:PROPERTIES: :ID: ff0d49d3-e0b3-45fe-8964-0af611eaa20f :END: #+title: We are more structured than associative #+date: 2021-07-22 14:13:16 +08:00 #+date_modified: 2021-07-22 14:13:24 +08:00 #+language: en - our [[id:1e135aee-0464-4756-9f55-bbf12afe8254][Chunking]] behavior eventually lead into chunking general information; it can form into a shallower forms of opinions and generalizing information - despite that [[id:9f1f35dd-7cf9-4f47-a9a9-b647e5daa2af][We are more associative than structured]], we enforce structure to make some sense to the world around us - this tends to tribalism; people love to categorize themselves into groups; furthermore, we like communicating with like-minded people - regarding tribalism, this comes down with how most people treat categorization