Unix shell programming: the next 50 years
Unix shell is a long-standing tool with its cruft and history built over the past decades;
the goodies
ease of composition gluing tools together easily
mostly found on Unix systems
capabilities for data streaming
interactivity and automation
the blockers
too dynamic with its environment that
ease of composition of tools made of different programming languages with different properties made it difficult for research
there's no single shell environment; the current ecosystem is made of multiple implementation of the POSIX shell which is made of ~300pp describing the language, arbitrary behaviors, and extraneous tools to go along with it
the solvable blockers
no easy way to handle errors; it can mean the life or death of a system with a misspelling
not-so-good framework for asynchronous jobs; performance is acceptable for single-threaded systems but not for multi-threaded ones; that said, it does exist once you've made yourself familiar with it
redudant computation; several tools like roam:GNU Make does address it but not fully
not exactly fitting with the modern deployment systems
some projects to look forward to
Posh and Pash