ~systemd-analyze {timespan,timestamp,calendar}~.
#+begin_src shell :eval yes
printf "Timespan example:\n"
printf "..............\n"
systemd-analyze timespan 4000min
printf "..............\n\n"
printf "Timestamp example:\n"
printf "..............\n"
systemd-analyze timestamp 2021-07-01
printf "..............\n\n"
printf "Calendar example:\n"
printf "..............\n"
systemd-analyze calendar "*-1/4-5 0/2:00:00"
printf "..............\n\n"
Timespan example:
Original: 4000min
μs: 240000000000
Human: 2d 18h 40min
Timestamp example:
Original form: 2021-07-01
Normalized form: Thu 2021-07-01 00:00:00 PST
(in UTC): Wed 2021-06-30 16:00:00 UTC
UNIX seconds: @1625068800
From now: 11h ago
Calendar example:
Original form: *-1/4-5 0/2:00:00
Normalized form: *-01/4-05 00/2:00:00
Next elapse: Sun 2021-09-05 00:00:00 PST
(in UTC): Sat 2021-09-04 16:00:00 UTC
From now: 2 months 4 days left
@ -152,23 +198,56 @@ Like most of the components, it can be used at user-level with their set locatio
Just plop down a service unit file at one of the search paths and you can start managing right away.
Just plop down a service unit file at one of the search paths and you can start managing right away.
For more information, see the manual page (i.e., =systemd.service.5=).
For more information, see the manual page (i.e., =systemd.service.5=).
A summarized version can be found at [[Service configuration]].
Here's an example of a user service resided as =$HOME/.config/systemd/user/borgbackup@.service=.
Here's an example of a user service resided as =$HOME/.config/systemd/user/drive-backup.service=.
#+begin_src ini
#+begin_src ini
Description=Periodic safety backup for %i
Description=Periodic safety backup for my external drive
Documentation=man:borg(1) https://www.borgbackup.org/ https://torsion.org/borgmatic/
Documentation=man:borg(1) https://www.borgbackup.org/ https://torsion.org/borgmatic/
ExecStartPre=%h/.nix-profile/bin/borgmatic --config %h/dotfiles/borgmatic/%i.yaml --verbosity 2 create
ExecStart=%h/.nix-profile/bin/borgmatic --config %h/dotfiles/borgmatic/personal-drive.yaml --verbosity 2 create
ExecStart=%h/.nix-profile/bin/borgmatic --config %h/dotfiles/borgmatic/%i.yaml --verbosity 2 check
ExecStart=%h/.nix-profile/bin/borgmatic --config %h/dotfiles/borgmatic/personal-drive.yaml --verbosity 2 prune
ExecStart=%h/.nix-profile/bin/borgmatic --config %h/dotfiles/borgmatic/personal-drive.yaml --verbosity 2 check
You can then start the service with:
#+begin_src shell :eval no
systemctl --user start drive-backup.service
You can also stop it with the =stop= subcommand (e.g., ~systemctl --user stop drive-backup.service~) and restart it with =restart= (e.g., ~systemctl --user restart drive-backup.service~).
If you want to enable it at startup, you can go with =enable= subcommand.
(To disable it, use the =disable= subcommand.)
#+begin_src shell :eval no
systemctl --user enable drive-backup.service
systemd will use the configuration file as-is by the time it is started/enabled.
Which means if the config file has been modified after activation, it will not take effect until you restarted it.
For this, you can reload the daemon with =daemon-reload= subcommand.
But for simpler cases, you can use the =reload= subcommand without fully restarting the daemon.
#+begin_src shell :eval no
systemctl --user reload drive-backup.service
# You could also use...
# systemctl --user daemon-reload
# ...if you need a stronger option.
** Service configuration
There are different types of services.
There are different types of services.
- The most common type of service is =simple= which considers the unit active after the main process is forked (e.g., =Service.ExecStart=).
- The most common type of service is =simple= which considers the unit active after the main process is forked (e.g., =Service.ExecStart=).
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#+title: SUSE Cloud native fundamentals scholarship program
#+title: SUSE Cloud native fundamentals scholarship program
#+date: "2021-06-07 18:21:19 +08:00"
#+date: "2021-06-07 18:21:19 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-06-19 17:31:22 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-07-02 18:58:12 +08:00"
#+language: en
#+language: en
@ -146,3 +146,14 @@ Best practices for application deployment:
+ GitHub Actions enables event-listening jobs
+ GitHub Actions enables event-listening jobs
+ each job are then divided into steps
+ each job are then divided into steps
+ you can configure GitHub Actions through =.github/workflows= inside of the GitHub repo
+ you can configure GitHub Actions through =.github/workflows= inside of the GitHub repo
- in this chapter, they go with ArgoCD which is an application deployment frontend to Kubernetes clusters
- with similar configurations, you may want to use templates;
this is where configuration managers come in;
this course chooses Helm as the tool of the trade as it is integrated into ArgoCD
- Helm is a configuration manager
+ it mainly manages charts which are basically packages in a package manager
+ a chart contains parameterized values which is mainly done through Go templates
+ Helm recognizes a chart with the =Chart.yaml= file that contains metadata about the deployment
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#+title: The basics of Nix package manager
#+title: The basics of Nix package manager
#+date: "2021-06-05 12:34:49 +08:00"
#+date: "2021-06-05 12:34:49 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-06-30 22:36:30 +08:00"
#+date_modified: "2021-06-30 23:01:51 +08:00"
#+language: en
#+language: en
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ Taking it up to the next level with NixOS, your whole installation.
* Ecosystem
* Ecosystem
Nix has tools to make setting up environments easier.
Nix has several tools that integrates them into the already existing ecosystem of developer tools.
- [[https://direnv.net/][direnv]] has [[https://github.com/direnv/direnv/wiki/Nix][integration with Nix]] as well as a lot of editors
- [[https://direnv.net/][direnv]] has [[https://github.com/direnv/direnv/wiki/Nix][integration with Nix]] as well as a lot of editors.
- [[https://github.com/nix-community/lorri][lorri]] replaces nix-shell integrating with direnv
- [[https://github.com/nix-community/lorri][lorri]] replaces nix-shell integrating with direnv.
- [[https://github.com/nmattia/niv][niv]] provides a easier way to manage dependencies though it will be easier with Nix flakes
- [[https://github.com/nmattia/niv][niv]] provides a easier way to manage dependencies though it will be easier with Nix flakes.
- [[Nix flakes]] is an upcoming feature for Nix, replacing the traditional Nix channels into a decentralized set of derivations that can be retrieved from anywhere similar to Go modules [fn:: At a glance, anyways. I'm not experienced enough with Go to say that with utmost confidence.]
- [[Nix flakes]] is an upcoming feature for Nix, replacing the traditional Nix channels into a decentralized set of derivations that can be retrieved from anywhere similar to Go modules [fn:: At a glance, anyways. I'm not experienced enough with Go to say that with utmost confidence.].
- [[https://cachix.org/][Cachix]] is a cache service enabling to easily distribute binaries built with Nix.
- [[https://cachix.org/][Cachix]] is a cache service enabling to easily distribute binaries built with Nix.
@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ let overlay = self: super:
# TODO: Bring more examples
For another example, you can see some examples from [[https://github.com/neovim/neovim/blob/f695457f815544d0dc16469569c70556e3165bb6/contrib/flake.nix][Neovim]] and [[https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/-/tree/685f4971ac0deb31b301e9d2bc0201d2531fd895/nix][Veloren]] (which also uses Nix flakes).
For another example, you can see some examples from [[https://github.com/neovim/neovim/blob/f695457f815544d0dc16469569c70556e3165bb6/contrib/flake.nix][Neovim]] and [[https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/-/tree/685f4971ac0deb31b301e9d2bc0201d2531fd895/nix][Veloren]] (which also uses Nix flakes).
You can set overlays automatically either by setting =nixpkgs.overlays= from your system configuration or =~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/= folder for user-specific settings.
You can set overlays automatically either by setting =nixpkgs.overlays= from your system configuration or =~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/= folder for user-specific settings.
@ -150,7 +149,46 @@ github:edolstra/dwarffs/f691e2c991e75edb22836f1dbe632c40324215c5
Let's build from one of the outputs of call_flake-sample-object().
Let's build from one of the outputs of call_flake-sample-object().
#+begin_src shell :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell" :results silent :exports none
#+begin_src shell :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell"
#! nix-shell -i bash -p nixUnstable
#! nix-shell -i bash -p nixUnstable
nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' build '<<flake-sample-object()>>#checks.aarch64-linux.build'
nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' build 'github:edolstra/dwarffs#checks.aarch64-linux.build'
nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' shell 'github:edolstra/dwarffs' --command dwarffs --version
: fusermount version: 2.9.9
For full reproducibility, you can refer to specific point of a flake (e.g., commit).
To easily get a pinned URL, you can run =flake metadata= subcommand.
#+begin_src shell :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell"
#! nix-shell -i bash -p nixUnstable
nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' flake metadata 'github:edolstra/dwarffs' | sed -e "s/\x1b\[.\{1,5\}m//g"
Resolved URL: github:edolstra/dwarffs
Locked URL: github:edolstra/dwarffs/f691e2c991e75edb22836f1dbe632c40324215c5
Description: A filesystem that fetches DWARF debug info from the Internet on demand
Path: /nix/store/769s05vjydmc2lcf6b02az28wsa9ixh1-source
Revision: f691e2c991e75edb22836f1dbe632c40324215c5
Last modified: 2021-01-21 22:41:26
├───nix: github:NixOS/nix/6254b1f5d298ff73127d7b0f0da48f142bdc753c
│ ├───lowdown-src: github:kristapsdz/lowdown/1705b4a26fbf065d9574dce47a94e8c7c79e052f
│ └───nixpkgs: github:NixOS/nixpkgs/ad0d20345219790533ebe06571f82ed6b034db31
└───nixpkgs follows input 'nix/nixpkgs'
#+begin_src shell :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell"
#! nix-shell -i bash -p nixUnstable
nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' shell github:edolstra/dwarffs/f691e2c991e75edb22836f1dbe632c40324215c5 --command dwarffs --version
: fusermount version: 2.9.9
Reference in New Issue
Block a user